My Personal Thoughts on "Alien: Covenant"

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Following on from the successes of Prometheus, Ridley Scott once again took hold the reins to direct the highly anticipated sequel, Alien: Covenant. Being the second of a planned trilogy (perhaps even a rumoured quadrilogy), the film was released in May 2017. Though the movie received mostly positive praise from the critics, was everything in Scott’s new vision of the prequel “Alien” saga as it should be?


Events lead on eleven years after the first movie, Prometheus, took place. A colonial ship, the Covenant, is on-route to a planet known as Origae-6 and found to have the necessary resources and habitable environment for human sustenance. The cargo on-board comprise of 2,000 human embryos ready for deployment to begin a brand new civilisation. As the crew are all asleep in crypto stasis, the ship comes under fire from a stellar burst, killing the captain and destroying a few embryos with it. The mandatory on-board synthetic android named Walter (reprised once more by Michael Fassbender) wakes the remaining crew. Whilst repairs are being carried out, they receive a rogue transmission from an as-yet-unidentified planet that appears friendly and human from its source. With another planet similar in attributes to the one they were previously bound for, the crew’s new captain, Oram (played by Billy Crudup) orders a change of course and heads in the direction of this new find. However, one crew member, Daniels (played by Katherine Waterston) objects to this. On arrival to their destination, they find the habitat to be not too dissimilar to Earth’s. Though very soon, things take a sudden turn for the worse when not everything on the planet surface appears how it seems.

Now, with the master of this franchise at the helm once again, it may come as no surprise to know that the atmospheric visuals and background compositions are spot on. In fact, almost identical to the original movie back in 1979. Even down to the opening title sequence, you just know the movie will ooze authenticity on an aesthetic and aural level throughout. And that it certainly does so. Anyone captivated by the scenic wonderment in the previous title Prothemeus will feel right at home here. This is a beautifully shot movie and stays faithful to its roots in that respect. From the subtle flickers of lighting on the main deck of the Covenant to the expansive, gorgeous looking planet surface, this alone makes the movie worth watching just for the sheer mesmerizing eye-candy on offer.

The acting by all cast members was good for the most part. Michael Fassbender seems to have perfected the art of “android acting” and does so outstandingly well here. Katherine Waterston who is the movie’s hard-hitting heroine exhibits certain *Sigourney-esque” traits when the action heats up and delivers as a believable female lead, emotionally torn by the loss of her husband when the ship came under attack at the start. The protomorph, introduced during the final sequence of the previous movie, plays a larger part here. Suitably ferocious and fearsome, these part-hybrid incarnations of the actual xenomorph itself were an interesting take on the established lore making up the historical origins of the “Alien” universe. And finally, it should come as no surprise that we do get to see the actual “fully evolved” version of the creature we all love to fear. Yes, the familiar sight of the genuine article xenomorph does make a welcome appearance and should please those who were waiting to see them again up close and personal after a long wait.

So, is everything else in the movie up to the same standards of the acting, visuals and sound? In a word, no. Sadly, the major flaw of this picture is with the underlying narrative. Events in many places during it’s 122 minute run-time seem either unfinished, confusing, or to put it bluntly, lazy. The complex alien life-cycle that was ingeniously perfected by the master himself H. R. Giger seems to have been thrown by the wayside. Without trudging into spoiler territory here, many aspects of the xenomorph (for example alien incubation times or even the manner of the parasitic alien impregnation method) just don’t add up at times or display any coherent timeline continuity. Even the “Engineers” from the previous movie have been all but abandoned in favour of a more by-the-numbers horror flick. The potential to flesh out the intriguing elements laid out in Prometheus was a huge missed opportunity and it honestly saddens me to say that when all the other ingredients of the movie were of such a high calibre. Granted, Ridley Scott is imparting his interpretation of how he wanted this new spate of prequels to play out, but I feel he should have at least adhered to the rich and defined lore that precedes it. And this problematic issue only continues to rears its ugly head further as the movie’s third act draws to its conclusion. I can only wonder how things will progress from now, given these new obscure and nonsensical factors slotted into the current narrative state. I guess we shall just have to wait and see.

At the end of the day, Alien: Covenant can be enjoyed on a superficial level. If you want a straight up horror movie featuring your one and only favourite killing machine doing what it does best, this will satiate your bloodthirsty cravings. But anyone who acknowledges the detailed machinations of the “Alien” saga and expects a suitably coherent story to compliment the franchise we all know and love, will walk away sorely disappointed. I await with a tentative expectancy as to how the third, and possible final, movie pans out.

My Verdict: (6/10)


*Source: (1,2,3,4,5)

Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

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Michael Fassbender's android acting is really impressive, even a little freaky if I'm perfectly honest. He must have put a lot of hours in front of the mirror to perfect those subtle robotic mannerisms.

Oh, I'm as impressed as you are. He is a fine actor to say the least and did well to barely pull this movie away from being "unwatchable". Here's to hoping the next one rights so many of the wrongs in this one. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great review again bro! I will not read the whole article now, because I haven´t seen the movie so far, but I will visit this post again after I have watched it. 👌 Or is there no spoiler in this review here above @ezzy?

Thanks, my bro! But you don't have to worry as I haven't included any spoilers. None of my reviews do unless expressly mentioned beforehand.

Hope you are keeping well! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ok great, thanks for the feedback bro, I have read it now and it´s really nice! :-)

Maybe it´s a good idea to add a notice that there is no spoiler inside your post at the beginning of your movie review articles, so that people are not worried to read the full article. Like me, Haha :D

I don't know how you are able to nail these reviews everytime - you are so much better than any 'real' critic out there.

I enjoyed the start of the film, but it certainly went down once they were on the planet.

Thanks very much, bro! I only say it how I see it! Unfortunately, it was one of those movies that started with promise but went downhill real fast. You're spot on. :)

Hah, how many times did they use slipping on blood to ensure someone died/they missed the alien?

Thanks Ezzy :) I've skipped the plot part and just read your impressions. I'm going to watch it as soon as I have some time to relax and rewatch Prometheus, I might actually pull a mini-marathon.

I've read enough of your reviews by now to be confident that my impressions will probably match yours, anyway. Great visuals - confusing narrative seems to be far too common in movies these days. Too bad.

Keep up the good work!

That means a lot, bro. Thanks for the kind words. And yes, the problems that plague this movie happen far too often in cinema these days. Something's gotta give... :)

Healthy review my Man.. I might even say Girthy ;)

Yea, tis one had a lot of potential, didn't totally deliver in my eyes.

I really liked Prometheus much more except for some of the acting in Prometheus was just horrible lol.

I also usually prefer a Sci Fi flavour to the horror Film or Action edge whenever possible.

I've seen many a potentially awesome Sci Fi flicks go down the drain real fast when they start to break away from their roots.

Thanks for the kind words, @jaybird!

Yeah, I too really liked Prometheus and felt it set up an interesting angle the subsequent movies could have followed up on. Alas, I feel there is a lot of reparation to be carried out after Covenant. Sci-fi is a genre I truly love (but I also have a soft spot for horror too, lol). I know what you mean about movies straying from their roots. Best case example is this one! :)

Haha Girthy is probably the kindest word i know.

I felt like Ridley forgot what movie he was making as the film became literally run aground on David's planet. I felt like it was never going to end.
Also, I felt like they turned a horror film into a non-horror film :D
Don't know a better way to explain it :D
ps. another great review ;)

Sadly, I echo your thoughts. I felt it was a huge missed opportunity and one that may even hinder the upcoming third production in the process. They have carved out a whole new section of alien mythos and slotted it into its universe. Let's see the direction they take from here.

Thank you also for your kind words. :)

This is a great review. I think the movie could have left off where Prometheus did, my own two cents. But it was a solid movie in the series and answered many questions.

It was acceptable as a straight-up horror movie. I give it that. But I agree with you in that some questions were answered. But I feel it still had its issues...

Thanks for stopping by. :)

Yes agreed! As a fan I would have really liked if they had left off with the doctor and Michael in space then show how he went crazy and killed all the colonists, then bring in the new crew years later!

Sweet, time to dodge this one, was wondering about it

Lol. I mean, you may get away with a "one-time" watch but anything more than that would be pushing it. Forgettable at the very least, my friend. :)

Great review! I really enjoyed both Prometheus and this movie. Covenant got a little long in places and didn't have as much action as I would have liked, but I was happy to learn more about the engineers. I really hope the 3rd in this series spends more time explaining the history and civilization of the engineers. It provides some nice backstory to a very cool series. I've taken to reading some of the books in the alien universe to get me through till the 3rd movie comes out.

I feel like the whole story was not good enough and the cgi was ok the characters were not convincing and it was all around all in all a 5/10

"Though the movie received mostly positive praise from the critics"

Which movie doesn´t receive mostly positive praise by critics? It is the same with games. If you want to have honest and thoughtful opinions you better surf forums and fansites...I agree with most of what you say. There are more flaws however.

Characters are redundant and die off like flies and you don´t even know who they are. They do really stupid stuff that leads to predictable situations. The somehow gay relationship between both androids was weird and had no relevance to the story.

Oh man, all of these movie reviews for films I've yet to see haha, I can't even read for fear of spoilers. However, I did read your last line to find out your opinion on it overall, and it probably isn't going on my top ten must watch based on traipse over to prometheus and glimpse your take, see if I have something to watch tonight ;)

What a bummer that the sequel didn't live up to its predecessor. Now that I've read it, I'm second guessing whether or not I should even give this one the time of day. It's a shame that they dispatched of Shaw so easily and replaced her with a different heroine. Maybe having her pass the torch would've made this one a better film. It's cool that Fassbender got to play two roles here though!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yep, I had high hopes for this continuation but... Too episodic, like a part of a TV series. If you leave the theatre hungry, not satisfied, hoping for answers from a future film, something is wrong.

Yeh, @chejonte. I hear ya, buddy. And that makes it all the stranger that this movie garnered such favourable reviews. Not sure what was going on there, lol. :)

Thank you for this detailed review. When I was watching the movie I was feeling that something was missing. Although I enjoyed it I wasn't fully satisfied but I couldn't really put it into words. But you are completely right although my rating would probably be a 7/10 ^^

Good. New present movie in 2018

I did not know Billy Crudup was in this! :) (I just entered his name to see what kind of result I got on Steemit)

Haven't seen the film yet. The extent of familiarity is I already know a lot of the plot points (including the ending) as I had listened to Jacob Krueger talk about it in one of his podcast episodes.

One thing I did not expect after listening to that podcast episode...was the story engine subject matter for the entire Alien series was about assault.

Though from what you does seem like you were (like Jacob) hopeful that there would be some sort of a home-run with this film.

You have great reviews. I started following you! because I love movies too. :)

Thanks, buddy. Much appreciated. :)

Excellent. Waiting for the next post :)

Well written, man. But I suddenly want to watch it again. Some parts of it, I have a horror mood! :)

I enjoyed this movie. Btw what do you think about Blade runner 2049 ? some fan theories are stating that that blade runner and covenant universe will conjoin.What do you think about it ?

Wonderful piece. Michael Fassbender fit the part quite well.

I had high expectations and was let down...couldn't hold a candle to the original. More regurgitated hollywood crap...take something successful and ruin it. That is the only thing they're good at these

The first time I am seeing one of your Posts.
I didnt watch the movie yet, but this is a nice review and thanks for not spoiling ;)

All good, buddy. Thanks for stopping by. :)

I think it will be more in the next times ^^
Furthermore all the best :)

Many thanks, man. Same goes to you... :)

Great point, i love that movie.

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