Tales from my past: Life in broad spectrum - part 1

in story •  7 years ago 

It is a beautiful spring afternoon, the sun still shining amidst the light drizzle of rain falling on the sodden body of Steve, lying in the mud outside the pub he was just thrown out of after being beaten to within an inch of his life. People say that your whole life flashes in front of your eyes just before you die, the eternal question being, is what your going to see going to be worth your time and will you be happy with what you see? For Steve it was no exception as he lay there in the street, realizing what has happened and picturing the events of his life leading up to his demise…

Since the beginning of my life I had problems, I almost didn’t make it out of my moms womb, or was it that I made it out and almost died after the birth, I could never remember. I don’t know whether my mother forgot what exactly happened or whether she just don’t know all together. My name is Steven, as the intro guy mentioned, and this is my story. It isn’t very different of any other mans life other than mine is being told. You were told about my end, and now its time for you to learn about my beginnings. As I said, I was cursed from the beginning. After my birth things didn’t really get that much better, I bumped my head a couple of times, I was slow learning to speak, but in the end I got the basics of life down. After the whole baby thing I went through a bit of a rough patch. My parents died at the hand of some dude in a strange suit of armour, my house was burnt to the ground and the only reason I was left alive was because they didn’t know that I existed. Luckily (some would argue that word) I was found by a passing stranger who raised me as her own. It was shortly after this that I thought to myself, "things can't really get worse" followed by an immediate regret of the thought as the universe took this as a challenge.

After the whole being raised by a stranger thing issue, whose name was, well I cant remember right now but I’ll get back to it later, in any case she was a sweet woman, did everything for me, I lived like a king on a peasants budget (by which I mean starvation and deadly winters) and of course I almost forgot all about the whole guy in armour thing, whose name is Agmon by the way, but I only find that out much later in the story. Life was almost good, apart from the whole plague thing. So, all went well (under the circumstances) , until what's-her-name told me everything that happened, calling up memories and emotions that has been pushed way down. I know she meant well but seriously? Can't people leave well enough alone. Now I suppose your wondering how I can remember that I fell on my head when I was a baby, but I couldn’t remember my parents being brutally murdered in front of my eyes, answer is, don’t know, but it has been theorised long ago that the mind is a very strange and mysterious thing.

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