He left

in story •  7 years ago 

Top of the morning to you all!
I'm going to be sharing this short story with us just to help us get through with our daily commitment.

Two young lovers, Utibe and Uyai, lived on same street. Although they knew they were from two separate worlds, Utibe's love for Uyai was flawless despite being the son of a famous Oil company worker in Exxon Mobil. Uyai had been given admission to study in the University of Uyo where Utibe was studying Petroleum Engineering as a final year student.
[image source] (https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/full-length-portrait-college-student-walking-568979788?irgwc=1&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=Hans%20Braxmeier%20und%20Simon%20Steinberger%20GbR&utm_source=44814&utm_term=)

Uyai's mom was a chef at Utibe's mother's restaurant. It was in one of Uyai's visit to her mom's workplace that she got to meet Utibe who coincidentally tripped and poured hot sauce on her while trying to help out in the kitchen. Like every other love story, this was the beginning of a beautiful love experience.
[image source] (https://pixabay.com/en/people-outdoors-adult-man-woman-3151712/)

On the 17th of July, 2017, Utibe was to write his final exam as a student of the University. Uyai became nervous being that she was just in her second year in school. Her fears revolved around the circumstances of her love life with Utibe after his graduation. Two nights before his final exam, she visited him in his lodge right outside the school premises. What she had come to discuss was her fear but Utibe, being a true lover, addressed her fears and assured her that he was going to wait for her after school. That night she gave herself to him for the first time.
[image source] (https://www.google.com.ng/search?hl=en&biw=360&bih=250&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=RJeGWsnYOYbxkwXusp6QBw&q=African+man+cuddling+his+girl&oq=African+man+cuddling+his+girl&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.12...129022.144057.0.144840.

On the 7th of August, with a wild storm came the shock of her life, Utibe left the campus. Although, he wasn't done with his final clearance in school. Uyai's grief knew no bound as she felt a rift between them. The love which was once mediated by disparity in wealth was now boldly separated by distance and fear.

Utibe didn't only leave the town and school, most painfully, he left her.
[image source] (https://pixabay.com/en/board-heart-play-over-love-off-1820678/)

Don't start what you can't finish. Get committed!
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Story of somebody's life. Every fresher hears a different version of this story every year lol.

Really devastating.. Nice story

Painful love story....

He left her...so touching. What a story