Secret 8 ( Part 1 ) A movie directed by a demon.1648 AD - 1800 AD

in story •  2 years ago 


In the darkness of this cold, dull night... All the voices in your ear fell silent and you heard nothing but the sound of my cry and the vibration of my split tongue in the air... It seemed that my greeting left you in a state of astonishment at what you heard from my order.. But today I have prepared for you a set of secrets Your limited human mind cannot comprehend all of them.. I will prepare you the best warm drink you like.. and I will wrap your neck around it to warm it.. And tonight I will show you a wonder.. Because you are a modern human being, I will deal with you with your modern methods this time.. I have prepared a satanic documentary for you that you will not see Anywhere but in my library.. Snake library.. Relax my friend on this seat.. and look at that modern screen in front of you.. and listen to me well.. I will tell you the rest of my story.. in the modern style that you know.
The screen started its work and began to show you a majestic scene.. People gathered in a street.. you knew from looking at their clothes that they were in a certain old time.. The movement of their bodies.. they are waiting for the king.. To be more precise, they are
They are waiting for the king to be executed.. King Charles.. They love him and it seems that this sentence of execution of their king has been imposed on them.. Suddenly a wooden door opened.. A man appeared on his threshold, wearing royal clothes and a royal hat.. The man started walking on a wooden bridge Its height is aligned with people's heads.. they are looking at it in solemn silence.. some of them are crying Some of them are moaning.. Some reach out to touch the foot of the king as he walks on the bridge.. The king has reached the end of the bridge.. And here he is looking at a threshold with a white cloth on it.. Standing next to it is a burly man holding a sharp axe..You must have understood what this threshold is.. It was the place where the king would put his head to be cut off by the axe owner. This king is behaving with an amazing nose.. Indeed, this is how kings are kings even in their execution.. And here he puts his head on the threshold.. He says in a peremptory tone to the ax bearer, wait for my signal.


I really like those kings who remain kings until the last second of their lives.. and here he is giving the signal to the man.. and here is the axe descending on the head of King Charles to cut it.. the audience is moaning and crying and making a commotion.. it is silenced by a man dressed as a leader who puts his hand on blood The king then raises his hand to the crowd and says, "Have you seen?" His blood is red like us, not blue.. He was not sent by God, as he used to say.
The camera focused on that man’s face a little.. This man is called “Cromwell.” And in the manner of Hollywood movies that you love, this image of Cromwell is blurred to show you a snapshot of the past. A snapshot of this man writing a letter addressed to someone who does not know what it is.. The letter stated, "I will defend the admission of Jews to England in exchange for financial aid.. but that is impossible as long as King Charles is still alive.. Charles cannot be executed without trial." Then the screen showed you another shot of this man apparently receiving the letter of reply. He opened it to find a letter that said, "We will provide financial aid as soon as Charles is removed and the Jews are accepted into England...You must figure out how to get Charles off and then arrest that there is a good reason to go to court."And now the screen took you to another snapshot of the past.. It is King Charles himself.. He is sitting on a wooden platform in the middle of a hall full of men in formal clothes.. It is the trial of King Charles.. Cromwell has implemented what the message dictated to him. He received it.. and arranged the escape of King "Charles" and arrested him, and now he is on trial.. The speaker told him:

  • What do you say about the accusation against you, which is the abuse of power given to you by the law that.. King Charles interrupted him and said in the pride of a king what law are you talking about.. Who are you to even talk about the law.. I am the king here and all the men in this hall are men and you are among them.
    Cromwell said in a strong tone:
  • You are being prosecuted here because you have abused your power and stifled the freedom of the people who.. The king interrupted him in anger and said, “I know more about the freedom of my people than any of you know about it.. A government run by a parliament and controlled by the army is worse tyranny than any tyranny you claim to be.” Absolutely not released.
    It seems that you have begun to admire the personality of this king.. Unfortunately, the men around him were the men of the British Parliament opposing him.. This Cromwell was a man among them and he was the most opposed to the king.. And those letters he was receiving and replying to were from the owners of gold and money Jews.. The Jews who were expelled from England 400 years ago and were determined to return to it again, even after a while... So they tempted this Cromwell with money to turn against the King..And here is the screen showing you Cromwell, who overthrew the British monarchy and proclaimed the Republic.. He became Britain's president.
    And just as King Charles had predicted, the rule of the new republic was an arbitrary dictatorship.. And here is Cromwell carrying out his promise to the Jews, gathering a number of jurists and intellectuals, and enthusiastically discussing with them the return of the Jews to the country.. Our screen showed him saying:
  • It is necessary to preach Christianity to the Jews.. How can we preach to them when we could not even bear their living among us?
    One of those present answered him: These Jews will snatch trade from us and monopolize wealth.
    Although he did not issue a decree for the return of the Jews to the country, he allowed them to enter in silence.. The screen took you to a strange scene.. the scene of a decomposing body.. hanging from its neck to a wooden platform of a distinctive shape.. and the camera approached the face of the corpse.. It is the corpse of a man.. If you look closely, you will see that this is Cromwell.. You ask me why his corpse is rotting in this way. His body is rotting, because after he died and was buried in his grave, Charles II, son of King Charles I, ascended to the throne, and the monarchy returned to Britain after the failure of the republic. Charles II ordered that all the conspirators against his father be removed from their graves and hung. Hanged on the gallows of the Tibern And if you ever visited London and visited Edgware Street, nicknamed the Arab Street.. In the beginning, you will find a circle indicating the location of these gallows.. Here traitors were hung from their heads.. But the screen showed you a view of men enveloped in black and darkness.. Men who are not satisfied with what they have become. Things..they are the Jews with money and gold..the liar Jews..and although they succeeded in entering Britain after they were expelled from it, their plans were more than just entering the country..their plan was to control the country’s economy..and then enslave it.
    The camera came closer to these men.. Then it put the screen below these men for you, many other men who are smaller than them.. The word “Jewish people” appeared on the screen.. Then a map of Europe appeared for you.. The film began to explain.. These people were expelled. The Jews from 400 years ago came from Britain, then from Holland, then from Portugal, then from Austria, then from France, Saxony, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and finally Spain.. Why were they expelled?
    Because their corruption has appeared on land and sea.. Then the screen approached the group of old men from above and the word “rich, usurious Jews” appeared on them.. The screen showed you angry expressions on their faces.. Then the movie completed the explanation for you.. Those rich men were determined to take revenge. For their people.. They were all Masonic leaders.. One arrow of upper and lower men went to Holland.. and another arrow to Germany.. They returned the first time they returned to these two countries.. because the two countries were the most lenient.
    The camera approached the Netherlands and the screen moved the upper men to Holland.. and placed the screen next to each man, a Dutch woman.. Yes, the Jewish moneylenders in Holland intermarried with the Dutch people and formed families for them there.. Then the camera focused on one of these Jewish moneylenders and showed You have his name.. “Manasseh bin Israel” .. and his family is one of the largest Dutch families in the Netherlands.. Then the screen showed you another person under him. I wrote to you his name “William” .. This is the son of “Manasseh” .. Then the screen moved you “William” This is from Holland to Britain Next to him, the screen showed you a British woman.. And just above the woman, the screen showed you a man whom you called "The Duke of York." Yes, "William" married the Duke of York's daughter, and who is this Duke of York?
    This is the man who became the King of Britain after the death of "Charles II".. Have you seen how the Jews approached the throne of Britain?
    But you haven't seen anything yet.
    Here you see on the screen many publications and press articles that discredit the country's king, the Duke of York.. He even fled to France.. And now the screen showed you the new king of Britain.. "William" the son of the Jewish moneylender "Manasseh" .. and the screen showed you Now men and women are on the map of Britain... and I wrote "British royal families" below them... Then I drew a big red error mark on them... And on the other side of the screen, I put other men and women and wrote "Jewish royal families" below them... And above them, I put the screen for you, one man who is "William"... The entire British royal family was replaced by another Jewish dynasty, which is the descendant of all British kings to this day.. A Jewish dynasty.
    But you did not see anything yet.. The screen showed you a church from the outside.. Then it approached you by its tightly closed door.. The camera passed you through the closed door to bring you inside to see “William” sitting at one table with a group of men.. These are They are representatives of the major Jewish moneylenders.. Let's see what William will do with them now.. They are writing several papers.. The screen showed you these papers.. The first paper is a loan that William borrowed from the Jewish moneylenders, amounting to one million and a quarter pounds.. And to give him This huge loan at the time, the Jews wrote satanic conditions.. which the screen showed you in the second paper.. its summary.. that the names of the loan grantors remain secret forever.. and that the grantors of the loan be given permission to establish the Bank of England And that these directors of the Bank of England are given the right to issue currency, set its price, and fix the price of gold.. To repay the loan given to “William” and pay its interest, the government is obligated to impose direct taxes on the British people.. In the end, the screen showed you the date of granting the loan, which is 1660.. Then I wrote to you The screen next to this date is another date.. 1950.. and the screen showed you the status of the loan.. The debt has changed from one and a quarter million.. to 22 million pounds sterling.. Britain owes it to the Jewish moneylenders.. Thus the Jews rode the British donkey.. and a map appeared for you Europe..a snake appeared to you on it..that's me. Didn't you know me? Here is the screen move your snake from England to France.


Wait for the next secret ... The next one has more secrets that I will reveal to you .
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