Submit a story, write outside your niche

in story •  7 years ago 

Create content outside your niche-expand your horizon

When surviving in a particular market, it is essential to dominate a particular niche and rule to succeed and get noticed. As valuable as it is to have a complete understanding of your niche, it is extremely necessary to create and explore other dimensions out there and go off-topic once in a while.

However vast your subject is, it is plausible that the niche you’re writing about will diminish, during exhaust you’ll have nothing new left to write anymore. Sooner or later when you reach that stage, you’ll need to set a strategy .

Smartly, the alternative could be to start early on the off topics, come up with content that is outside your niche, dwell outside your comfort zone and enjoy the benefits, there are many- such as:

Rehash with your readers

Expanding the reach of your audience and interacting with readers who are oblivious about your brand, helps you gain more insights and outreach more people

It often happens that you play out your audiences and run out of topics to write about within your relevant niche. Over time, you start dropping your readership. Creating content outside your niche will help you perfectly in revamping with your readers and earn more readers.

Amplify social media presence

One of the coolest benefits of writing outside your niche is to earn good social media views. Writing on different topics and posting your blogs on social media will give you the required leverage to fetch new followers and get additional likes and comments from diversified audiences. This will in turn increase your visibility on the social platforms and get noticed by larger audiences.

Writing valuable and insightful content, which is a little out of your boundary can help you stream social views and engage with people outside your territory.

Look forward to new relationships

Covering topics that are a little outside your niche will help you influence future customers. You can connect with prospects before hand, even before they are needing your services. Engaging with a larger audience in some capacity will enable you to increase the odds of them reaching out to you when the need arises.

Small business owners, especially are interested in topics that are beyond their subject. People who still don’t realise they need products and services you sell, will keep you afloat in their minds when you share the same interest as they do through your content.

Don’t stay half-baked

Writing blogs helps you express yourself, being generic all time within your niche doesn’t help you embrace your personality. With the kind of competition out there, you have to revamp your tone, style, topic, structure, etc. Adding humor and visuals makes your blog user friendly. However, if its still the same rant, it doesn't get any interesting.

Neither you nor your readers appreciate stale content. Diversity in your content will help you to not go insane. It will open up new ways to express your opinions and gain more knowledge through researching when you write about things outside your niche.

Get started

Going against the grain with your content and writing off topic as a blogger is a secret to success. Dominating a niche will help you build a digital footprint, stepping outside your niche is crucial for growing.

Off-topic helps you become a better blogger and lets your readers be interested, coming across fresh and original content is a winning situation for everyone. Before you expand your horizon and write outside your niche it is extremely helpful to be careful about a few things, like:


Do your research, once you get use to the topic, read it out, swipe the internet with every information available. Look at the popular sites and figure out how you want to express yourself. Researching is the first step towards drafting content that is outside your niche.

Social Media:

If you’ve crafted a great blog, it is extremely helpful to put it out there, share it on all the social media platforms.
However, even before you draft content, you can post your views on the topic you're looking to write, you gain valuable insights of what’s advisable.

Trending topics:

It’s not adequate if you just look for a new topic to write on, having relevance to what you do and the topic you choose is equally necessary.
You can get learnings from the top websites that showcase what’s trending and give you an understanding of what’s to come with the latest updates.
Be more knowledgeable than your reader.


Setting a strategy and implementing a good idea is a unique way of growing, there are websites out there that help you understand the way others are trending with their posts. Get analytical knowledge and pitch in original ideas with it.

Invest time on topics that are latest in the industry, write crisp and original content which the audience can connect to and post the links on social media for expansion. It sums up everything.

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Thank you for the post


Love this. One of the hardest things to do is write outside what you're comfortable with, and yet that is also one of the most useful and powerful tools for getting better as a writer. Steemit is rife with contests and challenges that can do that for you, too, which is one reason I love the platform so much.

I couldn't agree more. Thanks :-)