Night of the Slayers - Part 2

in story •  5 years ago 

Night of the Slayers
Part 2
A Fictional Story by Donna Marshall

Moon reaches up to touch the beasts head but she drifts back into unconsciousness. The serpent coils around her. He then tucks his head into the center of the coils. The serpent's body then starts to change color. Turning to a dark gray the color of the rocks where Moon fell. Mist proceeds to pull out the arrows gently with his mouth and lick Moon's wounds. Surprisingly the saliva from the water dragons mouth has a neutralizing effect on the silver's consistent burning. Now resting easy Moon's vampiric healing ability has kicked in. Mist coiled around his master lies motionless.

Slayers are searching the shoreline and nearby forest. “There is no way she walked away from that fall, she's around here someplace." One tells the others.

“If she is alive, we can have some fun before taking her head“ Another laughs.

“Would be better if we just kill her outright, we are in the vampire domain and shouldn't stand around, there are many we need to kill“ A light-haired slayer mentions to the others. Let's hurry up and kill this one so we can regroup with the others. We should split up to cover more ground she couldn't have gone far in that condition.“

Liam has been tracking the Slayers hoping they will lead him to Moon. He plans to take them by surprize they won't expecting a direct attack. As he comes upon them Liam charges the first Slayer catching him off guard, grabbing him by the neck and spinning him to face the others. Two of the Slayers fire their bows. Two arrows hit the man Liam is using as a shield killing him instantly. Liam then drops the man running at and slashing the other two before they can reload. Grabbing one of his daggers he throws it striking another man in the chest dropping him where he stands. Another gets off a shot at Liam; he holds up his hand and shouts “Deflect!” The arrow deflecting off to the side. Liam twirls in the air slashing the aggressor through in one slice severing his head from his body.

An arrow comes at him from the left, Liam spins to the side, the arrow tearing through his side. A burning sensation rips through him. “Son of a Bitch!“ He shouts grabbing his side. Turning his pain into fury, he attacks head on. Two more go down under his blade they are no match for him at close range.

Realizing they have lost their advantage the remaining Slayers retreat. Liam throws a dagger at the nearest striking him in the upper thigh sending him to the ground. Liam kicks the fallen man over pinning him with his long sword. “Now you will answer some questions for me won’t you?”

“I got nothing to tell you Vampire.” The Slayer replies.

Liam pushes the blade into the Slayers shoulder, the man screams in agony. ”I got no patience with the likes of you. Answer my questions. Where is the Vampire woman you cornered on the cliffs?” He asks using the power of words on him.

“She was hit by two arrows and fell. We have not found her yet,” The man tells him. Liam puts his hand on the man's head and uses the power of words to command him to sleep. He takes him prisoner for interrogation.

Liam props him self with his sword exhausted. He must find Moon she's injured and in need of help. Suddenly a rustling sound is heard to his left he turns ready to fight. The large stone begins to move changing color becoming lighter, more familiar. He then realizes what it is he is looking at.

“Mist!” …Liam says shocked. “so she must have called to you also”…Mist uncoils exposing Moon lying quietly on the ground. “Moon!“ Liam exclaims as he runs over to check her propping her up holding her. ” Thank you so much for protecting her Mist you have done well.” Liam notices the two arrows lying next to her and that her wounds are already healing. ”your handy work I take it?” Mist grumbles nuzzling Moon's side. “Thanks to you it seems she will not suffer any repercussions or scars from the Silver, you truly amaze me,” Liam tells Mist as he strokes the beasts head. “I guess when it comes to Moon both you and I can put our differences aside.” Mist nuzzles Liam’s side licking his wound. To Liam’s surprize, the burning sensation dies down. “That feels better, thank you, my friend, now lets all get home,” Liam says as he lifts Moon to a sitting position against the rocks. He then ties up the prisoner.

Moons eyes flutter open, looking and see's Liam. She struggles to stand but is a bit wobbly. “Liam!” she calls.

Liam turns and sees her standing. “So you finally are awake! you should not make me worry like this” …he chuckles. He walks over and puts his arms about her giving her a big hug and then touching her face he bends down and kisses her long and deep. Moon pushes him back with a start realizing what all has happened.

She reaches for her wounds, they are all but healed “how?” she asks looking at Liam questioningly.

“thank Mist, apparently he has a very strong healing ability, he healed us by licking our wounds,” Liam told her.

“You were wounded?” she asks placing her hand on his arm.

“Yes, but it was only a graze” he replies.

Moon looks around “what happened to the Slayers?” she asked.

“I killed several, the others fled except one” Liam says as he motions toward the man tied up and gagged. “I figure to take him back with us for interrogation, learn what he knows,” he tells her.

“that’s a good idea, I am sure the elders would love to get their hands on a Slayer who has killed their brethren and trespassed,” Moon says with a grin. She looks out over the lake watching Mist as he rises and submerges in the lake. “I guess he will follow from the water,” she tells Liam.

“looks like it” he replies.

Within the next half hour Liam, Moon, and the captive are walking along the shore. Liam is kicking the captive in the pants to keep him moving as Moon leaves out a giggle. “Come on keep moving or I will feed you to our friend out there” Liam says as he motions toward the lakes surface where Mist is playing carefree. The man shudders at the thought. As they travel along the shore Liam is vigilant, he don’t want the captive's companions attacking them by surprise. Liam would rather they travel faster but dragging the captive along is slowing them down.

“How are your wounds?” Liam asks Moon.

“Actually they are pretty good almost healed” she replies as she rubs her shoulder.

“Good, you may need to do some fighting, we are being followed” he whispers to her as they walk. “when I give you the word keep low and head for the trees, the arrows won’t work as well in the trees. Try not to get caught out in the open. We may get separated so try to concentrate on our physic connection” he tells her.

There is the sound of a twang, the sound an arrow makes when leaving the crossbow. Liam senses it first he is older than Moon and has more experience with Slayers and there ways of hunting. Liam more through instinct than anything else pushes the captive Slayer in front of Moon.

“Go!” he shouts as the arrow strikes the captive in the chest, the captive dropping dead to the ground. Moon and Liam flee into the trees.

Moon startles a Slayer as she enters the tree line. She hits him head on knocking him to the ground. Pulling her blade while sitting on top of him she rakes it across his throat. The spray of blood sprays her. She quickly wipes the blood from her eyes and scampers into the brush and trees. Leaning against a large tree she can hear the Slayers as they move through the brush looking for them. Moon is moving from tree to tree in the darkness. She rests against a large oak peeking out around it to get a look at where the enemy are. Suddenly a man slams backwards into the tree just behind her. whirling with blade in hand she stabs the tree just two inches above the mans head.

“Shit Moon! if I was not crouching you’d have stabbed me !” came a shaky familiar voice.

“Liam?! she gasps.

“ah ..yea …barely” he replies. “Dam! many of these bastards do we have to kill? kill one there are three more, they are like rats!” he tells her as he grits his teeth. “Moon, we must get to the crypt the sun will soon be up."

“But if we get trapped there we will be killed!” Moon tells him.

“it’s a better solution than if the sun reaches us at least we will have a chance.” he replies. Liam takes Moons hand and together they make their way through the trees and underbrush for the graveyard. This won't be the first time they have spent the night in the graveyard crypt but, this night could be there last.

Moon and Liam finally reach the grave yard and enter the crypt. They go close the steel doors barring them just as the sun begins to rise. “We should be ok in here its built of concrete and steel.” he tells her. Liam puts his arm around her and leans against the wall. “We just need to hunker down and wait”.

Things have been quiet for about two hours but then, Moon huddles up against Liam she can hear movement outside the crypt. Liam puts his finger to his lips motioning for her to be quiet. Liam grips his sword tightly.

Suddenly a voice comes from outside. “Vampires! Vampires, we know you are in there! Today you will die! do you here me?”

Moon looks up at Liam who gives her the hush sign again.

“We are going to find a way in and drag you out to burn in the sun!” the voice comes again.

Moon presses her face against Liam’s chest he can feel her tears soaking through his shirt. “Liam any thing, anything but burning. I am not afraid to die, but not by burning. Please don’t let me burn” she whispers to him.

Liam places a hand on her head holding her close. “I won’t let you burn my love” he whispers. He picks up his sword and looks at the blade, then at Moon. Lowering the blade he puts his head back against the wall and whispers to her again “I promise you, I won’t let you burn”.

It has been several minutes since they have heard the voices, they have relaxed a little. Suddenly a hard rapping comes from the door, they are trying to break the door down. Moon clings to Liam and Liam grips his sword. “Don’t worry the door is strong it will hold” Liam whispers to Moon. From the sound of the relentless pounding on the door, Liam could tell they were ramming it with a large object. In his mind he was hoping the door would hold till dusk. Now there is banging on the east wall of the crypt. This concerns Liam as he knows the walls are not as secure as the door. They are very old. He knows once the wall is breached it would not be long until they would be drug out into the sunlight.

From the commotion outside there must be a dozen or more waiting for their chance to pounce. From chiseling, Liam can deduce they are using blades and iron fence picket’s to pick at the wall. Liam is planning to take as many of the bastards down with him as he can but he don’t want Moon to suffer, he will keep his promise.

Suddenly the wall is breached a bright shaft of sunlight stab’s into the darkness. Liam pushes Moon farther into the shadows and takes up a stance for defense. Another crash and another shaft of piercing light shoots into the darkness. Liam knows it will not be long until they breach the wall. Moon is on her knees , Liam standing over her. he raises his blade as he whispers “Moon, I love you, I will be with you soo-” his words cut off as a loud grumbling roar is heard from outside. There are screams and a splash of blood flies in through the sun piercing hole in the wall. Liam don’t exactly understand what’s going on but he is relieved he immediately drops to his knees and hugs Moon tightly.

The sun is setting and the noises from outside has died down hours ago. Liam and Moon huddled into a far corner of the crypt away from the creeping sunlight coming through the holes in the wall. The last shards of light disappear and the comforting darkness engulfs all. Liam reaches for Moon taking her hand, he helps her up. They un-bar the door leaving the crypt. “What the hell happened here?” Moon asks as she looks around.

There are parts of bodies lying every where. Moon and Liam keep walking both wary. Both following the death and destruction . They follow it for several dozen yards. Moon looks at Liam. "do you think they were all killed?”

“Not sure but I figure most at least.” Liam replies.

A loud gurgling groan can be heard coming from the distance. Upon further investigation they discover Moons Dragon Mist lying on his side covered in blood. Moon rushes over to him and puts his head in her lap.

“Is he wounded?” he asks.

Moon looks up laughing with tears in her eye’s ..”No I don’t think so it seems he has a stomach ache, seems it was something he ate” she laughed out loud.

Moon and Liam arrive back home. Moon goes to consort with the Elders about the Slayers. It seems there were skirmishes all along the borderlands. The slayers had taken several villages, many were killed on both sides but the Slayers were pressed back. There are still a few hunting parties on this side of the borders causing trouble. Liam has volunteered his services to assist with the eradication of the Slayers. Mist had recovered from his indigestion and is back in the lake. Moon has taken her place as a Guard at the castle until the threat is over.


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