My Bali Earthquake Story

in story •  6 years ago  (edited)

Well, I guess I just don't know where to start. But for sure, this story starts with a hotel nightmare being played on my roommate laptop's screen, a bag of chips and couples of chocolate bread on the table. I was laying on the bed, happily munching the chips and trying to mimic Gordon Ramsay's best insult. I was just laughing and my roommate was making hot chocolate then shortly, I felt the bed was shaking.

I thought for a second and stood up instantly. My bare feet could feel the land was moving.

I was panicking and grabbed my laptop.


Laptop was the first thing that I grabbed and I f&cking ran outside my room to the massive garden that we have. It was strong enough that I could see the building was swaying. I heard the neighbors were screaming, cars honking just outside in the main road. It felt as if that was the end. I was trembling and scared.

This wasn't my first time that I had an earthquake situation. It was just couple months back, I felt the same and still could not recover. I became very sensitive with any micro movements.

My main concern was because we were living just 20 minutes walks from the coastal line. Especially with the news from the government about potential tsunami threat, It adds up to the whole horror scene that night. Lucky, the network was working and I could contact couple of people that I know.

I was very glad that @mariska.lubis helped me find her friend from Bali, who could help just in case something unwanted happened. I feel sorry for the people who live in Lombok. I could imagine the horror would be ten hundred thousand more scarier than mine. My prayer goes to everyone there and I hope this situation won't happen again any sooner.

I learned from the lesson last night, that it is best to follow safety tips on earthquake. It is also advisable to read the local weather news. I should have stayed inside the room and hide under the table instead moving from my room. It's mainly because the chance of getting injured is higher than when you're inside home sheltered under a table.

At this point, I am still trying to stay vigilant and keeping myself updated with the news. I am still paranoid and luckily, I will be flying out of the island soon.

Stay safe everyone!

Much love from the paradise,

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I understand feeling every micro-movement! After my one and only very mild earthquake experience, that newly acquired skill took me close to insanity! It's not a skill I was even conscious of before that time. 7 or 8 years later it still functions just fine TYVM. If be okay with it slacking off.

PS I'm super glad you are okay!

Take care dearest.... You will be fine...