Tales from my past: Life in broad spectrum - part 3

in story •  7 years ago 

So anyway, I set out, and looking back, I wish I never did that. Life was so much simpler before all this. I was happy, sort of, but I was content for the most part and look at me now, dying in the mud.

So like I said, I was on my way, and first up on my incredible journey along pretty much the only road in my region, was the small town of Aldoria. I think that’s the name of the trees that grows in that area. Now of course I couldn’t do this whole vengeance thing on my own, so I had to seek help from whoever would offer it. Most people laughed at the proposal of my offer of glory and riches, others thought it funnier to use my body as a punching bag, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, or give you cracked ribs in my case. By the third settlement and seventh cracked rib I finally found someone, a young girl, lady, woman, whatever, by the name of Sarah, plain, simple, easy to remember. Basically, she was tall, beautiful and obviously I fell in love right away, which only complicated things, especially when it gets down to the whole, save her life by sacrificing my own, or leaving her to die. Luckily that only happens later in the story.

Now I suppose you're thinking; how much can really happen in the two months time that I left my home leading to me dying in the mud. Well the answer is fairly simple: not much. Sarah and me set off, still to the North. We stopped in another settlement to rest a little, and of course by this time I already told her that I kind of like her. So we stopped in this pub, and this guy is getting a little fresh with her, and me being the gentleman I am, stepped up wanting to defend her honour. It turns out she is actually more of a "sales lady" than a lady lady, and when a man is three times your size, he could probably kill you with one blow to the head, which brings me to my current predicament, dying in the mud. I lay there wondering if this is how it truly ends. I’m only seventeen, and my parents have not been avenged yet. Luckily, just before the pain becomes too much, the blood loss too severe, and my never ending stream of thoughts too strenuous...I pass out.

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