For the Love of Hurt (My Original Flash Fiction)steemCreated with Sketch.

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


The earth was still soft and moist, having been freshly tilled and patted down by the flat side of the gravedigger’s shovel. The woman he had loved all those years lay beneath his muddied shoes, separated by a thick layer of compressed mud and gravel. A few moments ago, he stared in disbelief as the coffee-coloured rectangular box lowered into the gaping, rugged maw. A confusing array of thoughts streamed through his mind’s eye. Those sweet loving hands that doted on him as he lay sick in bed, that fed him when hunger called, that clothed him when he was unable to do so on his own. That strong foundation stone of strength he reached out to at the hardest of times, yet always available to lend comfort and assistance when need be. Though from this moment forth, just an embodiment of precious thoughts and endearing recollections. The raw pain cut deep and remain it would.

He bent over to scoop up some of the scant surface soil. Clammy, crust-ridden chunks seemed to cling to his fingertips as the content were poured into his coat pocket. He swore he would treasure them till his dying day. Swap his entire fortune for what those fragments of dried earth represented. The final physical artefacts that symbolised a monumental turning point in his otherwise ordinary life. He glanced back to the black hearse at the far end of the road. His wife stood dutiful by it’s side, hands clasped together and rested on the front of her black satin dress. She understood the steadfast importance of her role in his life and the gravity of change that was to come for them both. At that instant, a sliver of sun-kissed rays shone down through a narrow opening in the clouds, dowsing her in an almost angelic aura. She looked as radiant and beautiful as the day they had first met, causing him to purse his lips together and nod.

Time was pressing on and it made no sense to prolong this emotional agony. He was sure to return and pay his humble respects on many an occasion to come. At present, his mental state was a searing open wound. The healing process had to start sometime, so why not now, he thought. The most important person in his life would now live on in his dreams and through fond reminiscing’s. The world would keep on spinning and he promised to do everything in his power to make her decades of altruistic laboured hard work a justifiable one. Even only in spirit if nothing else.

”I love you.” He whispered under his breath before averting his eyes and heading for the lone figure waiting for him by the car. That moment would go on to stay with him forever.

One chapter closed shut as another one opens...


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

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This totally made me think of Echoes of Tomorrow's Past. Could this be a scene from James' new reality? Perhaps a symbolic letting go of his mother? Definitely getting strong James-Dolores vibes.

In any case, the whole sequence reads like a heart-rending symphony that takes readers through a roller coaster ride of hope and sadness. The slow crawl really accentuated the beats, and your masterful descriptions certainly pushed this over the top. Should we really be surprised that you're able to come up with such a poignant masterpiece? I've said it before, but it bears repeating, the bar should be raised just to meet your standards, brother!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My dear @jedau. Thanks for such touching, heartfelt words. And your connection regarding "Echoes..." just goes to show your incredible ability to piece snippets of information together and construct something great out of it. Honestly, some phenomenal raw talents you got there. Ones I could only wish to possess.

But again, you words are priceless and unforgettable. Actually, this short piece has some personal connotations of a particularly rough period in my life. So the narrator could just as well have been me. Events like this in someone's life can take a person to their absolute limits. That kind of grief is nothing to be waved at lightly, it's horrifying to say the least. But expressing things these experiences through the written word can be therapeutic as well as healing. And the very same thing could be said of "your" words, brother...

Thank you so much, man.

I figured. The way you wrote about James' experience just seems to hit too close to home. I'm sure that your mother is proud of what you have accomplished. You have made a name for yourself, and you've done so by honoring her legacy time and again. In a way, you immortalize her in the STEEM blockchain through your stories.

That's really warm and heartfelt for you to say, my brother. I pray your words are lined with strong layers of truth behind them.

Another fantastic piece of flash fiction! Well done bro!

Thank you very much, my top bro! :)

Oh ezzy, that was simply beautiful. I think one of your greatest strengths as a writer is your ability to capture a scene so vividly the reader can feel the dirt falling through our own hands, the warmth of the sun, even the satin of his wife's dress. We are transported there, standing alongside the grieving son, feeling what he does. Utterly brilliant my lovely friend.

I've been having a heck of a time getting comments to post, and I keep getting behind on everything because of the glitching of steemit. Hopefully that resolves soon.

Heya awesome @dreemit! Thanks so much for the kind praise! Very sweet and humbling words indeed. Unfortunately, this particular piece hits a little closer to home than I would have liked, but that's part of the ever-changing twists and turns of life.

You're such a breath of fresh air whenever you grace any of my posts with your presence. Been feeling a little under the weather of late so I thank you for putting a smile on my face today.

Thank you so much, sweet sweet @dreemit. :)

Ezzy! I should have checked to see if my reply had posted, I did reply to this and only now thought about how unusual it was that you wouldn't have replied back. I am so sorry, I feel terrible since it must have appeared that I ignored this :(

I re-read this after your reply and found myself in tears, I wish I could hug you. And @rea too. Sending you all of my love and kisses and hugs.

What a beautiful piece @ezzy. I thought of my own mom as I read this and shed a tear. Someday this man you wrote will be me. :(

Excuse me, I need to go tell my mom I love her.

Thank you, my friend! Yes, that used to be my greatest fear in life. That's always been one of my worst fears. Being separated from the ones I love the most. But, of course, I realise the passing of time changes everything eventually. So make the best of today and have less regrets tomorrow.

Bless you for stopping by, man. :)

So different from the other selections of yours that I have read. This one full of raw grieving emotion, the light ray portending good things for him and his wife, as if the mother was looking down on her. the scenery depiction, it is like I am standing next to an oak in a corner away from the grave and watching it unfold, absolutely wonderful scene.

Hey there, @bashadow! Yeah, this was a path I've never trodden down since my time on Steemit. But one I'm glad I did. After all, I feel being able to describe an extreme spectrum of emotions is key to a writer's ability to convey every message possible to the reader. I'm really grateful you let me know I'm on the right track. Really meaningful comment by you and humbly appreciated.

Thanks very much, buddy. Bless... :)

I think you are on the right track. Emotions are of prime importance when character building, making them seem real. But they need to be consistent with the character. If he is an asshole, he needs to be one, unless something happens that changes the character.

Beautifully said. An absolute fundamental concept to implement when putting together a half decent work of fiction.

Absolutely beautiful and touching writing there, @ezzy. Again, you pulled me right in with your descriptive storytelling. Poetic and sorrowful. Great stuff. Awaiting the next chapter of your book too. Don't leave us hanging to long, lol!

Thank you very much, man! Just trying out a few different things there. Glad it worked out to your liking. Thanks again for amazing support. Take care, my friend. :)

Good heavens Ezzy, you did it again. I could almost feel the sorrow and the pain of this man at the grave. You have so much talent and I'm glad I can read your stories.

Hey there, @clio! That's very sweet of you to say, thank you! Just attempting to flex my literary muscle, so to speak, lol.

Hope you are doing great and thanks again! :)

You had me at "rugged maw". I really didn't even consider that Steemit could be a platform for "flash fiction". What a fantastic concept. You do a great job of painting this character's nuanced psychological acrobats. It hurts man. I could hear how quietly he says, "I love you...". Straight up brutal.

Thanks for your vote of confidence in my writing, bud. Really means a lot.

Your story stirs the thoughts of grief and at that time i guess most people would give anything for it to be yesterday again :(

Thanks, @coindevil. If we've lived it, we understand how that feels only too well. Much appreciate you dropping by, buddy. :)

nice story again my friend thanks for nice post rich man.i wish the best for you and your family .

Thanks for the support, buddy. :)

thankss for the your support too.wish the best for you be happy


as usual you are great

Thanks, man. :)

Nice story.. I really enjoy it. I'm looking forward for more.

Nice one, @jakemore. :)

Welcome ..pls add me on discord app my handle is jakemore#2775 ..lets have a chitchat

Good read @ezzy

Thank you, @nrajesh. Hope you are keeping well, buddy. :)

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Beautifully written...following.

Thank you kindly, bud. :)

What amazing story! I would love to write as well as you

Thanks for the kind support, bud. Very, very much appreciated. :)

You truly posess a truly impressive raw talent when it comes to writing @ezzy! I always enjoy being transported to another place in my mind when I read your work brother

Thank you very much for saying, bro. Truly humbled by your kind words... :)

Thank you for sharing!