CLEAR MY MIND ( As l struggle )

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


I this Particular morning in Louisville as I went on a hot afternoon walk
to clear my mind. I noticed the sky about to clear and the blue begin to show it’s self .
The downs in life don’t last forever it reminded me. When you think about life
with a open mind and feel in you’re heart there is something greater than you
good things will come. Take them in stride, be thankful when they arrive
not matter how big or small.

So many people think blessing should be fantastic and totally amazing.
Sorry but that is Mans Version not GODS or SPIRITUAL BEING. Which ever
way you perfer to phrase it .

We are taught as children to read and write, but a lot of our schools in the United States
there a lack the teaching love and respect for those of lower income. There is no talk
of how unique the child is or the gift god has given them. I child is felt unworthy
because of their clothes because it’s not the current style. If they go to a public school
they are chastised by those whose parents put them in private school. Especially
children of color. Which really ticks me off! So you can’t rise and share your gift to the world
because of the economic status you live in WRONG!
There are several examples of human beings who have done that throughout history.
With faith, love, purpose and the knowing that they weren’t alone. That something
more powerful than man was protecting them, giving them strength through out
their struggles.

We must teach our children from a young age that life’s destiny is not totally our control.
Great things are in store for them when it is gods time not theirs. Blessing, pitfalls are a
part of life but not a permanent thing unless you make it so in your mind. Body size
shouldn’t make a difference, color of skin, what neighborhood you live in, whether you’re
a girl or boy.

Opportunities for better education and funding still often go to schools
in higher income areas. Which only creates a wider gap between well to
people and those who are struggling. Once again children of color and
white children in low income families suffer. It a financial thing. In this
case the color is green.

Unfortunately in our society today there is a serious lack of respect
for ones self and others. Maybe because it’s not important in some homes we
live in, or the fact that gratitude for the gift of being able to enjoy life is
not appreciated. To busy complaining about not having enough when you
already have a five bedroom house.
Yes l believe Jesus died for our sins . I also feel his skin tone was a
little darker. How do l honor him, by working on me as often as l

Is it easy? Not at all. I struggle with anger, the loss of my
father who passed away in September of 2017. My desire of
beautiful woman’s kiss, passionate eyes, the curves of her body.
Yes passion is missing from my life. Art and photography is my
escape from it all. As l work on a happier me.
The Artist lines, flow of the hair fascinates me.
So is it a terrible thing to admire a woman’s body or not?
What if a Artist sees it as a work of creative curves. I am l wrong?
Should l be ashamed? 58FD6EBF-060C-4A61-88ED-1F89AD634644.jpeg92C28860-F130-4E35-B18D-3C0842706976.jpegCAFF2A3D-3839-450F-B133-1DC872EF8BEC.jpeg

In some people’s eyes maybe.
Do l ignore my being creative when l see beauty,
even if it’s the human figure? instead of landscape.7ED267BA-48C8-4475-B84A-2D0471D9FFF3.jpeg


I will always have a eye for beauty.4A44CEEE-3500-4BB0-B536-14B2F7926BDC.jpeg

That l cannot deny.
All the the picture of the clouds and landscape, Jesus
and some of his disciples we’re taken by me.

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Good post@luckyfellow

Thank you oldman2000.

superb post i like it

Thank you chingcha.

Super lucky

Thank you

Cool beautiful photos of artist .love it .

Thank you bismakhan.

Great post. Lovely soft hot .

Thank you shamsa.

Very nice .it look so sweet .

Thank you babarkhan100.

informative post i like it

Thank you hitachi2.

Waooo ,,,,amazing post.thanks for this information.

Thank you aishkhan.

Cute photography.i like it

Thank you sajidkhan.

What a beautiful picture

Thank you hippi.

Very deep, my friend. There's a lot of food for thought here!

Thank you my friend. I am definitely working on my inner demons and anger at the moment.


Thank you caringlee.