Hey Beard! | Hei Jenggot!

in story •  7 years ago 

Men are the most extraordinary human sex on earth, first created gods in heaven. When Eve was created, Men were thrown into the world, it was not a myth, but a belief.

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Men are identical with physical strength, power and energy. God is all-powerful, creating men more diverse than women, believe it or not, that is his nature.

Generally, women believe, without having to dress up, dress well, throw a smile even without clothing though, Man has its own charm naturally. In fact, several studies have concluded that physical form is not good, even the attraction, for example men fat, bald, thin and black.

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But from that characteristic, most men in adulthood will have feathers on their heads, especially the feathers on the face, if under that? hehehe..might be covered with clothes, so it is not commonly seen, so no need to be discussed.

sometimes, the fur on a man's face is a nickname by a friend, a relative even if you do not know the name of a man but often see it, you will say "The beard was here" or "hey beard, come here". If you do not have a beard, it may be called "Hey long, where are you going ?," or "Oo have a mustache"

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Beard, is a feather that grows on the chin, when thick and widened to the area of the cheek called brewok, usually, men brewok seem more frightening, firm or feels more manly. While Jenggot impression is more macho, certainly the impression of beard and brewok is different.

In recent years, the beard has become the trend of the world's men, many actors, musicians, rockers, students to adolescents like beards, yes a common identity. this time the beard is also identified with a terrorist symbol, a radical believer, that's what westerners say

For that one, I had the experience of being checked by Soetta airport officers because of the dense fur on the chin. At that time I landed in Soetta the day after the suicide bombing at the Cirebon Resort Police, I think it was April 2011. I am not alone, some other men were also asked.

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"Well, what is the event to Jakarta? Why be bearded ?," Well, that's the question of the officer while checking our bags, I do not know anyone else to answer what, they must be a little old with the answer, but I am only a few seconds, and i free.

"Meet friends, I have a beard because I do not want to be called a turtle," I replied a little joking. I thought the officer was angry, but he just smiled as he let me out of the room

Why should the officer be suspicious of me, because it is unlikely that terrorists wear short jeans over knees, black shirts marked with question marks, wearing a black hat with Dream Theater's emblem, holding a pack of cigarettes and wearing a swallow slipper.

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Well get in front of the airport terminal, when I want to ride Damri Bus, there is a shout from the distance "Hey beard, here ..!", I think who, it turns out he's a friend who was waiting by car. Finally Rp 20 thousand survived not to buy tickets Damri.

Yes like that roughly the way I judge a beard and a man. In conclusion, do not shave your beard, because the beard is interesting. Hehehehe.

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Lelaki adalah jenis kelamin manusia luarbiasa di bumi, moyangnya pertama diciptakan dalam surga,saat ada Hawa dia dilempar ke dunia, itu bukan mitos, tapi keyakinan.

Lelaki identik dengan kekuatan fisik, kekuasaan dan energi. Tuhan memang mahakuasa, menciptakan lelaki lebih bercorak dari wanita, diakui atau tidak , memang itu kodratnya.

Umumnya, perempuan harus mengakui tanpa harus berdandan, berpakaian bagus, melempar senyum bahkan tanpa pakaian sekalipun, Lelaki memiliki daya tarik tersendiri secara alami. Malah, banyak penelitian acak selama ini menyimpulkan bentuk fisik yang terlihat kurang, malah bisa menarik, contohnya pria tambun, pelontos, kurus dan hitam.

Tapi dari sekian ciri-ciri itu, umumnya Lelaki saat dewasa akan terlihat bulu di kepalanya, khususnya bulu di lingkar wajah, kalau dibawah itu? hehehe..mungkin tertutup dengan pakaian, sehingga tidak umum terlihat, Jadi tak perlu dibahas.

Bulu di wajah lelaki acapkali jadi panggilan akrab, teman, saudara bahkan bila anda tidak tahu nama seorang lelaki tapi kerap melihatnya, anda akan mengatakan “Si jenggot itu tadi disini” atau “hei jenggot, ya kamu kesini”. Kalau anda tidak berjenggot, mungkin akan dipanggi “hei gondrong, mau kemana?,” atau berkata “Oo si kumis itu ya”

Jenggot, janggut kata temanku di kampung, adalah bulu yang tumbuh di dagu, bila tebal dan melebar ke area pipi disebut Jambang, lazimnya, pria berjambang terkesan lebih sangar, tegas atau terasa lebih jantan. Sedangkan Jenggot kesannya lebih macho, pokoknya aura lelaki berjenggot dengan berjambang beda.

Entah memang seperti itu, beberapa tahun terakhir, jenggot menjadi trend lelaki dunia, aktor, pemusik, rocker, mahasiswa hingga remaja biasa membiarkan wajahnya berjenggot, ya sebentuk identitas umum lah . Saking trendnya, saat ini jenggot juga diidentikkan dengan simbol teroris, penganut paham radikal , itu kata orang barat (bule).

Untuk yang satu itu, Saya punya pengalaman diperiksa petugas bandara Soetta gara-gara bulu lebat di dagu. Waktu itu saya mendarat di Soetta sehari setelah kejadian bom bunuh diri di Polres Cirebon, kalau tidak salah April 2011. Saya tidak sendiri, beberapa pria lainnya juga ikut ditanya.

“Bapak, acara apa ke Jakarta? Kenapa berjenggot?,” ya kira-kira seperti itu pertanyaan petugas sambil memeriksa tas bawaan kami. Saya tidak tahu orang lain menjawab apa, yang pasti mereka sedikit lama dengan jawabannya, tapi saya hanya beberapa detik saja, langsung bebas.

“Bertemu teman, saya berjenggot karena tidak mau disebut kura-kura,” jawabku setengah bercanda. Ku kira si petugas marah, tertanya dia hanya senyum sembari mempersilahkan saya keluar dari ruang periksa.

Lagian si petugas juga harus curiga apa, karena tak mungkin teroris bercelana jeans pendek diatas lutut, berkaos hitam bertuliskan tanda tanya, bertopi pet hitam dengan lambang Dream Theater, memegang sebungkus rokok dan bersandal jepit cap “swallow”.

Nah sampai di depan terminal bandara, saat saya hendak naik Bus Damri, ada yang teriak dari kejauhan “Hei jenggot, sini..!,” kupikir siapa, rupanya teman yang sudah menunggu dengan sedan jadulnya. Alhasil Rp 20 ribu selamat tak jadi beli karcis Damri.

Ya seperti itu kira-kira cara saya menilai jenggot dan lelaki. Kesimpulannya, jangan cukur jenggotmu, karena jenggot itu menarik. Hehehehe.

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kontent krak langsong ta engkol 100 persen.

ditempat saya jenggot itu disebut dengan janggut, dan jambang itu brewok... biasanya orang yang memiliki janggut dan brewok terlihat seram tapi kebanyakan mempunyai hati yang penyabar.