STORY TIME: The Sex Setup Part 1

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


"How you doing" “said this sexy, Brown Skin, curly top, swaggy man.
"You looking real sexy tonight with your girls" I was in V.I.P at this after party from a Music shoot. Sitting with my girls having a good time.

"Thank you” I smiled but try to keep my cool.
"Is it cool I get to know you" he said.
"Get to know me for what?" I replied with a mini smile
In my head I'm saying is it my short haircut, the beauty mark on my left cheek, or this beverly hill makeup beat to the gods or maybe he knows I'm rich. He just wanna fuck.

"No thank you i'm good"I said waiting to see if he would insist
"Not even a trial?" He insisted as I anticipated, his eyes hypnotizing me. I dazed in them.
"You can start by buying me a drink”. I said

Fast forward to my house after the club.

As soon as we reached my house, he slams the door and slams me on the door. I’m jerking his long ass shit in my hand. I'm super horny. It's been how long a year and some change since I had any. He then takes both my hands and puts them over my head. He holds them with one arm. His other arm is pulling down my pants. I'm biting my lip. This nigga is playing with my clit and I'm already busting a nut. He puts two fingers inside.

"I know you feel that juice" he goes faster and faster and faster. I'm squirting.
"You like that?"he said starring into my eyes
"Yes Za-dd-y" I said trying get my words out. I didn't realize when I gave him the nick-name "Zaddy".
"Can I get some dick please Zaddy"?

He picks me up in 69 and is holding me with my ass in his face and my mouth by his dick. I sucked the life out of his shit well I'm trying because his tongue is so deep in my pussy right now. My nerves are all over the place. I just want him to fuck me because I can't take it no more. I picked myself up and got off him then walk slowly in the living room pointing my finger for him to come. I get right in doggy and put my face down.

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"Put it in" He puts his long dick in and listen sis just listen. I felt that shit in my brain. No kidding. He is pounding me hard , fuck that rough.

"Pull my hair" he chokes me. No kidding I am about to die. This dick feels so good and he knows how to handle this entire ass. He stops and puts his finger in then let me taste it.

"More Zaddy More”.

One year later we are married. I don't know how it happened but this guy was nothing but good to me. I'm still that happy girl he met at the club a year ago. After the wedding at city hall because he wanted it that way we left.

"Let’s go celebrate tonight " he said smiling so hard .
"Where"? I asked
***“Let's get in my Lexus.” He said
"How about where we first met"I suggested. I thought it was a cute idea.
"Okay babe" "I love you" He said with a kiss
"I love you more Zaddy”. I replied

I made sure I wore that black dress he liked so much and my hoops that goes perfect with it. I gelled my sides down so my hair look more exotic but even though I looked good as fuck he looked Zaddyish in that black button up.
So we're at the bar trying to get the bartender attention when this Woman walked up. She had a see through one piece on.
"Here let me help”
"Johnny let me get 3 martini" she looked back at me.
"Thank you we were trying for so long". said my man
I looked at my husband and I see he was head over shoulders. He is a man he is going to look.
"I'm Tiffany this is my husband Ronnie"
"Hi Ronnie" "wassup?" she said.

She smiles and try to play it off. Don't try it bitch I will fight you. Then it hit me, it's my wedding day. This is something I know he would enjoy. She is attractive and just look like a one time fling so why not.

"You like what you see Ronnie" Ronnie doesn’t answer.
"I don't want your man honey trust me I already have one" She said quickly
"Oh you do?” I asked
"Yes I do" she replied.
"So I guess what I had in mind don't matter”.
"What you talking about"? She quickly asked
"You know what I’m talking about”. I replied

She smiles and walks closer to me.
She whispers in my ears: "I won't tell if you don’t”.

I told her my address and she told me she will meet me there. I'm laying in bed alone waiting because Ronnie said he had to go to his mom house for an emergency he wouldn't tell me what it is.

I got a ring at the door. I went to open it it's her. She walks in seductively.
"Where do you want me" I took her hand and walked to my bedroom.
"Nice house you have here" she said
"Thank you”. I replied.

She sat on my bed.
I ask: "Do you want a drink"?
She shakes her head and pulls my arm to get me closer to her. She kisses me. I was kind of turned on. She throws me on the bed and pulls my rob up. She opens my legs wide and starts eating my pussy. Damn is that what I been missing. Ronnie walks in. He touches his dick and begins to undress. He stands in front of me and I suck his dick. Were they fucking me? I don't even care it's to make him happy and it sure is doing me justice. This goes on for minutes. She stops and comes up to me
"Close your eyes" she said
I wasn't sure why she wanted me too but I did. She then blindfolded me. I was very horny so it was exciting. She goes back to eating my pussy then stops. All I see is black. As I go to take the blindfold off she shoots me in the head 6 times I'm dead.

“Her pussy was trash Ronnie" She said
"It was nice but I wasn't trying get too much of it cause I had you baby”. he replied
" Let’s hurry up and get up of here, the cops be here in 2 minutes if you called them when I told you too" She said "I did " He replied: "We boutta be rich baby". Here I am dead in my own house. It was all a setup. He know I didn't sign a prenup, he knew how to sweet talk me into putting his name on my account. That was his real bitch. I was the side bitch. He went to his mother house so he has an alibi when the cops question him. He called the cops to make it seem it was someone already here when he was at his mom house. He didn't want a big wedding because he wanted everything kept quiet. He fucked me so good that it fucked up my head. He kept me happy so I never complained to anyone he wasn't shit so he can get away with this. I was the dummy.

Watch out for Part 2

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