The Smart But Lazy Man (9)

in story •  7 years ago 

So, Deep continued to rely on the allowance from the palace. The allowance was not enough to take care of his needs. Then, one day, a thought struck him. He decided to playback smart one on the people of Agboro.

He went out of the kingdom to a neighbouring kingdom. He went to the market there, looking for rats to buy.

What do you need rat's for? One man asked
I want to rear them so they can take care of my great harvest that is rotting away, Dene said.

It was a strange request but the man, a hustler, told Dene to return the following week as he would be able to get rats for him. I want a big basketful of it, Dene said.

When Dene returned, the man had kept to his words. He had assembled a big basket of rats. Dene was surprised and asked him how he did it.
I went around all the neighbouring villages and told children to help me catch the rats in their villages for a price, the man said

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