Defect in the system / healthy and unhealthy mind, does such a thing exist?

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi my name is Luke or Luka in my native tongue. I'm 17 now and i come from a small country in the lower Europe called Slovenia.

First of all i must say i'm not religious. (the text is not about religion, don't worry) So my view coming into this was neutral. Also sorry if this text is all over the place, and if the language used is sometimes not correct as my native language is not English.

How it started:
I was randomly studying religions as i seriously had nothing to do at the time. Then i came across a very interesting individual by the name Alan Watts. Listened to a few of his lessons on youtube, also bought 2 books of his one called "What is zen" and the other "The book: on the taboo against knowing who you are", the second one being more interesting in my opinion i jumped right into it. It made me realize some very interesting things by itself, not to mention all the late night thinking in bed about all the stuff i read. If you want something refreshing in your life i highly recommend checking out Alan's work.

Let me tell you a little about myself now:
Then some time passed, and my life changed a bit. I had quite a problem in school, and was very anxious all the time (before high school i had no problems with anxiety or any other mental problems). I failed 2 years one after another and i was actually afraid of school by the time i failed the second year. I wanted to stay home all the time. So i was always in arguments with my parents. Which wasn't helping. I wasn't able to talk properly about those things destroying me with my parents, and was pretty much alone. Also let me just say this my parents are ignorant like hell at times but i know they love me very very much and i'm quite lucky to have such parents. I was 14-15 at the time. I had and still have trouble sleeping. But a couple of days ago i found this guy also on youtube called Sadhguru. The first video of his i watched was "The symptoms of an ill mind". And then watched a few more. But for some reason i could really understand him well, i could see myself in his words. And for the same reason i feel more at ease after i watched and thought about that first video of his. Placebo effect?

My opinion about school:
For me school didn't do any good, as i told before i got anxiety from it, sleeplessnes and my relationship with my parents worsened. And even if i would learn anything atleast semi-important at school it wouldn't be worth it. The only reason i'm attending school now is because i want to get a profession to use as a fallback if something bad happens to me financialy. Otherwise i didn't learn that much, or anything at all in school, as it just wasn't interesting to me. There was a buch of frankly useless bullshit i had to learn, which doesn't interest me at all. 90% of classes were like that. School never taught me how to make money other than be in a job that is a drag for the rest of your life. They didn't teach me how to survive, but i know every useless song and story we had to learn. And remember every time the teacher forced us to do something for the sake of the stupid unhumanitarian rules that they set in place to control us and slowly destroy creative nature and free thinking mind. (i know there must be some rules to maintain some kind of order but what we had was overboard.) One example: You couldn't go to the bathroom in the middle of the class. One teacher went so far to prevent one guy leaving the classroom to the point he urinated in the middle of the class. But that's just one teacher you may say. Wrong. We had a bunch of selfish idiots as teachers that would give you a bad grade just so you can have problems home, for their selfish evil ego. Aren't teachers supposed to be helping us? I would go as far as call that child abuse in a legal way. Oh and don't even mention tests, like we're just some paperwork to be transfered from school to job so they can see your specs... That's truly how i feel.

Also i watched quite a bit of George Carlin and i was very interested in the video "the reason education sucks", how basicaly school and education system are created in place to brainwash people into this compulsive consumer hard worker no questions asked kinda people that go to job every day for 8 hours and watch tv and their government bought media news when they get home for the rest of the day. And have this incredible crave for material things. And not surprisingly those people are not in any way open to other's different opinions. They would argue with you until death. They don't know how to think for themselves, they belive everything their country is telling them without second guessing. And there are so many of these people. In my life i met only 2 adults who were truly happy. One was "homeless" and the other rich. And both for the same reason, freedom. Funny isn't it?

"If you do a job for the sole purpose of making money you are absurd. Because if money becomes a goal, and it does when you work that way you begin increasingly to confuse it with happines... This goes back to the ancient guilt, that if you don't work you have no right to eat. That if there are others in the world who don't have enough to eat, you shouldn't enjoy your dinner even though you have no possible means of conveying the food to them. And while it is true we are all one human family. And that every individual involves every other individual. While it is true therefore we should do something about it, changing the situation. The one way of not doing anything about a situation is feeling guilty about it. Because when people feel guilty about a situation most usually instead of doing something practical to change it, they resort to all sorts of symbolic methods of expiation. They go to confesions, they see an analyst, they do all kinds of things, which will be ways of actually not doing anything about the problem, but feeling alright about it instead. And guilt invariably produces that sort of reaction. It is a destructive emotion. And instead we need to have a different attitude to our mistakes and our misdeeds." -Alan Watts

Now that that's out of the way let's get to the point. In the video "the symptoms of an ill mind" at 3:06-3:44 he says: "if the second largest industry in the world is pharmaceuticals there's too much lousy soup". You need to watch the whole video to understand what he meant by that. I connected everything together, my experiences with school, observation of other people and talking to alot of those people with different opinions, reading books, reaserch on the internet and experience from my short life. (i'm 17 now btw). Now, doesn't it seem like the system is designed the way it is, full of holes, full of disasters, just to make us misereable? Just look how many people have depression and anxiety because of it, and those who fail at a thing they were forced to do and never agreed upon, like school, even if it the majority of students despises it, and they don't do anything about it, they don't change it. The school system is the same now for over 50 years, never talk about it on news or newspapers about how many students have those mental problems because of school. But when you go to the doctor they happily give you those antideprassants that have a bunch of serious side effects? They do that instead of fixing source of the problem. I truly believe that what Sadhguru said that the majority of illnesses come from the mind about 70% and the other 30% are outside factors we can't influence like bacteria, viruses...

So at the summit of this little short text is a request. I want you to tell me what your experience in the school was, what your thoughts on it were and your opinons. I don't care if you disagree, as i'm a very open minded person and will try to understand you. If you made it this far congrats. Cheers! ;)

The symptoms of an ill mind - Sadhguru

Reason education sucks - George Carlin

My Alan Watts playlist if you want to check it out.

Update: Holy sweet baby jesus this post blew up all of a sudden. Thanks to whomever made this possible. Actually i have no idea how this site's algorithms work yet so that means i have no idea how my post got so "popular" all of a sudden. Thanks again, also great site ;)

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I agree with everythimg you said in the text, took my time to read it and very well made. 1 thing that I am facing right now is the chance of me failing 3 year of high school because of subjects I couldnt care 1 bit about it yet they force these subjects because "we will need them in life" which is bullshit at the end

True, i wish i'd been born a few hundred years in the future when stupid problems like this, which selfish egos create would no longer be, and humanity could move to something bigger, more exciting. Yet when i read the news and see what's going on in this world sickens me.

But even if you would fail, don't let the fear consume you like it did me. Like George Carlin said: "It's important in life if you don't give a shit. It can help you alot" This makes you invincible to all the bullshit fearmongering people who lead institutions like schools and such make to scare you, so you would blindly follow like a sheep, so they can control you.

I'm not scared about the situation at school, the thing I'm worried about is how do I adress this to my parents since they believe I am doing well in school which im not

Sorry for the late reply. But my opinion is to just tell them what you feel, if you don't want to get nuked with words when and if you fail. Communication is important. If they do love you which i'm sure they do, they will understand. Maybe not immediately but with time they will see where you're comming from. Maybe that day, in a month, or 20 years. Just prove them they're wrong. Even the greatest geniouses can fail at school.

Welcome on steemit. I'd find couple guys from Slovenia on steemit already.

Thanks, and yeah i've noticed 2 so far and i'm pretty new.