I have saved the live of a wasp, catched by my pitcher plant (Sarracenia)! (English/German)

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Yesterday I have rescued a wasp, which has fallen in a tube of my pitcher plant (Sarracenia) at the balcony. I've heard that the wasp was fighting for the life and tried to escape from one of the biggest pitcher plant tube. I couldn´t watch the wasp dying. As you can see, even under the wasp already were some big flies, one of them still alive too.

[German] Gestern habe ich eine Wespe gerettet, die in einen Schlauch meiner Schlauchpflanze (Sarracenia) auf dem Balkon, gefallen ist. ich habe gehört, dass die Wespe um das Leben kämpfte und versucht hat aus einem der größten Schläuche der Schlauchpflanze zu entkommen. Ich konnte mir das nicht mit ansehen, wie die Wespe stirbt. Wie man sehen kann, waren unter der Wespe sogar bereits ein paar große Fliegen, eine davon auch noch am Leben.

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This was enough to eat for the pitcher plant and that´s why I decided to save the live of the wasp.

[German] Das war genug zu essen für die Schlauchpflanze und darum entschied ich mich dazu das Leben der Wespe zu retten.

Here you can see another photo taken from my smartphone, without flashlight:

[German] Hier kann man noch ein Foto sehen, aufgenommen mit meinem Handy, ohne Blitzlicht:

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It was really difficult to sharpen the photos and because I needed two hands to rescue the wasp, I was not able to take a video or photo of the rescue. I searched a leave with a longer stalks and I handed it to the wesp, for climbing on it out of the tube. Success: The wesp managed it and flew away quite fast!

[German] Es war sehr schwierig die Fotos scharf zu bekommen und da ich dazu zwei Hände brauchte, war es mir nicht möglich ein Video, oder Foto, von der Rettung zu machen. Ich habe ein Blatt mit einem längerem Stängel gesucht und ich habe es der Wespe gereicht, damit sie daran aus dem Schlauch hochklettern kann. Erfolg: Die Wespe hat es hinbekommen und ist schnell weg geflogen!

Best regards and hear you in my next article! 👍
[German] Beste Grüße und wir hören uns in meinem nächsten Artikel! 👍

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Jonas Ahrens

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excellent post congratulations, thanks for your time to visit my post thank you very much

Thanks @jlufer!

may have bitten )

I'm with you. I quite often remove wasps and bees from my house in a plastic cup. They are lost and I feel bad for them.

Nice Job! ))

Thanks @timalex

The pitcher plant told me that you have stolen her a tasty steak.


Well done you!!

Thank you @meesterboom!

@future24, great!
Wasps help in pollinating flowers when the bees are gone, they seem to stay out longer than our bee friends.
How long do you keep your pitcher plant outdoors? I wanted to have one of that and a venus fly trap but scared they might not survive.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you @englishtchrivy! I have my pitcher plant still outdoors and you can keep them outside until 5-10 °C. Under 5-10 °C it would be to cold for them. Just try it and buy some of them, as you can see my pitcher plant is still alive too. :) Or wait until next summer.

@future24 I see, thank you for the tip. I had one but the white flies pestered them. T.T They died.

The wesp managed it and have flown away quite fast!

That's good to hear ^^

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Yes I was happy too. :) And is the sentence written wrong? Or would be the right sentence: "... and has flown away quite fast!", or completely different?

I think its "flew away quite fast"

but I just meant that good that it didn't die. :D

Ah ok thanks @acidyo :D👍

I fixed it and now my english is a little bit better again. (maybe) 😊👍

I'm always saving bugs that are not pestering or biting me. My wife thinks I'm nuts

Haha, yes but even bugs are animals, that´s why I saving them from time to time too.

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