Do you remember the first transportation looks like????

in story •  8 years ago 

The evolution of our transportation become more Hi-tech today because of advancement of our technology. Become advance, fastest and easy to use. Do you remember the first car? first airplane? first ship? I list few of first transportation.

List of First Transportation Looks Like:

Cars: 1807

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Designed/Invented:  François Isaac de Rivaz

Powered: (1807) Internal combustion engine fueled by hydrogen

                  (1886)  Petrol- or gasoline-powered automobile ( invented by Karl Benz)


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Designed/Invented:  no real way to pinpoint who exactly invented the first ship  but most historians agree that the Egyptians were the first culture to create and regularly use ships in long-distance trade, travel and exploration.

Powered: Rowing man-power

Train: 1807

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Designed/Invented: no real way to pinpoint

Powered: Horse


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Designed/Invented: Wright Brothers

Powered:  gasoline-powered, propeller-driven biplane

If we compared now, its like a boom. We are lucky now, we can go everywhere... travel around the world.... I waiting to invent a time machine or a teleportation.. xD

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