What Bowes Knows

in story •  6 years ago 

I'm Just a Girl.

Photo on 2018-04-10 at 8.01 PM.jpg

With a Cat.


I'm a girl with a cat on my back.

Photo on 2018-04-28 at 4.48 PM #3.jpg

Did you like that Dr. Seuss story I was starting there? Well if not, don't worry because I never have been able to finish writing any fiction (yes that includes children's books), in fact I don't really enjoy writing stories.

I'm, however, a very avid reader. I love reading the words of others, and I'm always impressed with the tenacity of writers and respect they way they can create entire worlds from typing out their imagination.

What I'm Currently Reading

When my son Kiedis told me that they were reading "Matilda" by Roald Dahl in their class I started having all sorts of wonderful childhood flashbacks of reading Dahl. I asked Kiedis if he would bring home "Matilda" when they were done with it and he did. Next he brought me home "The BFG". I am in absolute heaven reading these, they're so lighthearted, and they stir memories of sweet times escaping into books as a child. He's bringing me "Witches" and "James and the Giant Peach" next hehe!


I'm also working on "The Malazan Book of the Fallen" series, it's the second time I've read it. This is an incredible series if you love the magical sides of fantasy mixed with the history of unknown worlds, and of course a lot of violence. Erikson is really a genius, he's basically Tolkien on steroids.

I've always wished for someone to write the longest book in the world, a series without end, "The Malazan Book of the Fallen" series comes very close to that wish with 10 books totalling 11,200 pages. Reading it the second time is better than the first because of the hundreds of characters in storylines spanning thousands of years on many different continents. I bet reading it the 3rd and 4th and 5th times will be even better, that's how complex they are.

Mmmm...Banana Bread


I haven't been showing you guys my carb porn lately, and I know you've probably really been missing that hahahaha!


My Love of Bread and Bread Products...

I'm so grateful for it because without that love I would never get any exercise. Would you guys believe that I actually was running last night? I was! The walking just isn't helping enough, so I've started to mix in some running to help offset the (not so charming) results of my carb addiction.

I've actually been going for walks without bringing my camera as well because that forces me to keep my heart rate up by not stopping every 5 minutes because of "Ooooh Pretty!" *click click click. I was out there twice yesterday, and I'm going again tonight, pure speed, no camera click click clicking.

What the Bowes' Knowses

The guys have been working hard cleaning up our land and tearing down a lot of the structures we had built. We are hoping to be able to move out of here soon and don't want to have to do all of this at the end, so we're slowly getting our shit together now while we have the free time.


@Hendrix22 disassembling the tree fort, he's up there with no ladder and a saw, it reminded me of a Loony Tunes episode. I called @EddieBowes over to help him, because we all know men won't ask for help on their own.


No one was harmed in the tearing down of the tree fort, bonus!


The Big Greenhouse is Torn Down



It filled 10 recycling bags full of the poly and we have a bunch of wood for campfires this summer.

Yes, I Am Still Growing Food Not Lawns This Year

Very soon I'll be planting all of my lettuce and sweet pea seeds, I've been procrastinating as long as possible because I feel so bad locking the girls up into their run while the seeds sprout and grow strong seedlings. I'm going to have to man up and do it soon though, I really should have gotten the seeds in a couple weeks ago...


Everything weeded and ready for planting, I just need to harden my heart and put the girls into their chicken run.


Kale Though!


These little babies seeded themselves from last year's plant. Thanks Kale! I wish more plants would seed themselves like you, you are my hero.

Give Me a High 6!


Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

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The Don likea to reada the books too Lyndsay.

I reada the Godfather story, it givea me the idea for when I fighta the fat man.
I likea to writa the kids book too, I writa the story about a the superhero chicken.


You likea the name.....?

Everybody willa buya my book.......Or else!

Don Poltryoni - Children’s Author & Hitman.

I think you might be able to pull this one off! SuperCock is adorable!

Hey @lyndsaybowes .. hope you had a great weekend!! Been a busy one here as family staying .. I went back to work for a rest!! Loving your book selection .. in my eyes, Dahl is a bonafide genius the way he can flit between childrens novels and his darker tales of the unexpected series is a joy to behold .. there will never be another Roald Dahl, unique in every way. I've yet to read Steven Erikson .. but upon your recommendation I'm sure that will change. May I recommend Susan Cooper's dark is rising series .. it's a 5 book series but start with the 2nd one (you can read 1st and 2nd in either order) and then read part 1, 3,4,5 .. I read the series as a child and still hold them as some of my favourite books of all time. The Dark is Rising is the 2nd one and it's a great way to get into the series .. it even has Herne the Hunter in it .. if you know who that is? :D What else can I say .. as always stunning pictures, and wow that bread!! Thanks for sucha beautiful post my friend!!

Ooooh thanks for the recco, checking it out on amazon right now!!!!!

And BWA HAHAHHAAA going to work for a rest lololololol :) :) :) Good one.

Firstly, Bread Porn...I crave it! IT's lovely to see it here, but know that I am not eating it. Once I'd start I'd be hard pressed to stop. Of course @winstonalden is probably sad about the lack of carbs, but now that he is a 'city man' again, he stops for his sweet and savory Chinese buns every work day as he walks through China Town in Boston from the train. He brings them home sometimes and I enjoy the 'smell'. I find I can really get a good breath and almost taste the little deadlies...mmm. So, do keep the carb porn coming. When will Steemit initiate 'smellivision'?

Are you moving? I'm a bit behind with you, so you probably mentioned it earlier. I hope it means you are going to get a place you love more. Are you hoping for more land in the country or are you going towards the city? Do tell.

I just planted my supar snap peas and lettuce outside! I hope they make it as it is a bit chilly tonight, but they don't mind cold feet. I planted them on the windowsill weeks ago and the only reason I am so far ahead is because I was CRAVING Spring with this horrible WInter we had. Normally I might be a bit behind with them as well. I still haven't planted my broad beans yet or my sweet corn, but now I have more window sill space where the salad greens and peas were so there you go.

Oh a girl and her cat, I feel you. Although I was just saying that Puss is far more my dog than Monty (my dog) is. Puss follows me about, sits for me comes when I call her and mostly minds me. Monty couldn't be bothered and prefers to preen himself in the hot sun patches all day alone like the sultan or some Hottentot.

I am so happy you are running. I don't know if I shall ever try it. Your MIL might encourage me to though, but I'm so busy right now, I'm not sure. Although I could get my 'walks' in faster I suppose if I ran. But, I'm too busy stopping and looking at stuff, which isn't really helping my cardio.

Well, this was a good catch up. I hope you had an amazing Sunday! My best to you all.

Heyyyyy @donnadavisart! Sooooo good to see you and what a catch up this is. I lol'd more than a couple times, smelling @winstonalden's breath to get vicarious carbs...your preening dog lololol :) :) :)

I can't believe you can plant corn and beans right now, it'll still be a while before we can put those in here.

With the running, I'm just taking it super slow to start, just a bit mixed in with the walking and see what happens.

With the move, we are hoping to stay right on this road <3 <3 <3

My corn and beans I mean I am planting them indoors now to get them started. It'll be awhile before they can go out, we are still getting cold nights. I'm using empty toiletpaper/loo rolls cardboard tubes I save to plant my beans and corn in as then I can transplant them in the tubes and they just biodegrade and help keep some bad bugs off a bit.

Good luck with the move!

Ooooh badass, the ol' tp roll method, loves it!! <3 <3 Okay, I won't be too jealous, I thought you could plant corn right now, you guys are a bit ahead of us for sure though, we just started hearing the "Peepers" here a couple nights ago!

Very interesting, musesnas always Lyndsay. You have done a great job in tidying up, your land looks amazing, top marksnfor effort. Shame the tree fort had to go, bet it was a great place to sit and ponder. So now all you have to do is lock up the girls. Look on the bright side its not for long and egg hunting will be easier lol. Happy spring my friend and good luck with the house hunting. 💜💜😎😎

Thanks Andy, they were in the run today for their first time all day, and it was a nice silver lining to have found every egg hahaha!!

I love that photo of Edgar looking right at the camera! And her lying on you is what Maggie does to me. YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN.
Aw, so sad the tree fort is down. But exciting you are getting ready for your move to your own homestead!
Carb porn... 😋

Awww....I haz been chosen? Excellent!!! I am her favourite it's true, but didn't want to make a big deal about it, but since you mentioned it... hahahahaha!! (don't tell the boys!)


Edgar looks so cool. She has definitely chosen you to be her person! I love carbs too, but they are a no-no for me :{ I love the Roald Dahl books! I can't wait to start reading them to my granddaughter. Yeah, guys are horrible asking for help! Looking good on the cleanup. Any idea when you will be leaving this place?

Awww...what lovely memories you will be making with your granddaughter, those books are so timeless hey? The best ones always are <3 <3

We're looking for a bigger place to rent even if we cannot buy in 9 months like we wanted to, so fingers crossed something may come up soon!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Fingers and toes crossed for you!

Really glad I read this. I been wondering what you up too lately. Now I know kinda. One reason we get along so well, you like to read. I like to write. The exercise thing,,, I pulled the oL bike down fixed it up today and went riding. Should sleep well tonight. image.jpg


Awesome job Tony!! :) And yes, we're like PB and Jelly hahaa

This giving up smoking is an emotional roller coaster. I never in my life been so dismal about the world and people. I haven't been able to talk to anyone or write anything, stopped working on the bus. I've cut down dramatically but it is slowly creeping back up each day. Tomorrow I throw them again see how I go for round two. The Cravings are not so bad now and the hand thing. Habit of lighting one having one in your hand was a big part of it. Like biting nails for some people I guess, I remember breaking that habit as a kid. Was hard enough without an addiction added to it. Every time I sit in front of this screen I want one. For now this battle seems never ending. Im not real involved with things for now but had some great ideas flowing in just no action to add to them. Peace out sis.

Ugh...I'm so sorry you are going through this my brother, I can't even imagine how hard it would be, fuck, I don't want to even imagine...I start getting all tense just imagining quitting...

Bravo to you for sticking to your goal no matter how tough it gets you just get back up, dust yourself off and try again.

I know that tense feeling you talk off. Sorry for sharing it to you. It has lessened for me so im ready for round two. I am down from around 40 a day to ten and that just crept up to a few more. I was down low as three or four at first. Still haven't managed a day without yet. But im sure ten a day is way less and easier to throw than 40 a day. I could be at this a while yet. Don't hold breath waiting for the fallen soldier on this occasion. I WILL get there and catch up to you again. Everything just seems pretty fucked atm 😂to be expected I guess

10 a day is an amazing accomplishment Tony!! You're doing terrific, and never apologize for sharing with me, I'm here for you! Always!

hard stuff

I am rooting for you

It is appreciated mummabear❤️. The struggle here is very real for me and I can't stand the idea of the tax man getting so much money of me and using it for shit I don't agree with. I have to work harder to continue smoking due to the cost. I see them as the chains of slavery. I have a real thing for freedom on all levels if you haven't noticed 😈 I have my teeth in on this one and I can't let it go. I won't quit quiting till I quit them 😂

I understand totally. I am in my own war here.....day after day after day, just endless more stuff and more stuff. There is a huge dumpster on the driveway and a huge truckload of stuff was hauled away today. The huge truckload of stuff is going to a garage sale to raise cash for battered women and their shelter. It will give them clothes, books, dishes and pictures. etc. I am here till tuesday then I will come back in June. So my struggle is different but very fucking real. xx

Lovely quirky post. :) Thumbs up to the girl who has a cat, loves to read and banana bread! I just had the most frustrating conversation with my husband about my story about a cat, so can I swap him for you temporarily?!

As for mixing running with walking, good approach. You could also add a race plan (half marathon/marathon) to balance this love of bread. I’ve found having a goal helps my love of chocolate too.

Anyway, this read gave me smiles.

HAHA yessss sure swap us out, I'm sure my husband could use some better company too hahahaha!! Thank you for the laugh @linnyplant :)

Lots of projects going on i see. I'd love to help out when Im there :)

Aww, that's so awesome, we're counting down the days!!!!

Me too I cant wait!

I'm surprised how common 6 toed cats are. I really like cat paws. For no particular reason.

It is definitely weird hey? Sure makes her a good mouser though, she's got 23 claws altogether. 6, 6, 6, and 5.

What a cute paw! And a cute girl! And awesome that the kale self seeded too, I don't think I've had that happen. Gotta try that this year. ♡ You're doing lots of cool stuff, books and carbs and running... sounds like good times!
Weird seeing stuff torn down over there.
But, change is good♡♡♡

If we un-build it, a new place will come lolol :) :) At least that's the hope!

Yup, something will show up, at just the right time♡

well that way if something shows up, you have done all the preliminary stuff. good analogy..xx keeping fingers crossed. xx

@lyndsaybowes, and about your banana bread I think it is healty and filling😀😅

Your post express cuteness in each photo and word. <3 The cat, the greenhouse, the bread.
What a lovely attention for the small things in life.

Wow! You guys are moving? Is it as beautiful as Hackett's Cove, I mean where you are headed to. I will sure miss a lot of things here especially the little fisherman. So it's sowing time, I wish you luck.
Lyndsey, don't forget to keep mine , the banana bread.

We're going to be staying near Hacketts Cove hopefully <3 <3 Maybe even somewhere with better scenery <3 <3 Thank you so much for the well wishes for our sowing, I got out there today and got a lot done! Sending you love always Edith <3

I love you too sis.

Now that walk covered a lot. High five back.

Ok kitty high 5!!!! 🐾 back at chya babes!! Good for you for upping your walking game! That's great news! Moving can be so exciting. It's always lots of work so good to plan ahead and spread it out. Do you know where you're moving to? Love those little kales! Awe ❤ so nice to live vicariously. Have a wonderful day!!

Awww...are you doing any planting at all around there? How about some guerrilla gardening? hehee

We hope to be staying right around this community <3 <3 <3 Loving it so much...

Yes! I will most definitely be planting a patio garden at my place. And, starting a Grow Food not Lawn garden at my sisters!! Just no perennials 😔 but, it will be okay. There are many more years ahead. One step back, two steps forward! So they say 🤔 will be fun to see what this season unfolds!! Your oregano is just awesome!!

YAY for being able to plant at your Sister's place, that's awesome, I can't wait to see all of your gardening posts this summer!!! Hugging you Jill <3 <3 <3 You sure know how to make the most of any situation SiSTAR.

Looks like you will have a lot of kale.
I like the cat on the back picture.

I'm going to have to do the dreaded thinning soon!

Aaaahhh it looks so different! I am excited that you are moving <3 <3<3
I feel you with the chickens, I am getting ready to confine them too, makes me feel so bad:( Growing food is just so important lol!! Gah!
I hope you move somewhere that I can move in close to lolol!! Not many more winters left in me for here;) Love you Lynds <3

We're gonna be staying right on this road hopefully, and hurry your arses up eh? hahaha, I'll have one hell of a campfire going when you get here, we'll party for 3 days lmao :)

Poooor #chickenbitchez hey... :;'( Sucks so much....

Omg the struggle is real! I want to move so bad. Its my drive for everything these days....I can't wait to be around a campfire with you <3 <3 <3

Then we can corral the chickens AND have huge gardens cos of all the land.....#manifesting

Manifesting right with you Karen!!!! We got this!

So this is what I am reading. awesome good...really awesome....

great blog of just about everything in the world. I love it. BTW..in my freezer upstairs are a few bunch of bananas..if you want and an extra bag of potatoes in the holocaust cupboard. Help yourself

I can't wait to read it when you're done. B went by and raided the foodstuffs LOL and nice you had a bag of treats for the hennies too xo :)

I am almost finished. I read it in the car. It is actually quite a bit more interesting than I first thought. I love it. So yes you can/should read it. Craig wants to read it as well. You go first you are much faster. FYI. can you go to facebook messenger..and read the message that I have put on there today. 7.42 pm Ontario time. xxx

Where are you moving to?

We're gonna try our best to stay in this area xo

Oh so are you just renting the place you currently are?

Yessssss...buying land has been our goal for a very very long time but we kind of suck at adulting lol.

Looks like you're adulting pretty well to me!

It is that story. Just start to write and it wil be ended any time with better things. It was good writing and expression of better thinkings.

wow... great experience you shared... really awesome writing.
go ahead...
thanks for the share

Beautiful post mam... i wish i could eat some cake.😫 Nice work by the people who works hard for you.👍

Wonderful Writing of kids

You have two brilliant kids and good story mam!

Very very well written
Keep continue writing god content.

Good girl and good job
Wish you luck every day

Wow......Really very beautiful photography @lyndsaybowes...Thanks for sharing

What a cute paw! And a cute girl! And awesome that the kale self seeded too, I don't think I've had that happen. Gotta try that this year. ♡ You're doing lots of cool stuff, books and carbs and running... sounds like good times!
Weird seeing stuff torn down over there.
But, change is good♡♡♡ @lyndsaybowes

you stole @amymya's comment. Naughty naughty... :)