I'm Sorry I wasn't Home to Listen to your Proselytizing Sales Pitch

in story •  7 years ago 

Yesterday afternoon I had gone grocery shopping. As soon as I had parked my car onto the driveway, I hauled the heavy groceries and started walking up the steps towards the porch. As soon as I had gotten onto the porch I noticed a flyer by my door. I unlocked the door and walked right into the kitchen to put my groceries onto the counter top, and left the door open. Then I ran back over to the porch to pick the flyer up just to see if by chance it was advertising something worthwhile. No it sure was not!!! I just rolled my eyes when I saw it.

Here is a picture I took of the flyer.


I'm so sorry I wasn't home when "those people" were knocking on my door to not only hand me the flyer but to deliver their proselytizing sales pitch!!

Listen, before I say anymore I want to stress that I respect any belief or religion that someone practices. I don't care what you practice. It's your truth and that's what matters. But what I can't stand is anyone regardless of their faith trying to convert me into believing what they do.

Proselytizing is dirty, disrespectful and just plain wrong. I am my own person with my own beliefs and views. Don't try to convert me into something else.

Oh and before I forget I have to tell you a story about what happened several years ago when "those people" knocked on my door and I happened to be home at the time.

I opened up the door and they started with their proselytizing pitch. As soon as they started my sweet, fluffy, docile Bichon Frise transformed into a fur ball from Hell, or I should say Cujo. Take a good look at him here.


Can you picture this guy as Cujo? Well it happened. I've never seen a dog snarl, growl, and baring his teeth at anyone like he did!! I was afraid he was going to take a chunk out of them and that I would end up with a lawsuit on my hands. So how did I get rid of them? I said "I'm so sorry but I have to control my dog". As soon as I was closing the door they had looks of confusion on their faces.

That in itself was confusing. Didn't they notice Cujo wanting to take a bite out of them? I suppose they didn't. By the way my dog kept snarling for 2 minutes even after they left. I had to calm him down. He really sensed an ugly energy around them!!

Anyway again you have your beliefs and I have mine! I respect yours even if I don't agree with it. However what I don't respect is anyone trying to convert me into someone believing in something that I don't and never will. And I know I am not the only one who feels this way!

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I feel you. I can't stand that shit. I wonder in a given day what their conversion success rate is? Probably none. ..
Door to door salesmen are back too...if i wanted a roof evaluation i would've called someone. Now, cya!

I know right???? It's so maddening. I really do wonder if their tactics ever do work!

I normally just don't answer the door. Sometimes (not sure how) it is as though they know I am here....and ring more than once eye roll

You know what I rarely answer the door either unless I am expecting a delivery. They are a pain.

Actually, you wouldn't believe how successful the Jehovas Witnesses actually are with their canvassing techniques. The key is they don't just show up once, and go away if there is no response or a negative response. They tend to come back and keep trying. Their persistence may drive some of us crazy, but they do eventually get some people to check it out. I admire their tenacity because they really believe what they share with people. My aunt and uncle are Jehovahs Witness and live in Israel. They have devoted their entire lives to the church. While I may not agree with what they believe, they are the kindest, most genuine people I know.

When they were younger and could travel, they would come to the US and stay at the citadels. We, of course, would make the trip from Canada if they were in the York State area. We were welcomed into the citadel, and I kid you not it is truly a communal lifestyle. They do take care of each other. It is one of the few places when I was young that I went and I felt completely safe. You could have left a wallet full of cash and it would have been returned to the person intact if there ID in it or would have been announced that it was found and returned to whoever claimed it. I am quite sure all of the money would still be in it. Even if they could have gotten away with taking some of the money they would not do so . They truly believe that God sees what they are doing.

On a funnier note, when I was in my 30s, I moved back home with my parents and he took over the basement area. My dad had set it up so that whoever was a tenant down there had their own doorbell. He would be watering the lawn on Saturday early in the morning. By 10 o'clock he would be finishing up and he would see the Jehovas Witnesses coming up the street. He loves his sister, but he always she wasted her life in the church. He did not want to talk to them, so he would have them ring my door bell and tell them that I might be interested. At this time, on a Saturday morning, of course, I'm still asleep. My dad thought it was great he could avoid having to deal with them, and he could get me out of bed because he thought I was sleeping in too much anyway. I would be so annoyed, but what could you say with them standing at the door? I very quickly learned to tell them that I am a Spiritualist. It was the fastest way I know to have them along. Of course, after they left, I would give my dad a hard time about being a jerk. He would just laugh and say, "you needed to get out of bed anyway and I don't want to talk to them".

I have no doubt they are nice people but proselytizing just pisses me off more than anything.

I agree with you. I just thought I would share some of my experiences because I laugh every time I think of my dad, sending them to ring my doorbell.

And the experience of being in the cidatel that was just something that was so different from everything I had ever experienced to that point. Probably the negative energy that your dog felt around them was that cult mentality. There so intent on what they believe, but they can be pushy, even if they are well meaning.