CREEPY TALES from Beyond the Grave - Lady in Red (Short stories to keep you scared at night)

in story •  8 years ago 

Lady in Red

During my freshman summer break from college, a couple buddies and I decided to go on a road trip to see the states. Being in the east coast, our obvious route was to go west, and so California was our destination.

We didn't have much money, so our trip was to consist of few stops until we got to the ocean. The occasional sightseeing, but basically a straight shot, shifting drivers until we made it.  

After a day and a night of driving, we were getting restless and decided to pull over at a park in Colorado that contained a valley and a suspension bridge you can cross on foot. Now I'm terrified of heights, and my friends; not so much. But in order to keep my pride, I accepted to cross.

Being that it was early in the morning, maybe 8am, nobody else was around. Just the 3 of us, and as we approached the bridge, I could feel my nerves coming on. The steep sides had railings that could stop someone from falling but I couldn't help noticing the long drop to the rocky bottom. 

Even the bridge itself looked scary! Made of huge wooden planks and long thick suspension ropes. I was nearing a heart attack with every inch I came closer...

One of my friends, who obviously weren’t scared in the least, had already run out to the middle and was jumping up and down. This is what gave me the confidence to step on to the first plank, and the second. Peering down the gaps between each plank was an adrenaline rush.

Soon enough I had reached the middle where we stood gazing off one side at the magnificent view. As we were taking a few pictures, a beautiful woman wearing a bright red dress had appeared from the direction of the parking lot, and was quickly crossing the bridge toward us.

It seemed quite odd to be hiking in such a dress, so I’m sure we all stared

As she approached us she smiled with her dolled up face, and asked if we wanted our photos taken. Not thinking anything of it, we agreed and she snapped a few great shots. After we said thanks, she politely curtsied and turned to keep walking.

As we stood there watching her walk to the other side, she turned back and blew a kiss. After she reached the end of the bridge she turned, walked up to the railings near the edge, climbed over it, and gracefully leaped off the cliff. There was no scream.

Stunned with shock I could only watch as the red dress sped toward the bottom until a thunderous crunch echoed the canyon walls.

 That sight and the preceeding sound of a body hitting the ground will haunt me forever.

We cancelled our trip and went home...

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed and it brought some spine tingle! 

 I plan to continue writing these because they are fun, so if you'd like to see more please follow me @generation.easy  

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Dude, this is so good. Just unapologetically slaps you with with it

Thanks! I'm glad you liked.