Is Chelsea Best Buds With Satan?

in story •  7 years ago 

She denies the claims aim squarely at her, and suggests that any information abiding as such, is completely false. But you see that's easier said then done, and the public already knows from years of conspiracies, if anyone can get away with anything, it's going to be the Clintons, and that has been proven back in 2016 when Chelsea's mom ran for office against candidate Donald Trump.

However that was the primary elections, we're talking something MUCH MORE sinister entirely this time.

The question to ask would be..

"Who published this about Chelsea?"

And why.

Well this all took place on the one night that many who would be partying their a--es off well into "New Years Day", from Eve Night, and it was a would be Trump supporter who noticed a twitted message thread sent to the Church of Satan, wishing them a Happy New Year.

"Oh goodness gracious. We can be civil, cheerful, respectful to & friends with people who don’t share our religious beliefs."

"Sometimes, we even marry them. I’m a Methodist & my husband is Jewish, thank you for asking. A very happy New Year to you Rhonda!"

That thread showed up on Chelsea's page was confirmed to be hers by the supporter, whether this "Rhonda Kazmierski" character she directed a tweet to is actually involved in the cult as a member remains unknown, when Chelsea's followers got wind of it, well it was probably a lot of questions they were probably lining up to ask if it was indeed true..

Clinton on Wednesday denied pledging allegiance to Satanism after a Trump supporter on Twitter took the former first daughter's exchange of New Year's wishes with the Church of Satan to mean she was affiliated with the group.

Wow, everything involving either the Trumps, or the Clintons, NEVER seems to be losing any type of STEEM it seems LOL.

(Keep in mind yesterday Bannon's new book has already jumpstarted the hot-coils for one Donald J. Trump).

I'm just wondering what else is coming for 2018, CAN ONLY IMAGINE THE CHAOS THAT LIES IN WAIT.

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