MP Digest - Episode 03 - Why the Moral Premise is the greatest story tool EVER!

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Right now, the world of Story is fragmented beyond belief, imagine a hard drive that’s been used for thousands of years and it’s never been defragged.

Sit on that for awhile.

Book people follow Sol Stein, Stephen King, and their leaders.

Screenwriters follow Truby, Seger, Vogler, Field, and Snyder.

Story Enthusiasts follow Pamela Smith, Karl Iglesias, David Howard, Jeffrey Schechter, and the Dramatica Team.

And once again, the world remains fragmented.

Who said everyone go to your corners and never come back?

Why can’t we imagine a world where we are united for Story?

What does that world look like?

Imagine The Future

The reason no one wants to imagine this future.


It’s too hard.

And, if you didn’t know, dangerous terrain doesn’t work too well in the Story Circles.

So I know what you’re thinking, OMG, not another Story Theory or Theorist or Software Program.

No, that’s not what this is.

This is pure and clean energy for your stories.

They will burn brighter, longer, and more intense than you can imagine.

But this reality, with a unified forefront, is never going to happen as long as we maintain being fragmented.

No one wants to leave this reality.

But we must.

We must leave the fragmentation.

The cost will be our stories will become more routine and boring.

The reward will be your understanding of Story will increase thirty-fold, make you a better person, and allow you to analyze EVERYTHING using the lens of Story.

Why are we losing?

What’s the reality?

We’re losing.

Those of us looking for better things to do, we’re stuck here in the fragmented world.

I don’t get it.

Aren’t you tired of this monotonous world?

A world where book people hide secrets, where screenwriters share secrets behind closed doors, and where story is not considered the most important worldview for us to have.

So what happens?

We suffer.

Not just writers, but all of us suffer from “lack of knowledge.”

I know it’s rough, but we must continue to share information and ensure our future is coming.

A world where we no longer argue or debate, where we put everything on the board and see THE TRUTH.

The Savior

The Moral Premise.

Wow, talk about a game changer.

We accepted Lajos Egri’s monumental work, The Art of Dramatic Writing, as our truth.

How could we have known that it was only HALF of the truth?

How could we have known that the secrets of the story universe had been given to us?

With this tool, anyone, and I mean anyone, can breathe in the world of Story for several decades.

Throughout my studies, Story breaks down into two parts.

Metaphor and the Model.

Think of the model as plot structure, most notably the Hero’s Journey.

Although many works focus on this part, it is not the MOST IMPORTANT.

Think of the Model as an EFFECT and not a CAUSE.

It is the METAPHOR that delivers incredible promise and is destined to lead us into the future.

Lajos introduced us to the Premise, but even he did not see the future.

The Moral Premise.

This powerful tool has not been given its due, so I’ll rundown the advantages of knowing your Moral Premise.


  • Define your Story

  • Define your Character Web (John Truby)

  • Know what Story World to use

  • Allows Marketing Department to know how to market products

  • Allows Marketing Department to know which symbols use

  • Allows Production Company to design One Sheet

  • Allows Production Company to design Movie Poster

  • Allows Advertising Department to define its campaigns

  • Allows you to define all character arcs (major and minor characters)

  • Defines what the symbols can and cannot be

  • Defines the Grand Metaphor for your story

  • Defines the foundation for all spin-off ideas

  • Allows you to know a good idea from a bad one

To truly understand the power of the Moral Premise, check out the following graphic.

2017_IG_Life of a Film_MP_02.png

Look at the Development section above, that is the normal location of Story Tools.

I know, no big deal . . . right?

Now, look at the red circles, those are ALL THE LOCATIONS where the Moral Premise can be used and HAS been used — WOW!

Now, knowing the value of the Moral Premise, you should begin to have an understanding of its importance to Story Development.

Now that you are aware of the power of the Moral Premise, I hope that you go buy this book immediately!


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