There have so many stories about this particular subject for years, most noted was the events that were talked about when a spacecraft crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico. This would become to be known as the infamous Roswell Incident that grew from it's speculations, and would later be betrayed in a number of films and even coined it's own name in the show ironically called "Roswell".
Many fads came of it, people would take things to a higher perspective such as custom wear (or better known as cos-play) during special occasions such as Halloween, or cosplay demonstrated at the Comic-Con events, and of course you had movies that REALLY ran with various concepts which tried to expand upon what little the public had already known thus far.
For the Pope, otherwise referred to as the Vatican, -- even though I believe that makes reference of the religious institution itself located in Rome, Italy, was suggested to have known about such topic discussions and hidden agendas that have been in place for who knows how long, was carefully orchestrated into a planned phonemic event, that would expose the public to the "SUPPOSED" origins of these hidden beings - even though there has been talk about these beings who look very human-like, with a slight odd depiction in their appearance, and can easily blend in with a crowd of group of people as they wouldn't even notice them.
However that would be what every intelligent life would want to accepted and NOT rejected if they were to encounter human individuals.
The majorproblem however is ACTUAL tangible proof, that these mysterious beings have visited us in the past, as well as in the times of now. Then there are those sculptures that were carved into hard-edge stone walls, depicting visitors (most famous one was the traveler depicted in the spacecraft hovering over the ancient lands of Egypt), so this would often leave a sour taste in the mouths of people today who struggle to understand exactly what did these visitors want, what did they have in mind for us, and how come people such as Pope Francis, have tons of information and insight about these beings, but refuses to share with the public (even certain members of the Vatican congregation were sworn to ABSOLUTE SECRECY no matter the cost keeping the truth bottled up for centuries passed.)
It wasn't just the The Vatican who knew of this, but you also had militant intelligence organizations namely the CIA, FBI, and who can ever forget about those other two organizations who are always waiting in the wings, NASA, and DARPA. Right there I just gathered a few key players who have ties to this "Alien Fiasco" in some way, shape, or form, and believe it or not, the Vatican has information of their findings, but yet the public was always led to believe in MUCH speculated propaganda (again MOSTLY through TV shows such as the "X-Files", or movies such as "They Live".)
In fact, I published an eBook based upon the true secret meanings behind "They Live", ---> I'll leave a link to that below in the SEO Source Section at the end of this article for you to check out.