The Story of Fighting Chicken and the Eagle Bird

in story •  7 years ago 

an agricultural area, there lived two male cocks that were hostile to each other and often fought between the two.

One day, they started a fight and went back to fighting, pecking and scratching. They fight so much that one of them is defeated and runs away to the corner to hide.


The rooster who won the battle proudly flew over the roof of the cage, and flapped his wings, crowed with great pride and rigor as if he wanted to tell the world about his victory. But then an eagle that flew in the air heard and finally saw the chicken on the roof.

The eagle finally came down and grabbed and pounced on the rooster to be the winner to take to his nest. The other cock who had been defeated, saw the whole thing and came out of his hiding place and took the winner in the fight. A sense of pride leads to a fall

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