Episodes 110-114 of Lando Cruz and The Coup Conspiracy (dystopian thriller novel)

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

Lando's Dad gets some bad news and body parts are on the line in a meeting Lando desperately wants to avoid.


The United States is in slow-motion economic collapse. The Three Strikes Act funnels the unemployed masses into a national network of work camps for the most trivial of infractions.

Lando Cruz is a scrappy rebel who risks his final strike on the streets of Philadelphia by trading illegal currencies under cover of a burrito stand. He spends his days bribing dirty cops, fending off undercover federal agents and shepherding his little sister through adolescence.

Lando is getting by until beat cops seize his savings and kidnap his sister for ransom. He has thirty days to raise the hard cash he needs to free her before she is sold into sex slavery. His only chance is a lucrative job offer from the black market rebellion's paramilitary startup, the Core. He risks both his life and his principles to get his sister back before time runs out.

Episode 110: Psyops

Henry is a fed and Ryan is the good guy? Lando sat in a daze on the couch.

His tablet tingled again. There was a message from Mariana. “Don’t forget to make the payment on you know what,” it said.

Lando frowned at his screen. He had a full five bars of cellular connection. Something snapped in the office area. He lost the connection.

Ryan walked in. “I have some errands to run. You’re in charge. I trust you, Lando. Think about what I said. I want David on purchases and Harold doing recon. Get some dry firing practice in on the range.” He walked out.

Lando tiptoed to the office and sat down at Ryan’s workstation. He grabbed the bottom of Ryan’s desk. His fingers touched something. It was a round device with a green illuminated button in the middle. He hit the button. After a second, it went red.

He checked his tablet. Five bars. “Yes!” he whispered. He got back up on the chair and moved the mouse. The screen popped up. It demanded a login.

He entered the username and password he saw David enter the other day. It didn’t work. Lando grabbed his chin and massaged it. He entered the username ‘Ryan’ again. He typed the password slowly, ‘r-A-v-0-9-3-z.’ A square appeared and began to pulse.

The desktop appeared. Wow. Maybe I can get to the truth now.

Lando looked through the three folders on the desktop: ‘Offense,’ ‘Defense’ and ‘Psyops.’ Lando opened ‘Psyops.’ It was encrypted. Why do you have to be so organized?

He pulled a cable out of his pocket and connected his tablet to Ryan’s machine. He dragged and dropped the three folders. They instantly arrived on his tablet. He disconnected the cable, logged himself out and stood up.

David was right behind him. He held a fresh cup of coffee in his hand.

“Ryan left me in charge. He wants you to keep working on the purchases.” Lando held his breath. What did he see?

“Sure, no problem,” David said. He looked at the floor and walked to his desk. “But if you want me to keep quiet about the midnight videotaping and copying files from Ryan’s computer, then you’re going to have to clue me in.”

Episode 111: Cancer

“And you expect me to keep all of that secret?” asked David.

Lando rolled his eyes. “Of course!”

David turned around and looked at his workstation. He swiveled back around. He stared at Lando.

“Well, what else can I say? Yes, of course,” said Lando. “I need you to keep this quiet until I can confirm which if either of these two are legit.”

“Ryan is legit. That I know for sure. I don’t know this Henry guy but Ryan is legit,” said David.

“How can you be so sure?” Lando asked.

David nodded his head and pursed his lips. “I can just feel it.”

Lando exhaled air through this mouth. “Give me a —“ His tablet tingled.


A sigh came across the line. “Lando, is that you?”

“Yes, Dad. How are —“

“I do not have time to talk. Please send a little bitcoin to Marek here. You know, the shop owner.”

“Sure, Dad. How much do you need?” asked Lando.

“I visited the doctor today.”

Lando swallowed.

“My cancer has returned,” Dad said. “It has spread everywhere — my lungs, my liver. I have two weeks. She says I am very close. She will not give me any medicine.”

Lando sat up straight. “Dad —“

“I need —“

“Dad, just listen. Can Marek get you pot in there?” Lando asked.

“A pot? I cannot cook!” Dad yelled.

“I’m talking about marijuana, Dad,” Lando said.

Dad was silent a moment. “I will not smoke that shit.”

“Dad —”

“I need your sister’s number. I must tell her that I love her. Everything that you owe me you now owe —“

“Dad, shut up! I’m not just going to let you die like that. I — I’ve been giving you marijuana in your brownies all this time.”

The line was silent.

“That’s why you survived this long. And if you just make an effort —“

“You put that shit in my food?” Dad asked.

“Yes! You need it,” Lando said.

The line went dead.

Episode 112: Gasp

“You gonna hit recon today?” Lando asked Harold. Lando exited the bathroom. That shower was just what I needed.


“It should have been done yesterday,” said Lando.

Harold stared at him, his eyes far away.

“And are you taking something for the PTSD?”

Harold shoved his face into Lando’s. “Mind your own business, bitch!” He slammed the bathroom door.

“‘Mind my own business’?” Lando muttered. He got dressed and headed into the office.

“You’re up early,” he said to Ryan.

Ryan looked up, a blank expression on his face. “Lots of work to do.”

“I want to talk to you,” said Lando. “We’re not anywhere near ready for this operation you want to do.”

Ryan nodded. “Don’t worry. We’re right on schedule. In fact, we might be a little ahead.” He looked at some papers on his desk. “Yep, just another couple pieces to put into place.” He glanced up at Lando, a satisfied look on his face.

Is he kidding?

“You’ll see. I’ll run you through it later.” Ryan waved him towards the exit.

This is not over but I gotta eat something. Lando headed out. He closed the basement doors after him and pulled his hat down tighter over his eyes.

Two men grabbed him, one by each arm. “Hey, what is this?” yelled Lando.

They dragged him into a tall, black vehicle. One sat on either side. “Move,” the one on Lando’s right said. The van proceeded down the street.

Lando crossed his arms. “What is this about?”

Lando remembered. He wanted to kick himself but the space was too tight to move in. “Are you guys from the loan shark? I just remembered I forgot —“

“Shut up,” said to the guy to his left.

“Hey, I just forgot about the payment this week, that’s all. I can pay you guys right —“

The guy on his right elbowed Lando in the gut.

Lando gasped for breath but it wouldn’t come.

Episode 113: Solar Plexus

Big Marty shook Lando’s hand. “Next time, don’t make us chase you down again. It’s a big pain in the ass around here.”

Lando shook his head. “No way. Don’t worry about it. I just got really busy. It’s no excuse, I know.”

Big Marty’s chair creaked as he leaned back.

Lando watched to see if it would break.

“I know how life is. Don’t sweat it.” His phone rang. “Marie, get that!” he yelled. “See, I got my own complications on my mind, too. That’s why I gave you an extra day.” He licked his lips and observed Lando through the bottoms of his eyes.

“I’ll be back before Saturday for the next payment.” Lando stood up and headed for the door. There was a man blocking his exit.

“We gotta take a little extra this week, kid.” Big Marty exhaled as he stood up. He waddled, hunched forward, to Lando.

“Hey, I’m good,” Lando said. He reached for the door.

The man blocking the exit did not move.

Lando looked at him.

He swiveled his head and glared down at Lando.

Big Marty was right behind him. “Relax. We just gotta take a little something extra. What do you think, Said? A good shot to the gut should do it, huh?”

The man at the door spoke up. “We did that to him in the car already, Marty.”

“Christ, Said. You know the protocol. I don’t have time for this shit and I definitely ain’t cleaning up any messes today.”

“Let Marie clean it up,” said Said.

Marty frowned in approval and looked up. “Good thinking, Said. In that case, I want a finger.”

“A finger!” Lando screamed. “Guys —“

“That guy last week hardly even bled,” said Said.

Lando grabbed the door handle and turned it back and forth.

Said grabbed him and threw him down. “Just sit while we figure this out.”

“Guys, I need my fingers! I need them in order to get paid so I can pay you!” Lando yelled.

Big Marty and Said stared at each other.

Lando stood up and opened his mouth.

Big Marty landed his fist in Lando’s solar plexus. Lando gasped for air.

“Shit! I missed. This is why I delegate shit to you! Idiot. I’m the boss. I don’t enforce anymore.”

Said looked at the floor.

“Clear the way. Let the man out,” said Big Marty.

Some air entered Lando’s lungs. He scrambled to get up.

Said opened the door.

“Next time,” said Big Marty, “it’s the finger, kid!”

Lando ran out the door and onto the street still trying to catch his breath.

Episode 114: PTSD

Lando ran for a while. When he ran out of air, he sat down against a concrete wall to catch his breath. His tablet rang. He looked at the number and scowled.


“Mr. Lando Cruz, please,” a woman said.

“That’s me,” said Lando.

“This is Sister Mary Luise from St. Jerome’s Academy, Mr. Cruz. Your sister Mariana is not conforming to the behavior standards we have established here over the last century.”

Lando paused. “Okay.”

“This is her third warning, Mr. Cruz. We weren’t able to reach you to inform you of any of the others.”

“I gave you my email, right?”

“We received no reply to our messages, sir,” said the nun.

“Is she alright? Is she hurt or anything?” asked Lando.

“She is fine. We encourage you to come and visit her.”

“Mariana is very bright. She’s a good kid. She never gets into trouble. What did she do, exactly?” Lando asked.

“It’s best if you speak directly with her about that. She has all of the information,” said the nun.

“Well, can I speak to her right now? Pass her the phone, please.”

“That’s not how we do things here, sir. Please come by for a visit. Goodbye,” said the nun.

“Wait! What time — ?“ The line went dead. “God d—“ Lando censored himself.

Lando entered the house. He looked at his watch. 10 AM. Where is Harold? He opened the door to the living area and let it slam hard against the wall. He proceeded into the sleeping quarters.

Harold lay in his bed, his mouth open. An empty vodka bottle sat next to him.

“Harold,” Lando said. “Harold!”

Harold didn’t move.

Lando kicked the bed hard. He put his foot on the bed and moved it up and down fast.

Harold opened his eyes.

“Harold!” Lando yelled. “You’re supposed to be out on recon as of 7 AM.”

“Fuck off,” Harold whispered. He rolled over.

“Alrighty.” Lando marched to the door. “Lights!” he said. The room flooded with white light.

Harold sat upright. He squinted at Lando from between two fingers. “What the fu— You insane motherfucker. No, no, no. You don’t want to fuck with me.” He put his hand under the bed and groped around. “Oh, I’m going to teach you a —”

Lando ran towards the bed.

Harold’s eyes lit up. “Ah hah!” He pulled his hand up. He held a pistol. “Now I’m —“

Lando fell flat on him. Harold grunted and discharged his gun into the ceiling. Lando picked up his hand and drilled a fist into Harold’s face.

“Why, you —“ Harold moved the gun towards Lando.

Lando scooted off of him toward the gun. He stuck his finger behind the trigger and gripped hard. He twisted Harold’s arm back. I should hurt you.

“You ain’t never separating me from my gun, you little bitch,” Harold said. He swung off the bed and walloped Lando in the side of the head with his fist.

Lando hit the wall and bounced off. He threw a left-handed punch at Harold but it connected without any force behind it.

Harold stood up. “I’m gonna whoop your ass now.” He pointed the gun at Lando and pulled the trigger.

Lando held his finger firm. The trigger would not go back.

Harold looked at his gun, his mouth open. “What the —“

Lando grabbed behind Harold’s knee with his left leg and pulled.

Harold lost his balance and fell. He let go of the gun. He slammed his head against the edge of the bed.

Lando flipped the pistol around and pointed it at Harold.

“What the —” He rubbed his head. He looked up and quickly scurried backwards. “Damn, boy! You gonna end it right here or what?”

“You were about to kill me!” Lando yelled.

“You insane, boy.” Harold raised his hands. “You and I both know the only two people I plan to put a bullet in anytime soon. Can I get up?”

Lando scowled at him. “Go ahead. Get up. But keep your distance and don’t try anything.”

David ran in.

Lando pointed the gun at him.

David stopped short and put his hands in front of him.

Harold took a step forward and Lando moved the gun to within an inch of his nose. Harold put his hands up and stepped back.

“Don’t try anything,” Lando said. “I will shoot you.”

Harold doubled over laughing. He sat down against the far wall. “You? Shoot somebody?”

I should put one into the wall. That will make him respect me. Lando recoiled at the idea. But, if it makes him take me seriously … Lando aimed next to Harold and pulled the trigger.

Harold and David jumped.

“You crazy motherfucker,” said Harold. “It’s just my PTSD. You can’t stress me out too much. Relax. Relax.” He held up his hands.

“It’s just his —“ David started.

Lando waved him off and lowered the gun. “I’m keeping this. Get your shit straight, Harold. And get yourself out to do the recon.”

Harold put his wrist in front of his face. “I don’t know about right now. Kinda late.”

“Get your ass up, showered, eat and do something. No more booze, either!” Lando yelled.

“Alright, Mr. Boss Man. Jesus, you give the spic a little power and he turns into the white man,” Harold whispered.

Lando sneered. He motioned to David to follow him. They walked to the office and sat down across from each other.

“Are you okay?” David asked.

“Yeah.” Lando pursed his lips.

David studied his face. “You want to replace Harold, don’t you? I can’t say that I blame —”

“No, I want to shelve this project. We’ve got no forward movement. The shooter could just as well shoot us as the intended targets. He’s not doing the recon and do you even have all the materials yet?”

“I haven’t gotten the budget money yet to buy anything. I’m just preparing the purchases for when Ryan tells me the money is there,” said David.

Lando shook his head. He stood up and paced. “This is not right.”

“What’s not right?” Ryan walked in.

Lando spun around. He paused a second. David looked at him.

“I’m glad you’re here, Ryan. We need to talk about Harold,” Lando said.

Ryan waved his hand in front of him. “He stays. That’s final. It was hard enough finding him. I’m not going through that again.”

“He’s tried to kill both David and I,” Lando said.

Ryan looked at David. David nodded.

“Should I call an ambulance?” Ryan asked.

“That’s hardly the point,” said Lando. “I’ve had to forcibly disarm him twice —“

“It’s the PTSD,” said Ryan. “He’ll be fine. Just handle him with care. A leader should know when to do that.” Ryan sat down and pulled out his tablet.

“We’re not ready,” Lando said.

“Obviously,” said Ryan.

“And we’re not going to be ready anytime soon if we continue like this,” said Lando. “David has no money to purchase supplies. Harold is off-the-rails. He could kill any of us at any time.”

“I feel safe,” said Ryan.

“I don’t,” said Lando. “Harold hasn’t even done his recon from yesterday.”

Ryan stood up. “Are you kidding me? No recon? Why haven’t you gotten that done?”

“Me?” asked Lando. “That’s Harold’s job.”

Ryan pursed his lips. “That’s an awesome attitude. You’re my second-in-command. If something is falling through the cracks, it’s your job to fix it. If this operation is behind schedule, that’s on you. Not Harold. Not David. You. I left you in charge. You want the power? You take the responsibility.”

Lando stared at him. “You have got this backwards, but the bottom line is that we have to shelve this project until we can get funding and a competent sharpshooter. That’s my recommendation.”

Ryan laughed. “Shelve it? I’ve got news for you. We’re advancing the timetable. We’re doing the job in twenty-four hours. That’s final.” Ryan’s face got red. “And if you want to get paid, and don’t want to find yourself with a one-way ticket to Somalia, then you had better fix your attitude now!”

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What Next?

I’m working on a couple stories right now, a post-apocalyptic zombie thriller and a cyberpunk detective story called Scorched Myelin. Stay tuned!

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FYI - Your link on the bottom banner doesn't work.

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Awesome content

I just started reading episodes 1-3 and can tell I'm going to enjoy this. I already love the premise! I'll try to keep checking in as I go along. Sorry to be so late to the party. :)

Glad you're enjoying it.