'Are you a con artist?'
'Do you have any psychiatric history?'
'None. Please will you stop following me?'
'Would you like to be someone you are not?'
'Why are you even asking?'
'I've been following you...'
'I know. What bothers me is WHY?'
'You are interesting.'
'aaand you know that stalking is a crime, right?'
'It's not like that. And I know you won't.'
'You know nothing.'
'Actually I do.'
'Don't beat around the bush—Get to your point. '
'I saw you.'
'I know, you just said that you're following me.'
'I saw you down the street, while beating the hell out of a man with no apparent reasons—and your eyes, it was full of anger.
I saw you near the lake you were acting like a child, literally acting like a child. You were chasing kids and playing with dirt!
And I also saw you in the orphanage where you volunteered—you cooked, fed and read those kids stories. But you told me last class retreat that you don't know how to cook—the retreat was just 5 days ago—and hell, you don't even like kids.
I saw you being friendly when you were on some places, but there also places you've been were you act just like now—aloof and reserved.'
'You are really following me! I should really be scared by now—
But let me tell you three things;
First, please stop following me.
Second, I want you to know that I was never really a whole person. I am someone who is picking and putting pieces of other personalities and characteristics to form my own. I am someone with innumerable pieces that no one should try to understand...
and third, you have to understand that YOU ARE A PIECE OF ME.
“It will be interesting to find out something about her that no one else knew.” - H. Ashihara
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