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in story •  7 years ago 

We always watch horror movies and some computer games zombie characters and they come out of the graves to spread terror among people, but we ask the day from where came zombie personality and are there really dead are returned to life, and the answer Dear readers in this article, which we put between Your hands to look at the reality of the zombie figure scientifically and away from the myths
Zombies According to the beliefs of the Voodoo religion, scattered in parts of Africa and the Caribbean, we can call it the Living Dead, a person who died and then was returned to life, or a person whose spirit was stolen by supernatural powers and prescriptions (Herbal) and was forced to obey his obedient obedience blindly.
According to the Voodoo doctrine, the dead can be restored to life by the Voodoo priests and by the use of black magic, and the dead remains under the control of his life-reactive master where he is the will.
There are many stories about the zombie in Haitian folklore. Researchers have found countless stories about people who have been brought back to life by Asiad (voodoo clergy), and these zombies (according to folklore stories) are slaves to their masters without a will or Consciousness (without feelings as in the case of mental patients), and are dangerous only in the case of feeding salt where they regain consciousness and feeling.

Despite the many researches and studies that have dealt with the subject, it remains impossible to deny or believe these stories (the disbelief aspect remains overwhelming, as scientists believe that the restoration of life is impossible) and the great secrecy surrounding the Voodoo doctrine makes It is difficult to identify the real way in the formulation and manufacture of conjunctivitis, which is believed to be carried out by a group of clandestine medical drugs where many scientists believe that the process of building the zombie is divided into two stages first introduction of the victim (after being chosen well) in the case of paralysis or A complete unconscious resembling death through some drugs And then re-awareness of this person (after being buried) by another group of drugs.

In 1937, while searching for folklore in Haiti, Zora Houston, an American researcher interested in folklore, became aware of the case of a woman named Felicia Mentor, who died and was buried in 1907 at the age of twenty-nine, They saw her invoking the streets in the city of Dazi, 30 years after her death, as they saw many people who died and were buried and then returned to life. These observations attracted the interest of Houston and made them follow the rumors and study and has reached the conclusion that these people (zombie) are subject to a powerful drug influence affects their behavior and take away the will, but could not find people who provide more information about These drugs or drugs that cause the phenomenon of zombie, she wrote:

"In fact, if scientists can dig deeper into the Voodoo beliefs in Haiti, they will find some medical secrets that are surrounded by a great secret that is still unknown and which is the main factor in the process of revitalizing or restoring life to the zombie and not the supernatural powers of course, .

In 1980, a man appeared in a rural village in Haiti and claimed that he was named Corles Nareses, a person who died in a Haitian hospital in 1962 and was buried. Corles claimed that he was unconscious but paralyzed during his previous death, He saw the face of the doctor, who covered his face with the cloth cover to declare his death. Corlees claimed that his master brought him back to life and made him a zombie. Since the hospital where Corlees died, he kept documents and records confirming Correlis' disease and his death in 1962. The scientists regarded him as confirmation or proof of the Haitian zombie stories. Questions about his family and his childhood so that no one else can know it, even his family and many people know him and make sure that he is a zombie.
Correlis's case was studied and analyzed during 1982-1984 and revealed to scientists some of the secrets of transforming a person into a zombie.

In 1982, astronomer Wade Davis traveled to Haiti and, according to his observations and research (including the case of Correlis), he claimed that the process of turning a person into a zombie was done by two special examiners who were pushed to the victim's body by causing an injury in the course Blood, the first powder is called coup de poudre, and causes the victim a death-like condition via tetrodotoxin, a lethal poison. The use of a very small amount will cause death-like paralysis of the victim for several days while the victim does not lose consciousness. The second powder is Hallucinogens, a powerful drug that affects the nervous system of the victim, such as emotions and emotions. It is used in the process of forming or forming the zombie character so that it appears without any will and obedience obeys blindly.

Davies provided a range of studies and observations to support his youth. He collected a set of powders and analyzed them and found some medical substances that cause a death-like condition when used. There are many people who support Nephris Davis as the only explanation for the zombie and But there are also those who criticize it, and there are many other studies that dealt with the zombie, but despite this the mechanism of turning a person into a zombie is unknown to scientists because Voodoo religion contains many rituals and secret texts which are very difficult for a foreign person to see .

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wow good story, good luck