RE: It's The Waiting (Original)

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It's The Waiting (Original)

in story •  8 years ago 

I took some liberty with my interpretation. I saw 125th as a status symbol characterizing success. Sort of like saying "I made it to Broadway, or Wall St." I saw the warning about closing doors to be a metaphor for missed opportunities.

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I don't know why I didn't get around to responding here, but I like your interpretation a lot.

For me it was always a kind of reminder that things are always changing, train doors gotta close to get to the next stop, with or without us.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for circling back after all this time. I actually think of this poem often. I can't say I always remember the whole thing, but I remember the part I quoted. It makes me consider whatever is going on in a different light.