My Journey to Christ PART 1: The lowest point in my life

in story •  7 years ago 

I suppose it is time to share my journey to discovering the Lord and my faith.

I have always been a believer in spirituality and the Lord but for almost my entire life I had never picked up a bible. I did show a deep spiritual knowledge and wisdom growing up that I could not explain where it came from.

August 29, 2009 I had gotten home from my job doing construction work in the Modesto area of California. After I had gotten home I decided to go to my Mom's house and watch a few videos. The video we had decided on was one of my favorite river dances "Michael Flately and the feet of flames". Flames and fire seemed to be common themes of that day as later on I had received a call from my step-dad's Brother telling me that my house had caught fire!

My house before the fire destroyed it.

The remains of my house after the fire

This is the aftermath of the house fire. Funny that the wall on the right side that is only partially gone was my bedroom. I had all my most treasured possesions behind that wall. You may not believe this but the picture speaks for itself. My things were spared with only minor smoke damage. I can tell you that it seemed like a miracle to me.

After that I had decided to take what little I had left, some money I got from the house fire which was not very much at all. I left the home I grew up in and traveled east to Salina, Kansas where the girl I had met online lived.

(My home that I grew up in)

Some other photos of my parent's property



This next part is pretty long if I were to go into detail so I will try to endeavor to keep it as short as possible. I got to Kansas and married this woman after just 4 days after meeting her face to face. We then spent the next 2 weeks in court cases trying to get her kids back who had been taken from her due to her own doing. After she lost the court battle for her kids she decided that I was of no use to her anymore she would distance herself. She started talking to another man on the phone and wouldn't let me near.

I must tell you this to fill in the gaps of WHY and HOW I came to be homeless.

After about a week she would remove me from our marital bed and would stay inside her room all day talking to this other man. At a point I tried to get a goodnight kiss from her trying to go off of a "Love Dare" strategy that I was introduced by the movie "Fireproof". It failed, she kicked me out of the room. I locked the door behind me and went outside a little frustrated slightly slamming the outside door behind me in my frustration. After having a cigarette and calming down I went back inside and tried to calmly talk to her through the door.

Before I knew it the cops were at the door and even after explaining to the cops what had happened they made me leave the home to sleep at her parents house. The next day I went back to try and talk to her. She was leaving for work as I got there. She was on the phone as I got there and I had assumed at the time that it was with that man again. I simply said "we will talk when you get home" and left it at that.

I decided I would finally talk to this guy she was talking to and find out the truth. I found out from him that she had told him that I was only her roommate and she told him I was gay. Ridiculous right? I told him no, I was married to her and had the marriage certificate to prove it. I found out she was trying to get him to move from his home down to her. Right after find after ind out all of these lies she was telling others about me.... I started to wonder what other lies she told me.

Then, I got a knock on the door.....



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You made it!


Can't wait to see the next part of the story

You're rising now. It's all part of the path.

It is amazing where our choices take us in life , to learn , to get up again and now walk strong with God and his son ...