Nearly every scrawl penned upon each faded line, had been memorized. An escalating list of time stamps housing an assortment of significant events in his personalized history. Within the pages of that brown, tattered leather-backed diary, lay the key moments that defined his very existence. Within a mind of clogged and scattered fragments, the written physical record still proved a necessary requirement. That old brown diary. A parting gift from a mother long gone so she and the rest of his future may still remain as vivid and clear as present day. He recalled his eleventh birthday. Receiving the book and all the responsibilities that came with it.
A tinny female voice called out from behind him, though it was not the one he longed to here again. ”James… James, can you hear me?”
He let out a heavy, resigned sigh. ”Yes. I’m here, Kim.” The despondency is his tone caused a slight pause. ”Is everything OK with you, James? You feeling alright?” She asked. ”Just fine, thanks. I was reminiscing about a few things. Nothing to affect what we’re here for so don’t worry.”
He willed out the restless emotions that had surfaced at the most inopportune time possible. ”I’m ready whenever you are, Kim.” The microphone next to his left ear fell silent for the next several seconds. ”OK, James. One last thing before we begin..” She resumed in a hushed tone. ”And take this as a personal piece of advice from me to you. You’re spending a lot of money here today as do all our clients. So take your time and carefully think about which memories you wish to keep. Prioritize is the name of the game. You can of course come back to us for another session at a later date but that’ll mean another hefty price tag. I don’t want you having any regrets afterwards.”
”Thanks for the concern, Kim. But that’s all taken care of.” He replied. ”You may find this hard to believe but I own… something like a dairy. I always made it a strict point to note down the date, time and duration of any important event in my life. And to read through the entire thing at least twice a week, making sure I keep that information secured in my brain.”
He heard a muffled titter through the headset. ”That’s a first, James! We’ve had clients here that must have spent up to four hours just trying to locate one specific memory. Believe me, we’ve seen it all. But I must say, that’s some creative thinking on your part.”
”Actually, it was my mother’s idea.” He explained. ”She gave me the diary when I turned eleven. She’d already kept her own personal log of my life within the same book. You know, the times she assumed I’d also consider to be memorable down the line. So, in essence, the reigns were handed over to me from then onward. My very first entry being that birthday itself. It was also the day I discovered about my hidden ability. You can imagine what an unforgettable day that must have turned out to be.”
”Well, sounds like we’ve got a man with a plan in our midst.” She remarked as she fingers could be heard racing over a display screen. ”So, with that great build up from you, we’re all set. Now, look directly at the “Years” menu in front of you and blink once.”
James shifted his line of sight over to the large, blue floating font, then gave one prolonged bat of his eyelids. The writing fell away as a black box emerged in it’s place together with a long slider bar below it. ”Whoa! What a rush that was.” He gasped.
”It’s alright. You’ll get used to it.” She continued. ”Now, do you see the numerals written underneath the bar?”
”Sure. I see them just fine.” He noticed the timeline began from a hundred years back and progressed in sequential order until present day. ”Great.” Kim proceeded. ”So, just blink again at the year you wish to go to and your selection will be highlighted with a red circle around it.” He did as she asked and went exactly six years back. A bright, crimson oval encompassed the displayed year as well as a stationary yet detailed picture appearing in the hitherto black box. James opened his eyes wide with astonishment. ”The old street I used to work at. I recognise it!” He cried. The startling clarity presented an almost lifelike feel to the image. Another melodious chuckle sounded out. ”That’s the usual initial response we get."
”Sorry about that. I’ll try to control my emotions from now. But I gotta say. This thing is really something else."
”OK. Now, blink at the “Back” button in the bottom corner and you’ll be at the main menu again.” James found the whole system fascinating. Kim seemed to be right about the speed of getting accustomed to navigating through the various menus. Once he returned to the main section, the year he chose was circled at the bottom left of the display screen. ”And that’s pretty much all there is to it!” She declared. ”The other menus work in exactly the same fashion. You pick a month and the timeline will represent that particular period, together with your pre-selected year. The hours and minutes will also correspond to your previous selections. Just continue to browse through your life’s history and the process will soon become second nature. Have you any more questions, James?” He sat in awe, dumbstruck for a moment before letting out a muted ”No, I’ll be fine from here.”.
”Fantastic” Kim said. ”One final thing. Let me know beforehand when you’re ready to go ahead and make your choices for storage. I’ll be online in case you have any other queries. Have fun!”
James felt fresh injections of adrenaline cruise through his body. This was the moment he had anticipated and dreaded his whole life, all consolidated into one confused, disorientating emotion. An opportunity to relive an encyclopaedia of collated information. The excitement was electric.
Over the next three hours, James recalled all those diary dates stashed away within the corners of his mind and perused through a library of precious times. Dolores and himself sitting at a restaurant table. Him wearing a list of things to talk about on their first date, which he haphazardly scratched into his forearm in biro to read under the table when she was not looking. The food they ate. The blonde waitress who had her hair pinned back in a ponytail. The couple across the room from them sipping on wine all evening. Every recollection spewed forth onto the miniature windows in his headset.
One by one, James reeled off every special occasion, happy time and treasured moments he could think of. Their wedding day. The enormous cake they had ordered. He viewed himself and best friend, Clive, carry it into the pavilion. A hair's breadth from dropping it at one point. Fast forward to walking down the aisle, the priest standing in front of him, the crowd sitting behind. Him lifting the white veil to meet a pair of the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Every recollection, a pin-sharp first person recording of utter perfection. He wondered to himself how an hour would be enough to condense all these prized possessions onto one tiny, limited storage medium. Maybe Kim was right and he might have to make a return visit, he thought.
Through all the imprinted dates time-stamped onto his mind’s eye, this particular entry kept making it’s presence felt more than a few times already. A date he tried hard to banish to the nether regions of his subconscious, but to no avail. His concentration at trying to dismiss the date only managed to garner more focus upon it. Jubilation gradually turned to morbid curiosity as he knew the chance lay sprawled at his feet.
He bit into his lip hard as the whirling tornado of determination and delight subsided. A nervous ache rose from his gut. He shut his eyes and pondered for what seemed like ages. A decision that could have far reaching repercussions for months on end. James remembered Dolores making her recommendations known about his visitation to Digital Realities. What not to view. Avoiding certain mental artefacts that were, up until now confined to the abyss of discarded dreams. But he could not help himself. The date and time were etched into his very soul now and just one last look may put his inner demons to rest. He input the desired date and time into the system, gripped the sides of his seat with both hands and readied himself.
For a split second, the woman who manifested before him bore no resemblance to how he had envisioned her. But as the seconds flit by, a deep pain wrenched hard at every fibre of his heart. He realised he had tried to shun her memory from his mind's eye. Erasing even key details of her facial features. The fine contours of her face, the shallow lines upon her brow. Anything to destroy the agony of remembering her. But now there she stood, looking at him once more by the open front door. The same endearing smile, filled with love and devotion. The breeze blowing strands of her mat brown hair across her face. Her favourite grey cardigan wrapped around delicate shoulders. The last remaining remnant of the woman he once considered his entire world. The faces in those nightmares he endured on an almost daily basis. He now understood. They were twisted abominations of the woman he saw in front of him at this very moment. His mind's attempt to scribble out the tortuous reminders of the past.
His hands began to tremble, tears running down his cheeks and collecting upon the inner plastic rim of the headset. ” I miss you so much, mother. I'm so sorry.”. He whispered.
Kim returned a reply not a second later. ”Sorry, James. What was that? Is everything OK?”
”I'm not doing his anymore!” James repeated. He found his whole environment to be toxic and struggled to breath, talking in huge lugs of air.
”Listen to me, James.” She asserted over the microphone. ”What happened? Calm down and tell me what the problem is.”
”No!” Kim heard the headset smash upon the floor and the halting sobs of James in the background. ”God, I’m sorry, mother!” he wailed. ”What was I doing? Please forgive me!”
Kim grabbed the telephone and dialled. ”Yes” A gentleman with answered back. ”Dr. Grey. It’s James. I’m not sure what’s going on but I think we’ve got a problem. Please come down to Unit 7 as fast as you can.”
(To Be Continued)

Hello @ezzy do you publish anywhere else, like books on Amazon, or etsy, or have you thought about putting audio versions of your works on YouTube with sound effects or background music? Deep stuff!!!!!!!!!
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Oh mate! What an awesome pic, love it!
I've got some material that I'm saving for publishing at some point. But man, thanks for saying so. And yeah, an audiobook would be crazy! My man, @verbal-d, began one of my books a while ago and is waiting for me to complete it. He's awesome at what he does!
Thanks so much, man and again, very creative thinking with the choice of imagery! :)
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Once again I have another to read, and once again you left off at the precisely perfect moment of needing to get to the next chapter. I nearly decided to just comment about both on the next one again, but exercised a little self-control :)
Awesome my friend, loving it!
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Hey, awesome @dreemit!
Thanks very much. Going for a slightly different angle on a formula that's been done a few times already. Hope I can pull it off as it will get a little tricky soon, lol! :)
Bless, @dreemit! :)
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a good have talent...keep it work. Upvoted and following you
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Thank you so much, @charles1! I'll keep doing my best and hopefully deliver consistently.
Bless, man. :)
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Deep, great read!
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Thanks, partner! :)
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Very descriptive and captivating. Great job @ezzy
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Bless, my bro. Thanks. :)
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Amazing work. You're a talanted artist and should think about writing a book or something.
Cheers and al the best for your fiture editions of the article :)
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Thanks very much, sir! I've written most of my official book "The Symbiotic Protocol" and gotta clean up the last few remaining chapters (they're finished though).
Bless you for stopping by, pal! :)
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Oh, man! You really dug a deep hole there. It's hard to just sum everything up in a matter of hours. Imagine, your whole life being whittled down to an hour. I wouldn't even know the memories I would put in there. Surely there are a lot of sacrifices to be made.
Masterful stuff, my bro! That tense hook at the end really carried the whole chapter. So much potential! What is Dr. Grey and Kim up to? What happened to James' mother? So many questions in my head. Definitely a mind bender! Great stuff, brother :D
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Hey, my bro!
Man, thanks for the awesome comments! I've been on a roller coaster of busyness these last few days. Last night around 1am, I went to sleep just after reading your latest chapter. Gonna put my thoughts up on that in a bit. But suffice to say, you just continue to impress me everytime.
Your feedback is invaluable to me. And man, you've done me a big favour too! Helping me see the direction you think the story will take! I really appreciate that because I can tell you, it's going off at a complete different hook from you one you're hinting at!
The last thing I want to be is predictable so you letting me know what your thoughts are helps so much! And just to clarify, this story's narrative was finished a while back so I promise you I'm not changing it as I go along. I know what happens from start to finish and just need to put it all in writing, lol.
James's mother committed suicide that same day after seeing him off to school when he was fourteen. This was his last memory of her but that image seems to have haunted him throughout his life. He never quite got over the fact that he never got to say goodbye...
So I can only hope you'll like the angle I'm gonna use for this one, my bro!
Bless you right down the socks you wear on your feet, lol! An inspiration to us all, good sir. Thanks! :)
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I'm glad to be of service any way I can, brother! I await patiently to read about your thoughts :D Yeah, it's always great to be unpredictable, and it's quite hard to do especially once you have established an identity. You have to think of ways that your fans don't expect, but still make everything coherent.
Oh shoot... I didn't know that. Wait a minute! Why was I supposed to say sorry for his loss! HAHAHA! He's a fictional character for God's sake. That's your power, man. That's your power haha Was it mentioned before? I don't recall reading that. Did I miss it or did it slip my mind? Perhaps I need to make a trip to Digital Realities to recover that memory.
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I just double checked, but yep, was mentioned back in Part 2.
But it's kool, bro. I'm so busy lately I could have easily missed it out, lol. Again, your feedback is invaluable. So looking forward to my journey through this story.
Bless you, man! :)
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Ah shoot, sorry about that, brother. I read every word, so it must've just slipped my mind. I'm terribly busy as well, as you can imagine. Juggling lots of thoughts in my head. Man, I'm so bummed I missed out on that important detail...
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Please don't apologise, bro! As you said, you're in a crazy busy space right now. I'm just glad you stopped by when you got the time. :)
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Can't wait to read the next post as I'm a part behind here....
....Great lineDownvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Nice one, bro. Thanks for stopping by and hope everything is going well your side. Keep on pushing, brother! :)
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GREAT WRITER. I will appreciate if you can check up mine here:
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let me call you writng because you write well
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Whoa, @ezzy. Emotionally charged chapter! James seeing his mother after her suicide and after all this time must have torn him up something bad. Plus that was his last memory of her. He was so young as well and that adds even more weight to the whole narrative.
And the way you write! I can relate to how he must have been on a roller coaster of emotions seeing all those distant parts of his past. Very intense and thrilling finish. Please post the next one up soon. Absolutely fantastic work, @ezzy.
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Hey @myb! First as always, lol! Thanks very much!
Yeah, I reckon things like these are not too far off into the future. Encapsulating our thoughts and bottling them up for future reference. Interests me to the max, hence this story I'm writing.
In the prologue, it was mentioned that his father had passed on. Basically, his mother had become his world and everything in it. Her passing hit him real hard and now seeing her for the first time as he had done that fateful day. Well, it broke him, to say the least.
Thanks so much for your undying support and encouragement. Stick around to see where this all goes. Hopefully you won't be disappointed.
Bless, my brother! :)
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