As interest in cosmonautics almost cost my life...

in story •  7 years ago 

Recently analyzing the archive of photos, I came across a folder with photos called "Walking in Kaluga". And immediately it surfaced in the memory, that seemed to be nothing to foreshadow, a walk through the wonderful city of Kaluga. Being on a monthly business trip, we were eagerly awaiting the days off to take a break from working days and to relax a little. It was Sunday, November 21, 2004, I with my wife and friend decided to take a walk, see the nearest attractions of the city of Kaluga. The choice fell on the park and the space museum, located near our hotel. The weather was all right, windless. In the park, horses were rented, but still it was not crowded, as the local population was likely to be poured out ...

Of course, most of all we wanted to consider the carrier rocket "Vostok", which was visible from afar, and we headed to it.

Finally getting to our goal, we experienced an indescribable delight and pride in the Soviet achievement in the field of space exploration!

After examining and studying the rocket from all sides, they began to think about where to go further, and then my friend suggested going down to the embankment of the river Yachenka, which I did not want to do for some reason, but I reluctantly agreed and we wandered further.

Descending the long and high stairs, we found ourselves on the very embankment.

From interest I found a map of the very place where everything happened (roughly in the center of the screen).

The entire surface of the embankment was snow-covered, the thickness of the snow cover reached 20-30 centimeters. I, being a little behind my co-truants, did not notice how I found my head in a pit, I also had a soap dish, which I somehow did not drop. I uniquely hung, stuck in the pit because of my broad shoulders))), and under my feet the abyss stretched. I felt that if I moved a little, it would be an undesirable fate for me - downstairs, at a depth of 3-5 m, the city sewers rustled. Literally a moment later, my wife saw that I had simply disappeared from sight, found me helpless in the pit and immediately pulled at the collar. And at that very moment a phrase flies out of my lips, which led to confusion and at the same time caused everyone to laugh, I shouted: "Do not pull - you will tear the jacket." Yes, yes, being on the verge of death, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind))). In general, my wife and my friend were dragged out and saved me, for which I am eternally grateful to them to this day!
And the pit turned out to be a well of city sewage (most likely storm water), slightly covered with a wooden shield. But in my place could be, God forbid, a child! And where only look communal? Then the icicles fall on their heads, then the guests from the near abroad to the wells "dive" ...

Well, it seems like everything turned out well, we covered the well, of course, completely, but vigilance will never prevent it ...

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