How Important is “Timing” Within the Cryptocurrency Landscape?

in story •  6 years ago 

Well, it would seem the broader picture provides more clarity for an answer to that question. Since the day we are born, the countdown begins. This finite experience we call life starts to slowly ebb away and what we are left with, is a series of variable moments from which to pick out the best possible path to take for a better future. However, this doesn’t just fall into our lap. Some intervention, on our part, is required to circumvent negative outcomes as well as discover positive ones. And the technological era in which we find ourselves in today, is one of the brightest our lengthy history may have ever known.


I meet up with various counterparts of my social circle on a regular basis and can honestly say, with a fair amount of assertion, that they will never get it. The whole digital landscape in addition to its dubious consequences pertaining to governmental policing, is too much for them to bear. However, because of my wife and I being what some may call “early adopters”, our friends can clearly see the benefits it has had in transforming our "ordinary" lives. Yet, they still refuse to address the elephant in the room. The fact that, back in 2014, when first introduced to cryptocurrency, I could see there was a short and defined period of which to acquire as much as possible. Albeit back then, choices were limited to Bitcoin and the much lesser known Ethereum, but the potential for major gains was well and truly on the table. I’d literally shout from the rooftops at the “opportunity of a lifetime” that lay casually before their feet and all they had to do was conduct a little of their own personal research as well as partake in a modest investment. They mocked and shunned my ramblings. And oh my, how the tables have turned.

But now, I noticed a completely new set of factors at play. For arguments sake, even if they finally "believed" and saw the bigger picture for what it could be, their emotional mind-set will always contradict logic. Feelings such as hurt pride or arriving “too late to the game” are just a few that I’m sure they currently harbour. But what’s the point? Again, as the crypto market begins to turn upwards again at some point in the near future, they’ll blissfully sit by and watch yet “another” tangible opportunity slip through their fingers. It is sad as I only wish they would have been a little more open-minded and taken off the blinkers. We could all have enjoyed this epic journey to the moon together and shared in our personal experiences. Alas, it is not and “will” not ever come to pass.

Now, some may say that they are content with what life has offered them thus far and I totally respect that train of thought. The world is a diverse and volatile place, with the definition of “wealth” relevant to whatever demographic a certain community fits into. But regardless, few can deny the comforts of having a little extra change in your pocket to finance a lifestyle of their choosing. It’s a commonality we all share and consistently strive to improve upon on a daily basis. Which is lucky for us then, in that the revolutionary change that the "blockchain" and its many applications for the world, hasn't even begun yet. The “opportunity” is as prevalent now as it was way back when Bitcoin was just released. However, you just need to look a little closer in the current climate, that’s all.

If it was up to me, I’d want everyone to be financially free and economically stable. That used to be nothing more than a pipe dream. No longer with the advent of crypto and the gradual breakdown of geographical barriers to achieve those freedoms. Thus, going back to the example of my peers, had they a crystal ball that could see into the future and reveal the “right path” to choose, life would be free from indecision. But, seeing as we don’t, all that’s needed is some vision. Imagining an improved “tomorrow” version of yourself “today”, which should in turn, lead to a self-actualization of performing the actions required for that to become a reality. and relating it all back to cryptocurrency, I feel that time is well and truly now.

The window of opportunity is still there, when it comes to getting your foot in the door of the glorious crypto space. The tried and tested formula of “buying up gradually on the way down” changed my life as well as a handful of other savvy individuals I know. The only difference is they didn’t procrastinate when the iron was still hot. They acted on their “inner analytical instinct” and implemented that plan with immediate effect. The issue of "timing" didn’t even come into play. Because the answer to the title of this post is a simple one.

There is no right time, but only the “now”.

Most successful people will tell you the same. As the sands of time continue to run out on our “own” opportunity of life itself, wouldn’t it make perfect sense to capitalize on the present to further secure and enjoy what time we have left? Well, that statement right there has got the word “crypto” written all over it. Act now and thank yourself later. After all, it’s the very least you owe to yourself…

Love ‘n’ respect, my Steemian friends! Enjoy, shape your own destiny and climb as high as you can possibly go!


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

*(Sources: 1,2,3,4)

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"Thus, going back to the example of my peers, had they a crystal ball that could see into the future and reveal the “right path” to choose, life would be free from indecision. "

I doubt they will even trust the crystal ball's predictions! LOL

Very few people can set aside their prejudices and biases, and look at the landscape of the world with a clean set of eyes.

True, buddy. That's one huge failing of so many people out there. Their inability to stay from the "chosen" path and adapt.

Well we're here and we should all be grateful for that.

Without a doubt, bud. :)

This is a beautiful piece. For anyone to succeed , one has to make the move now. Procrastination is an enemy to success.

I remember when I never did anything on time and I wondered why things wernt always moving wel for me till I learnt to take the right steps at the right time.

For real, bro! I used to be the same but in recent years, developed an "urgency" that got me back on track. You'll do well, man. No doubt... :)

Timing is very vital as an investor point of view and especially when it involves crypto currencies because of the volatility of the crypto market. You must know when to buy and when to sell of except you are holding as a long-term investor but it also involves timing

Yes...Especially when the time is as good as it is now. :)

Feelings such as hurt pride or arriving “too late to the game” are

And yet this is the Madness these same people will be saying 5 years from now i.e " if I had only gotten in at 2018 " :(

Very good article and very thought provoking. You come up with some valid points @ezzy.

I know I need to be a little more "open minded" into investing more in Crytpo than just Steem.

But from where I was a year ago I feel good to have come just this far ;)

Thanks for the kind words, bud. Open-mindedness is a good thing, when placed in the right context. Crypto is a shining example of that. I'm sure you're happy that you started your crypto journey. Stock up now and enjoy the fruits in the near(ish) future. :)

Timing, right...

A few years ago, there's been a guy, a coder, interested in all the new developments in the industry. One day he read about bitcoin, it looked interesting, so he downloaded the miner and started overheating his gamer rig.

A few months in the operation he looked back and saw that for the tokens he mined he could buy a round of drinks to the crew at the local pub. So he said, screw that.

When he bought his next computer, he didn't even bother to transfer the wallet to it. He just formatted the old HD and donated the machine.

Today, that guy knows that if he just kept the wallet, he could buy the damn pub.

So, timing. Right?

Whao! That story almost makes my eyes water! Well, you know how it goes, my friend. A very costly oversight indeed...

It's not that unique of a story either.

Some time back, I've read a study that says that there are some 40 million BTC that are forever lost. A lot of nerds compiled the miner and pumped some heat into their rooms and then said, screw that 😃

Very sad, but then I guess it was looked upon as more of some new "fad" than anything else. Alas...

our friends can clearly see the benefits it has had in transforming our "ordinary" lives.

You know when i heard about steemit, we were two of us, a friend and i, immediately i heard about it, all my curiosity was sparked up, i wanted to get in immediately and know more, however my friend didnt seem to be interested, its almost 5months now, i have advanced in knowledge, relationship and money. My friend still doubts the realness of steemit. I guess i font know how else to show him the magic, abd for the friendships ive made here, awesome!

Defo, buddy. As good as friends are, it's paramount we don't let them hold us back in what we believe. We gotta set our own paths in life. :)

I can remember, if i am right, my first read of your blog was something like this. I was thinking, am i imagining this or my brain is playing with me. Ha Ha.
Can you please join me in your TG? I wanna start now. Need some help from people like you to guide me. I will be indebted to you. actually you already helped me in lots of ways. I am really feel comfortable while talking to you. :)

Very nice words, buddy. Very much appreciated. :)

Welcome buddy.

One of your best pieces, man. This is an absolutely wonderful read.

I just hope I could be there too, someday. As I see the steem slowly dripping every day on my SP, it seems soo difficult to be there someday.

But, hey, here I am, and my dream is intact. Let's just hope for the best, keep working and have a little faith.

Thanks for the kind words, man! Let that sucker drip feed into your SP, bud. What we think is a negligible amount today could be significant tomorrow. Such is the game of crypto. You'll do great, I'm sure. :)

Interesting article, thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you!

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insightful and well research post @ezzy cryptocurrency the best that has happen to world

Nicely put, buddy. I totally agree. The opportunity presented to us mere mortals, is like no other. :)

Yea buddy. We should make good use of it

Yes man you said right if we keep on waiting for the time which we have to take action than we won't get that time .we have to grab the opportunity to make it possible with time .

The "here and now", is everything we have, buddy. :)

Yes you are right mate .

Everything is based on the timing when it comes to crypto currency.

Without a doubt, buddy. :)

Its the early stages. Just stay informed and get in slowly. Thats my plan and I will stick to it.