April 14th is my favorite day of the year-Our Anniversary!steemCreated with Sketch.

in story •  7 years ago 

This is probably my favorite day of the year. 12 years ago today, I married the love of my life.
When we first met in 1999, marriage was the last thing on my mind, as I had just ended a horrible marriage to a money hungry woman that left me with nothing after a decade of hard work.
After we met in a Yahoo card room in 1999, I expected I would "play the field" so to say, but after a couple months I kinda knew that I wasn't really interested in playing the field and just wanted a stable normal relationship. After a slow start, it became apparent that this was the woman for me. The polar opposite of my first wife.
In 2004 I decided I'd give marriage another try and proposed. Obviously she said yes and we set a date and location.
We decided to get married in Los Vegas!
What an amazing experience that was! Memories to last a lifetime!
Anyone who has been married knows that it's not always rainbows and unicorns, there are plenty of hard times mixed in between. Some of our trials and tribulations went like this: first I had a stroke at the age of 38. This damaged me pretty good , and after a hospital stay and being tested by what seemed like a thousand different doctors, their bills all started rolling in. This damaged our financial situation severely. A couple years later I had collapsed from dehydration. Another hospital stay and another huge bill. Then it was my wife's turn. She developed COPD, and almost died and spent quite awhile in the hospital. More bills. Then she had a double hernia surgery. This was very hard on her. She ended up having to retire. So we are basically poor, but do you know what? We are rich with Love!
Money can't buy Love!
Facing all these challenges has made us stronger, and even more in love than we were before. We don't need a huge house or a bunch of expensive possessions. Our small house is perfect for us and we have food. As long as we have each other we need almost nothing else. Love is the key!

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Congratulations on your anniversary!
I know the feeling of going through adversity but, like you, I am also lucky to have my best friend as my husband. Love is definitely the key but respect and patience is the foundation.

How very true! Without respect and patience love cannot bloom.