Fight for the throne

in story •  7 years ago 


Before the colonial era, people have been ruled by Kings and queens.This Kings are neither Voted for nor do they campaign. This kings are referred to as special diety elected by the gods of such land therefore they are treated like a god which they were no not but thought they were.

This Kings are empowered by the gods of such land through their priest or priestess. After colonisation or civilization, this act has reduced drastically but let me take you on a journey(story) that happened during this era. Come along!

     It begins 

King Adeboye succeeded his father who died after disobeying the gods of the land.A neighboring village were set to make war with the land and the king was forewarned not to engage in battle but his disobedience led to his death.

King Adeboye is now king the whole village is happy with it.King Adeboye has been a gentle boy from childhood and was spoken of the chiefs as the most gentle Prince ever born in the land.King Adeboye was humble, he never liked to show or live like a prince all through his childhood which made it so obvious that when he becomes a king, there will be good turn for the village.

Finally he succeeded his father and things were all in place. King Adeboye had only 3 sons without a daughter. The king was persuaded to get another queen so as to have a princess in the palace but refused claiming he wants to be faithful to his wife. Everybody loves the king for who he was and the only thing the villagers could do was to pray to God to make king Adeboye live forever. In the time of king Adeboye, war was never heard not only within the village, but also in all the surrounding villages. King Adeboye was known for his peace keeping he ensured the unity of all kings of other villages.

This stared up anger among the chiefs cause ever since the village has been in peace, the sources of income has reduced. King Adeboye has 3 sons, the first two sons were direct opposite of the king which made him wondered if he really gave birth to them. The first two princes were known for their life styles they were rude, proud and regards no one. These made some of the chiefs like them so much cause they were the best option to bring back their sources of income. Adejare was the last prince who was a perfect reflection of his father. Majority of the villagers love him and wish he rule over them ahead of his elder brothers.

In this era, the first prince is the direct heir to the throne thus it was obvious who the next king would be. Only in critical conditions is the leadership shifted to the other princes.

The king wanted Adejare(the last prince) to succeed him due to his attitude. Majority of the chiefs supported the first prince while just 2 wanted the last prince.

On a fateful day, the most ranked Chief summoned his loyal colleagues along side the first two princes.
The king wants to favor your younger brother he told the princes. This brought fear to their minds and asked what can be done. If the King continues in this manner, am scared the youngest of you takes the crown. The only way to stop this is the sudden death of the king.

Ah! The princes shouted we can't kill our father oo. If he lives,you loose the throne he told him. Without much thought, they accepted the offer.

How do you intend to kill the king despite all the guards in the palace the second prince asked. We are not killing him with our hands but invoking the anger of the gods on him he replied.

The meeting was concluded and the princes left for the palace. On sighting their last brother, they hated him the more and plotted all manners of things against him.

Few days later the king became ill at the point of death. The chief priest was summoned. The gods are angry he said. They need to be appeased through the bone of the previous king.

According to the tradition of the land, all kings are buried in different land far from the village cause they believed they are gods too.

The three princes were appointed to go and dug the bone of their grandfather for their father. This was a plot to eliminate the last prince all which was plotted by the first two princes and the chiefs.

Finally the journey began. It was a 9day walk to the valley of the kings from the village. They began this walk the last prince was given the burden of carrying the loads being the last born.

They were so kind to their brother that they protected him. He was nearly bitten by a snake but thank God for the second prince that rescued him. Prince Adejare became so happy for all the kind gestures he received.

One their fifth night, Adejare told his brothers how the king asked him if he will love to succeed him. He so much trusted his brothers that he told them all was happening. The more he spoke the more they began bitter within them.

Finally they got to the valley of the kings and dug out the bone of their grandfather. While coming back, Adejare was hit with a staff on his head they made him bleed till he gave up before them.

Finally the stupid boy is dead they said. Though it is painful but he had to pay the price the second prince said.

Now the two brothers like friends were happy, singing and rejoicing after successfully rehearsing the lie to give their father back home.

They have another 5days to walk back home, the first prince started his rulership right where they were. He started directing his brother, controlling him and making all the decisions. This frustrated the second prince who have been busy taking orders from his brother.

It was another night, the second prince woke up thinking "is this how my brother will keep directing my life? No it can't be.

They began another walk now it was 4days to get back home the prince in his command kept ordering his brother around. They got to a river where they waited to drink water. The first prince stepped to drink water and wash himself while doing this, the second prince came, pushed his brother to the dip part of river. The second Prince knew his brother could not swim, he watched as his brother drowned in the river.

The throne is all mine now the brother he said..
While going home, he was ambushed by a group of thieves that captured him and took him away.

They took all he had with him, even the bones from the kings valley. He tried explaining himself who he was and what he went for. Like we care they replied him. While they plan on selling him on slave trade.

Finally they decided to sell him off.. As they prepared the necessary procedures, a voice sounded from behind "let him go" that voice sounds familiar the prince said. The voice came closer and to his greatest surprise it was the third prince. Ghost! He shouted. Am not a ghost he replied him.

How did u do it?

The third prince then narrated how he had a secret group from age 18 that worked for him even without the knowledge of the king. One of them called him and told him how he saw the chiefs and the other princes together that was how he knew they were up to something..

I arranged with them to secretly walk with me to the kings valley then after you hit me and left they came pick me up the prince narrated.

Ah his brother began sobbing am so sorry it wasn't my fault.

Where is my brother he asked him
With tears in his eyes he replied he drowned i killed him.. Then he began crying uncontrollably telling him how they were misled by the chiefs.

To his surprise he saw the first prince coming too...
This time he(second prince) became Scared extremely..we rescued him Adejare told him.

The 3 of them hugged, sob and reconciled.
They got back home but there father was dead already. At this time their cry was exceedingly much...

3 days after the king died, they prepared to make the first prince the king, as they came to proclaim him the king, he rejected it and pass it to the second prince who rejected it and pass it to the last prince. At this time the chiefs were confused.

Finally Adejare was crowned and arrested all the chiefs they contributed to his father's death and were publicly executed.

Being the king he pardoned his brothers who he made his counselors.

Six decades after this era, the colonial masters came

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