Hitler said even in his death he will start World War 3.. One of his soliders asked how? He replied…

in story •  8 years ago 

Hitler said even in his death he will start World War 3.
One of his soliders asked how?
Hitler replied, “The day mankind finds out what I was trying to defend  this nation, Germany, from then thats the day World War 3 will start.
For on that day, mankind will learn that I was trying to save my Nation  from The Free Masons, the Illuminati, the jews. For if the Americans  wins the war, then they will conquer the  world and forever be a slave to the jews and they will try to conquer  God. Do you know who America has in its posession?

 “NO,” the solider replied. 

The Americans has the jewels of God. The Americans have stolen God’s precious jewels.   

“What do you mean his precious jewels?” THE SOLIDER asked. 

Hitler said, “America has stolen the jews. The Jews of God. His  jewelry. The negros. They are the true hebrews. What a foolish move and a  direct challenge to God. And they plan on moving these false white jews  into a state of Israel. 

America is desperate in its attempt to win this war using atom bombs  on Japan. America will destroy the whole world in its attempt to conquer  it. 

When America and its jewish slave masters conquer the world and the  world realize I was right, then all nations will begin a third world war  to dethrone America of its rule. Every nation will soon possess atom  bombs of their own. It will be the end of most of the world as we know  it. 

“Why will the jews control America?” the solider asked 

Hitler said, “because the white jews knows that the negros are the  real children of Israel. And to keep Americas secret, the jews will  blackmail America. The jews will extort America Their plan for world  domination wont work if the negros knew who they were. The white  citizens of America will be terrified to know that all this time they’ve  been mistreating and discriminating and lynching the childen of Israel.  They will fear God will destroy them as he destroyed Egypt for doing  the same thing. So the elite, the Illuminati keeps this a secret at all  cost. 

After  I die, I will one day cause World War 3 just by this message which will  be like planting a seed in people minds until it sprouts once they  nurture that seed and seek more truth and learn Hitler was right. I did  the world a favor by killing the false jews before they designated a  false state of Israel.

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Interesting post, I don't know much about Hitler and this is a interesting perspective. Thanks

He's very unique person with special thinking, but he didn't being enough intelligent untill acheiving his goals