How did Papa Smurf learn such powerful magic? learn here

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's Friday night...lets have a glass or two of red and contemplate deep stuff... and the real question on everyone's lips is, where did papa smurf get his magic from?

...but before we explore this important and complex question its best to consider the smurfs themselves as this may relate in part to why papa smurf has the power!

Every body knows to reach the smurf village you simply,  look on the map for a dense forest near deep marshes, come out in a scorching desert, climb up a reasonably steep mountain range, check for Gargamels house on the left as you enter the forest, then look for  Azrael's footsteps then follow them until they disappear – this is where the magic barrier of invisibility begins which cloaks the mushy village.    If you struggle to find it this way, just go to the nearest creek follow this until the water level seems disproportionate, this is the invisible smurf dam..but finding it this way is seasonal.   

To be completely honest if you find Gargamels house, you could just drink a bottle of rum and stumble around shouting papa smurf!, pap smurf! for a few hours and the smurfs will come to you…well in theory.   

But that’s not what this post is about, it’s about how did papa smurf get his magic? 

Well we know the common smurf is 3 apples high and is about 100 years old….but what about papa smurf? for him it’s like close to 550 years old.   

Ok, so the longer creatures are alive, the more they learn about just being this age means you know allot about stuff, this is probably why papa is so good at chemistry (alchemy), but this post is more about how good he can cast magic.   

If I remember correctly Smurfette was created to disrupt the genderless smurf community and bring the smurfs to Garagemel so he could turn them to gold.   

So reason would suggest Smurfette is not really a true smurf, a kindda sub smurf species..but then Papa smurf some how turns her into a real smurf? wtf? how....damn! he's got power!   

..Of course common smurfs arrive from stalks, but we aren’t really told where the stalks got the smurfs from…??


Anyways enough with the dribble here is my theory where he gets his magic from. I think its a reasonable assumption that Smurfs were created by magic (re: Smurfette then papa changing her using the True blue spell) and if your created by magic, you are therefore likely to be some what magical.   

As mentioned previously smurfs live a very long time and they like all creatures, they learn more and more about the nature of things the longer they live. So eventually it is possible all the smurfs stop being young and start cranking spells like a true papa!

Hmmn.. I mean the common smurfs have roles, so maybe some smurfs don’t spend any time learning to be magic ever? and instead perfect other skills, i.e. maybe they just stay specialised in whatever they learned when they were just 100 years young.

Soooo... why did papa specialise in magic?? hmmn Well he is kindda the head of the colony and protects them all, so as top protector it kindda comes with the job…hmmnn maybe?

I kindda suspect papa smurf and the other smurfs were actually created by another wizard that the smurf cartoons in the 80's never really showed us. 

Why? well we know there are many magical being living in and around smurf forest and we know papa knows the greats like father time and mother nature, so as far as we know they could have even created him…

Hmmn...maybe not, papa kindda treats them almost like friends or equals…like they have known each other along time, like long term neighbors. 

So I speculate that papa smurf was created by yet another unknown ancient wizard out there...someone we have not yet met (obviously very powerful) and I’m pretty sure they are still occasionally cranking out smurfs – hence baby smurf's arriveing on stalks.

I suspect several smurfs are made by this wizard, apart from grandpapa smurf (who is possibly actually a time traveller papa smurf, but yeah I won't go there..hehe), but more likely grandpa was one of the first created smurfs..he  was kindda like a failed experiment. 

So with this speculation, when this unknown creator wizard created papa, it was like "Wow! this blue dude is cool and nice, he’s got some sweet power as well; maybe like a freak!! a one off who would have expected such a thing... but how do we make more?. Then as they continued to make more failed papa’s , these rejects were sent to smurf village for papa’s care? Harsh eh.. papa being heaps magical, making and sharing spells with his neighbours is obsessed with gaining more power (probably what p's off the mean old nasty Gargamel).

Anyways off to play smurf village! 

Do you agree with my thoughts on how papa got his magic? where do you think papa smurf got his magic from.  

images here from giffy and other web places

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How is it you know so much about Smurfs? That day when you were about 4 years old and I pretended to catch a Smurf, I think maybe I messed your brain up a little.. They're not real dude, get over it! lol...…..

You craaaaazy!

No more drinky poo's for the Nige.

I loved the smurfs, and I love your analysis! Really don't know whether it's alchemy of creation by a great and powerfull wizard, but I sure love the last one more.

I hope there are going to be more smurfs in the future again! I haven't seen them for a long time now :D

Thanks for dropping by and leaving the nice comment..There are allot of smurf movies these days, but nothing beats the originals..I believe the consensus is he really was a alchemy pro vs. mage pro.

perhaps I'll do a future smurf post or something on many of the other great shows I watched in the 80's

Pretty awesome story @lordnigel. Very impressive post and I appreciate your work. 😍🤗💚💙

Thanks for sharing this post.

Err...hehe I thought so

You went deep with that analysis.

Papa Smurfs magic is pure Alchemy, just like Gargamels.
It's an even battle field... or smurfberry patch.
What ever you want to call it.
All I know is, when these cryptos start taking off again
I'm going to be like

Mate - when the time might take a bit; I'll be in my private jet coming to one of your local Steemit catchups - wearing my smurfyest Steem shirt and gold chains

That's some fantastic investigative journalism.

haha to go where other haven't been before! or would care to

I am no expert on the Smurfs, but I have to disagree on the basis of two animations that I accept as Smurf canon, both of which would seem to suggest that perhaps Papa Smurf's intelligence is not as great as you have stated it to be...

Exhibit A...:

... and Exhibit B:

Oh man hahaha poor smurfs...that wasn't smurfy at all!