Silver Adventures of Captain Joshua Slane- 22JA19 – ‘To the beach men! Move your arses!’

in story •  6 years ago 



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[Last time...]

Galligan held Tipper close as he gazed at all of them.

“Yoo're aw actin' mighty’ what th' devil ur we doin' in thes jungle?!"

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[On board the Silverton…]

Seaman- Landsman Agpielover ran up to the bridge carrying the big bird “Groober” on his arm…
“Th’ spyug Sairrr!”
“Guid son, noo script me a message!"
“Aye Sairrr!” Agpielover quickly dug through his pants pockets to retrieve a pencil stub, “Ready Sairrr…”

“Dears Petty Officer- Quartermaster Ickied,
Ahh needs tae know now if th' mission was successful!’-Keptin

Thaur, noo sends heem aff th' starboard rail in a hurry cheil!" The Captain said as he kept his scope on the dark vessel north of them.
“Aye Sairrr!”

And with that, Agpielover ran down to the main deck and cast the big bird over the starboard rail and out onto the moonlit sea.
“Keptin Sairrr, th' Grand Bank us cuttin' water fest fur th' north! In anither half hoor she'll be oot of gun range an' free!" Cockpit Mate- Midshipman’s Mate Fisky said anxiously.
Caterwaulin Chatty! Ahh know exactly whit th' Grand Bank is doin' cheil! Ahh'll noot fire until Ahh know th' Scottish officer an' Loon Tipper ur safe!" The Captain yelled as the veins on his forehead bulged.

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[Back in the narrow jungle of the Bay of Badjanani…]
Commander Galligan looked hard at Ickied and Junior Petty Officer- Boatswain’s Mate Azzuar until both their swords were safely scabbard.

“Noo 'en...yoo min' veery much tae teel me whit th' fock is gonnae oan haur?!" Galligan said as he stood tall in the center of the group.
“Ahh'll teel ye Sairrr, Ahh'll teel ye aw Sairrr, but there's nae time noo tae explain! We've got tae git tae th' beach fest an' pull fur th' ship!" Ickied said with urgency in his voice.
Galligan lifted his chin and nodded, “Fair enaw! Which way is th' beach?!" Galligan asked.
“This way Sairrr!” Ickied said, pointing to the west, “But we hae tae make it fest!"

Just then the air pounded above their heads and the familiar shape of Groober soared above the clearing!

“Groober!” Boy Tipper yelled as he waved and jumped!
The big bird came down and landed on his shoulder…

“Och it has tae be important!" Tipper said excitedly as he unrolled the message and held it out flat in the light of the moon.
“Quickly loon! What's it say?!" Galligan ordered.
“It says…

‘Dears Petty Officer- Quartermaster Ickied,
Ahh needs tae know now if th' mission was successful!’-Keptin”

“Who's got a pencil?!" Galligan asked quickly.
“Ahh dae Sairrr!" Tipper replied, handing him his stub.

Galligan hurredly scribbled something on the bottom of the message, rolled it up and strung it back around Groober’s neck while sending him aloft in a rush of feathers!

“Tae th' beach men! Move yer arses!" Galligan barked as he dashed forward out of the clearing and into the jungle heading west!
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"Ever want ta jist leave aw yer problems an' troobles behin' an' sail th' high seas in search ay hodden silver an' adventure? Weel ye can dae jist 'att by joinin' th' crew ay th' mighty 'Silverton', a 36 gin frigate ay th' Royal Scottish Navy, reit haur oan steems-it an' so forth!"- Keptin

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"If you’re enjoying mah adventure,
consider ‘Up-Voting’ mah blog!" –Cap’n
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"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]

Reference: Pictures frae,,, an’

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