My name is Irene. I have 5 adult children. Two are married and have children. I work for an urban school district. I also teach at a community college in the evening. For fun, I crochet blankets and scarves to give away. It's a great activity. I also love to read.
I was saved in my early 20s. I have to say, I am where I am because of Yeshua's mercy and grace. My journey through life can be described as roller-coaster, but it is clear that YHWH Elohim, through Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua HaMashiach) and guided by the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) throughout my life.
I love to read and learn about our God and Savior. That is the only thing that keeps me sane. I love to sing worship songs especially the songs of the Psalms. I follow Yeshua's commandments including keeping the 7th day holy to rest in Yeshua. I love God and my neighbor. I don't judge, I support and help. I confess my sins twice a day and give praise a few times during the day. I talk to God a lot about everything and read His word constantly. I love to talk about GOD and what I learn. I pray for my family to be saved and have a relationship with Yeshua.
I want to learn the language Yeshua spoke and read. I just want to learn this beautifully constructed language with so many messages from Messiah. I have tried other ways to learn, but as a language teacher, I know I need the kind of strategies Holy Language Institute provides. I learned about this program through YouTube.
I am on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. In Facebook I am Irene DelRosso. In Twitter I am IreneD918. In Instagram I am Irenedel918. Many problems I face I pray for help, mercy and grace. I try to follow Yeshua's example and teachings. Although there are many teachings that confuse followers, I stay in the scriptures and do not follow humans. Adonai bless you and your family through Yeshua HaMashiach.