Jangan bertanya berapa hasil

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sahabat Steemian yang baik hati, saya tulus memuji sahabat, di pagi ini saya ada tulisan sedikit moga dapat bermanfaat adanya, suatu saat selepas Subuh suami itu mengayuh Roda Tiganya menuju pasar di dekat desa tetangganya, sekitar 3 km dari rumahnya, keringat mulai membasahi kaos bergambar dua calon Gubernur, yang diterima ketika kunjungan di desanya, namun penumpang tak satupun menghampiri Roda Tiganya, hingga sampai ke pasar, namun mukanya tetap terlihat berseri dan terlihat bibirnya selalu basah dengan lantunan Dzikir berulang.
Di pojok kios kosong ia biasa mangkal, sambil bersandar di Roda Tiganya, ia terlihat mengambil sesuatu dari pesak celananya, ternyata rokok murahan, lalu di sunutnya dengan korek gas yang diambil dari laci Roda Tiganya, asap pun mulai mengepul, namun bibir itu terus berkomat - kamit dengan bacaan Dzikir, terdengar lirih " Suhanallah,walhamdulillah, wala Ilaaha Illallahhu wallahuakbar " terus berulang
Sementara Istrinya di rumah sibuk dengan pekerjaan harian rutinitas ibu rumah tangga, sambil menggendong si kecil ia terlihat sedang menjemur pakaian di samping rumah, Istrinya pun sama bibirnya slalu basah dengan lantunan Dzikir, dan sesekali sholawat Nabi dinyanyikan dengan lagu yang sederhana, namun terdengar adem.
Hari mulai siang, matahari kian meninggi, bapak itu masih bersandar di di Roda Tiganya, terlihat tiga orang menghampirinya, dengan berpakaian jubah coklat, hitam dan putih, ketiga orang tersebut berjenggot panjang dan berkopiah putih, sepertinya "Jamaah Tablih" meminta diantarkan ke Masjid , sekitar 300 meter dari pasar, dengan kayuhan yang berat,karena membawa penumpang bertiga, bapak itu berusaha menyeimbangkan Roda Tiganya, dan Alhamdulillah sampailah di Masjid, yang berkopiah putih menyodorkan satu lembar uang berwarna biru," ambil Pak, Trimakasih", maaf telalu besar Pak uangnya, " ooo tidak mengapa, ambil moga Berkah" , Alhamdulillah, Jazakalloh bi khoirin, timpal bapak pengayuh Roda Tiga.
Dzuhur hampir tiba, bapak memutarkan Roda Tiganya menuju ke rumah, didepan pintu Istri Sholihahnya sedang menunggu,dan di sodorkannya hasil jerih payahnya hari itu," Alhamdulillah", sambil menyeka keringat suaminya.

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Dear friend of Steemian, I sincerely praise my friend, this morning I have little writing hopefully can be useful, sometime after dawn husband paddling wheels Tiganya to market near the neighboring village, about 3 km from his house, sweat began wetting T- two candidates for governor, received during a visit in his village, but no passengers approached his Third Wheel until he reached the market, but his face remained radiant and his lips always wet with repeated chanting of dhikr.
In the corner of the empty kiosk he used to hang, leaning against his Third Wheel, he was seen picking up something from his pants shorts, it was cheap cigarettes, then in sunutnya with a gas lighter taken from his Third Wheel drawer, the smoke began to billow, but the lips continued to cork - saying goodbye to Dhikr reading, sounded soft "Suhanallah, walhamdulillah, wala Ilaaha Illallahhu wallahuakbar" keep repeating
While his wife at home is busy with the daily work of housewife routine, while holding the little one she is seen drying clothes beside the house, His wife was same lips slalu wet with chanting Dzikir, and occasionally sholawat Prophet sung with a simple song, but sounds cool.
The day began at noon, the sun was rising, the father was still leaning on his Third Wheel, seen three people approaching him, dressed in brown, black and white robes, the three men with long bearded and white skulls, it seems that "Jamaah Tablih" asked to be escorted to the mosque, about 300 meters from the market, with a heavy stroke, for carrying three passengers, the father tried to balance the Third Wheel, and Alhamdulillah arrived at the mosque, which was wearing a white capsule of blue money, "grab Pak, Trimakasih", sorry big sir the money, "ooo no why, take the blessings of Blessing", Alhamdulillah, Jazakalloh bi khoirin, timpal the father of Three Wheeler.
Dzuhur almost arrived, the father rotate his three wheels to the house, in front of the door of his Sholihah wife is waiting, and in sodorkannya results of his hard work that day, "Alhamdulillah", while wiping his husband's sweat.

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sangat bagus tulisannya, sangat memotivasi,

New post plz vote me

yes, oke

sudah saya vote artikel terbaru, dan juga yang lama, ada ada sbd-nya agar bermanfaat. TQ

sip, saling balas ya,moga berkah

Selamat berkenalan @arafatnur, upvote juga ya punya ku, @imammugi