Secret 8 ( Part 2 ) A movie directed by a demon.1648 AD - 1800 AD

in story •  2 years ago 


Thus, the Jews rode the British donkey... and a map of Europe appeared to you... and a snake appeared to you on it.. This is me. Did you not know me? Here is the screen move you snake from England to France.
And here is the camera bringing you down as planes descend on Europe and getting closer and closer until France appears.. But the camera did not enter France.. Rather, it turned away from it a little and went down the road leading from Frankfurt, Germany to Paris.. Rainy weather.. Thunder is manual as thunder should sound. And a knight on his black horse ran in the midst of all this, heading to Paris.. Then the sky shone above him until you thought it was noon.. Then there was a sound of catastrophe.. And a thunderbolt of thunder fell from the sky to the ground.
So you followed it with your eyes automatically to see what would happen to him.. The thunderbolt struck that knight who was running quickly on his horse, trying to escape from this divine wrath.. Do not stop yourself trying to find out what exactly happened to him.. The thunderbolt hit him and he and his horse burned and died and they fell to the ground. Then the screen showed you a scene of two policemen passing by that road after the end of the rain and thunder, and now they see the dead man..and here they are carrying him..and here they are delivering his things to the nearby police station.
So you followed it with your eyes automatically to see what would happen to him.. The thunderbolt struck that knight who was running quickly on his horse, trying to escape from this divine wrath.. Do not stop yourself trying to find out what exactly happened to him.. The thunderbolt hit him and he and his horse burned and died and they fell to the ground. Then the screen showed you a scene of two policemen passing by that road after the end of the rain and thunder, and now they see the dead man..and here they are carrying him..and here they are delivering his things to the nearby police station.
The documents speak in general about that democracy is an illusory thing and that the autocratic rule of the people is the solution.. Therefore, this illusory idea of democracy should be exported to all the peoples of Europe and they will turn against their kings.. But this will only work by orchestrating a severe economic crisis in those countries.. and the Jews are great professors In managing economic crises because they own money and gold.. People think that their tyrannical kings are the reason for their poverty.. and that democracy is the solution.. The documents say that it is not important who will win in these revolutions.. the victor will definitely need money.. and we are the only ones from We have the money.. We will give him a branch to hang on to before he drowns.. If he clings to it, he becomes a slave just as Britain has become a slave.. If he leaves it, he drowns.. This is a summary of what came in those documents discovered by the authority in the suitcase of that knight.
Perhaps the name “Rothschilds” who sent these documents is familiar to you.. The “Rothschilds” are the richest family on the face of the earth..In all of history..They are a Jewish family of major Jewish moneylenders..Although they were not one of the families that orchestrated The English Revolution... But they orchestrated every revolution that occurred after that... That's because Rothschilds... Wait.. Why did he babble to you? You can follow and see for yourself.
The film now shows you a small exchange store in Frankfurt, Germany.. The camera is close to the store.. You can notice a distinctive sign on top of the store.. the red shield sign.. And here is the camera entering you inside.. I saw a man inside. The screen wrote to you his name “Amschel” Musa Bauer ".. A Jew who used to work in gold and now he opened a money exchange shop.. The camera turned away from the Jew to show you his young son "Amschel Meyer Bauer", who stands next to his father and follows what he is doing with real passion.. In the manner of the graphics, the camera focused on the child's face, so he started He gradually turns into the face of a young man.. Then the camera moved away from him to see him enter the Oppenheimer Bank.. The child has now grown up and become a clerk in this bank.. But he was brilliant.. very good.. Even if
The bank made him a partial partner in it.
Now the camera has brought you back to the same red-shield shop in Frankfurt.. and I saw the young man opening the shop.. His father died and he decided to resume his father's business after he became rich.. The young man looked at the red shield above..and decided from that day to name his family. Rothschild means red shield in German.
Because of the intensity of Rothschild's ingenuity, he continued his business and his wealth became more and more until he became one of the richest people in Germany.. And here is the camera showing you "Rothschild" after he became a man and he meets with twelve other men of the Jewish moneylenders.. He was explaining to them verbally everything that he summed up. You are in the documents.. He wanted to ignite global revolutions sweeping Europe, America, and Russia.. He even wanted more than that.. This is not the basis for talking about this matter now.. You have known who “Rothschild” is.. And you knew that his documents The one he sent were exposed.. so what happened after that?
We are now in the Palais Royal in France.. one of the greatest royal palaces in history.. come let's enter together with the film camera from the gate of the majestic palace.. but you have to protect your eyes, my friend.. the next clip of the movie is uncensored or uncensored.. you enter with us Now to a party liberated.. from everything liberated.. from modesty
liberated.. liberated from customs.. liberated from respect.. a party in which men dance, women stripped of modesty from their bodies and chests.. they all drink toasts of dissolution.. they call themselves revolutionaries.. because the right revolutionary in their opinion is the most immoral of people .. Forget all of this and look with me at a few faces present at this party .. And focus on what I will tell you well .. I do not intend to repeat my words twice.
First look at that man standing there.. The camera focused with me on a person who wears clothes in the style of dominant or dominant clothes.. He has a big face and nose.. He has scars on his face.. He was not attractive.. Therefore, this liberal beauty who was lasciviously hugging him will be surprised. This man is Count de Mirabeau, and this beautiful, decadent lady is his mistress, Madame Herz.
This man of forty with big, coarse hair is the origin from which the whole French Revolution erupted.. drowned in debts.. His female relationships are more than he himself remembers.. He was also very good at talking. An absurdity he wants you to believe in.. That is why he became a friend of most of the nobility.. In addition, he was a revolutionary who opposed the regime.
The camera turned and passed you through several degenerates..Try to lower your gaze so that you could focus on me..I know the immorality is too much, but wake up your mind a bit with me and turn off everything else..Now the camera stops at you in front of a white-haired man with blanks on The sides of his forehead distinguishing the initiation of baldness.. And his clothes distinguish kings and leaders.. This man is Duke “Dorlian” .. cousin of the current King of France, “Louis XVI” .. This huge palace is his palace.. And here he leaves those who were talking to him and heads towards Count de Mirabeau who was still playing the Belle in porn.
I will tell you the secret.. The Jewish usurers approached Count de Mirabeau because he was the only man capable of inciting the masses. He was fit to be the undisputed leader of the revolutionaries.. Because he was deeply in debt, they loaned him money and paid him his debt.. But as the Jews usually do.. No Someone borrows something from them but his debts doubled until they became
Like a mountain.. That was the case of Mirabeau while he was standing in this palace now.. The Jews knew him as Madame Herz, the married, promiscuous woman so that she would have fun and a job.. Thus he plunged to the top of his head into the muck of the Jewish religion.. And because he was a close friend of the Duke. Dorlian, the king's cousin, also had financial problems. . Mirabeau introduced him to the Jews and told him how generous they are and lend a lot of money.. Duke Dorlian, in turn, got acquainted with the Jews.. He also plunged as his companion into the Jewish muck.
The truth is that the Jews were preparing Duke "Dorlian" to ascend the royal throne after King "Louis" fell from his throne.. and they made this palace and other homes a center for revolutionary gatherings and dissolved revolutionary parties and a printing press for printing revolutionary publications.. Thus the Jews prepared the two most important foundations of the revolution.. Irritating the masses, "Mirabou" The future king, Dorlian.
And in the manner of movies, the screen accelerated the film for you, so the party attendees moved quickly until they finished their party and left the royal palace.. and the camera took you from this brothel palace to another palace, the Palace of Versailles.. specifically in the outer garden of it, where you see a fat man sitting with a woman with Very elegant clothes.. you could see the lady behind her back.. and the screen wrote to you her name below: "Marie Antoinette", Queen of France and the wife of King "Louis" And here is the camera revolving around the Queen, to clearly show her face from the front.. When her face entered the camera frame.. A large red X appeared on the name “Marie Antoinette” written below.. The screen wrote you a warning in bright red “Not Marie Antoinette.” The man had started holding her and kissing her.. The screen wrote to you his name at the bottom "Rohan".. Then he took out a very luxurious box for her.. So the camera automatically directed you towards the box.. As soon as the man opened it in front of the lady.. I saw a shimmering scene that you had not seen Before, on any screen and in any image.. And the screen below wrote to you a glittering phrase “Diamond Contract.” Then I wrote next to the phrase the value of the contract.. 2 million French pounds.
And now the camera has moved you away from Versailles and flown you to another royal palace.. The palace of the King of France.. Inside there was a rather strange scene.. The camera entered you through one of the windows to see a lady whose dress resembled the dress of the lady whom I had seen at Versailles a while ago. The camera turned around to the lady who was talking
Someone sharpened it so that you could see her face.. The screen below wrote to you, “The real Marie Antoinette.” Then the movie started increasing the volume so you to hear the conversation.. Queen Mary was saying to the man in front of her sharply: I did not buy this necklace, oh this, not I know of any silly paper you want to show me, so I didn't write any papers related to a contract or a non-contract.. So go away from in front of me before I order the guards to expel you by force.
Excuse me, madam, but you are wanted for a higher trial. Then the camera rushed you to the Palace of Versailles again quickly.. to find the fake girl taking the necklace from the man, thanking you, and then leaving.. In one of the Parisian houses, I saw the fake girl taking him out and then handing him over to another beautiful girl named "Jeanne".. who was smiling sarcastically and looking at the greatness of the diamond in this necklace.
And now the film has begun to explain all these scenes to you.. The Jews had started a wide campaign to defame Queen “Marie Antoinette” and smear her reputation in the mud, as usual, if they wanted to provoke reckless people against their king.. It was rumored that the queen was having a forbidden relationship with a man of the church named “Rohan” .. and that this “Rohan” had bought her a contract worth 2 million pounds as a gift in light of the terrible economic crisis that the country is going through, to accept her hand over to him its royal charms.. On the other hand, that fake girl was similar to Queen Mary, and the Jews arranged for that fake with "Rohan", the most corrupt churchman.. At first, they faked love letters to him addressed to him in her handwriting..Then they faked the queen's handwriting and her signing a letter to him asking him to buy in his name for her a diamond contract that would be more expensive than the most expensive contract in Europe if he wanted to enjoy her charms. . Because she can't buy it herself for fear of the people's wrath and will give him the price for what he brings to her.. The corrupt man rushed to a famous Jawhari and described the contract to him.. Jawhari made the contract.. Rohan agreed to pay for it on credit.. Rohan offered the contract to the girl. The fake, thinking she was the queen.. The girl gave him what he wanted from her charms.. The girl gave the necklace to her lady, the mastermind of the plot, "Jane".
When it came time to pay.. The fake girl disappeared.. Rohan went crazy.. He sent Queen Mary a letter to him pledging to pay.. The Queen denied knowing him in the first place.. Al-Gawhari filed a case in court.. The trial was completed.. The court confirmed that The messages were false.. The court arrested Jane, the mastermind of the plot, and imprinted the letter “V” on her shoulder, indicating that she was a thief.. Although Queen Mary came out of this whirlpool innocent, the Jews during and after the trial spread false news about her stating that she is using her influence. And that she was extravagant.. and that one day she was asked why the people of France are angry, she was told because they do not find money to buy bread, and she said, What is the problem, then let them eat cakes.. All these lies and others stirred up the French people in agitation, after which there was no calm and no truce.. and the revolutionaries took to the streets of the city They ask for heads.
And now the time has come to pick the heads.. It seems that many heads were cut in these events.. The camera chose for you to watch the execution of Queen "Marie Antoinette".. Here is the queen passing through the angry crowds in an open car.. The crowds throw dirt at her and whatever they can throw at her. With it.. and here she is reaching the barber.. They started cutting her long hair for her.. Then they put her little head in the place allotted for him in the guillotine.. Before the executioner put her head, she turned to him and said: Excuse me, do not blame me, for she stepped on his foot by mistake while he was leading her to the guillotine..And here the exciting camera has led you to another scene in which your curiosity is filled.. It is a great and majestic procession.. King Louis on his golden royal chariot in all its splendor and splendor.. And here he is getting down from the cart and heading to the guillotine.. And here she is descending on his royal head, so she cut it and when she asked The blood of his head fell on the ground. The mob ran to it trampling on the blood with their feet to show their extreme hatred for him... the hatred that was fed by the brilliance of the Masonic advertising machine that, if it put a person under its eyes, would destroy him.
Then the camera jumped for you for some time.. After Duke “Dorlian” was installed on the throne of France after the success of the revolution, as the planners had planned.. they decided that his paper had been burnt and that his role was over..and without going into details that would seem to you to be repeated.. Here it is. The camera shoots him inside a closed car, walking among the crowd and hearing their insults
And their anger over his alleged scandals.. He looks at them crying, unable to respond.. Until he reached the guillotine, he looked at them one last tearful look and then put his head inside the guillotine.
As for Mirabeau, after knowing and understanding that the scenario was repeated with Duke Dorlian, he knew that this was a conspiracy to overthrow all the nobles and not to purify the royal policy as they had claimed. .. But they did not have time to slander him and start the same repeated movie.. They put poison on him and he died.. They showed his death as a suicide.
And there were two people you didn't see in the movie, but they were men of the revolution. One was "Rubisser" and the other was "Danton".They were defamed and sent to the guillotine themselves, too, without going into details.. But the movie showed you one of them, "Rubisser", as he addressed the people one day, saying: "I do not dare to name them here..and at this time..and I can't tear apart The veil that covers this mystery since very old generations.” On Robesser’s way to the guillotine, someone hit him with a bullet in the head.. Thus, another card with which the Jews played fell and ended its role.. At the end of this revolution, the film showed you its first.. Here are the Jews extending a helping hand with loans to France to get out of its economic crisis..and they stipulated that they write the loan agreement..and it was
One of the conditions is to put Mr. Necker as French Finance Minister because he is a skilled man who can pull France out of the crisis in no time.
And in the end, the movie showed you a black screen on which he wrote. . And Mr. Necker caused the debts of the state of France to the usurers of Jews amounting to about 170 million pounds.

Wait for the next secret ... The next one has more secrets that I will reveal to you .
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