Secret 8 ( Part 3 & last part ) A movie directed by a demon.1648 AD - 1800 AD

in story •  2 years ago 

clap for the Jews.. clap for the serpent, the devil who is now looking at me and with him six other demons.. clap for all of them.. the English revolution and the English donkey ride.. then the french revolution and the french donkey ride.. then the American revolution and the American donkey ride.. then the revolution The Spanish and the Spanish donkey ride.. Then the Russian Revolution and the Russian donkey ride..etc..etc..etc..and if I wanted to tell you how all the monarchies of Europe fell, I would fill two books other than this book in your hands. Freemasonry is what ignited the revolutions of all of Europe.. "Serpent" mentioned to us two examples that are the most important.
The "Rothschilds", the children of "The Rothschilds" and the grandchildren of "the Rothschilds are the richest people in the world until this moment...the family that currently owns half of the world's wealth...and they own the "World Bank"...which is the bank from which there is currently no country except that it borrows millions from it." They are limited.. Therefore, they can control all the countries of the world, even America.. It is the controlling bank for all the banks of the world without exception.. That is, they are above the countries.. This is a fact that is easy to verify with a quick search on the Internet.. There is another family in America, the “Rockefellers” “..and these two families have many intermarriage and work relations.
Even the simplest for you, imagine a pyramid... and we are the people at the bottom of the pyramid. . Directly above us are the governments that control us helplessly.. Above the governments, we find the great companies such as Microsoft, Sony and others who control the economy of those governments.. Above the great companies, we find the big banks that control capital.. Then above the big banks, we find central banks like the Bank. The US Federal Reserve is at the top of the pyramid, the original source of all the world’s money, and it is the Bank for International Settlements, which is the real guide for all these banks in the world and monitors their work.
I feel in your eyes a lack of belief in my words .. Is it possible that Freemasonry is the one who orchestrated all this? Yes, it is reasonable. Do you want to see tangible evidence? So come with me to the bohemian jungle.. come on, yes, I'm not kidding.. come to the bohemian jungle.. a jungle in northern California.. where every year the elite of the United States of America meet in a big meeting.. the US president, ministers, big financiers, businessmen, politicians, and big men The army, the media, and even university men.. who have reached very advanced degrees in Freemasonry.. It is a secret meeting that the press is never allowed to enter under any circumstances.. What is said to the public is that it is a two-week meeting in which these adults entertain themselves, relax and forget a little about Their huge worries and responsibilities... only for two weeks a year.
Secret theatrical performances and parades are held in this gathering, and so on.. One day, an American journalist managed to infiltrate the bohemian forest and photograph what is happening inside with video and audio.. A journalist named "Alex Jones".. And what he photographed was strange.. A global scandal that shook parts of the world. The whole United States of America.
What he filmed with his video camera was the main ritual that takes place on the main stage in that bohemian forest.. an idol worshiping ritual.. The truth is that senior statesmen worshiped an idol in an era when idolatry was supposed to be extinct.. If it weren't for the exaggeration, I would say that there is a similarity Terrible between the video shown and what the ancient Babylonians used to do of idolatry, or even what the infidels of the Arab Quraysh were doing. Whoever sees the video for the first time will respond to his mind that it is a Greek play.. You see people in ceremonial clothes performing a theatrical scene.. They stand on a stone stage erected on a small lake.. This is what you see at first sight.. Then you realize that there is a large black statue. A huge ugly owl .. and the actors of the show are distributed around the owl They hold torches in their hands and appear as dwarves next to their magnitude.. Then you hear a voice speaking in the dialect of a magician performing a ritual.. Viewers on all screens saw this scene in a very clear voice, but no one understood anything.. As you know. . I am here to make you understand.. I will pass on clips from those rituals, not all of them, because there is a lot of empty gossips.. I will stop the video every time to explain to you.. Follow me. . At first, the speaker says in his theatrical voice. . "Mr. Owl" in his temple made of leaves..everyone in this forest reveres him..lift up your heads, you big trees..lift your tops, you little careful, for here is the holy shrine of Bohemia..and holy are the pillars that hold his house.
So there is a sacred owl..and it has a temple..and all the statesmen present in this forest revere it..there is also a holy shrine..and the mausoleum is the tomb that has something to a shrine or shrine..the journalist who filmed the clip said that these are rituals Worshiping idols.. and that the idol worshiped here is the ancient Babylonian god "Moloch".. But this is not true.. This Moloch is a goat and not an owl.. He did not turn into an owl in any of the civilizations.. The truth is that those in their rituals were and still are. They worship the demon "Lilith" .. which all civilizations symbolize the symbol of an owl.. They worship her because she is a symbol of rebellion.. It has become a symbol of rebellion because, according to the words of the Jewish Talmud, the demon "Lilith" was the wife of "Adam" before God created "Eve". But Lilith is an independent creature like Adam.. As for Eve, she is created from Adam's rib.. And when Adam tried to control Lilith, she rebelled against him.. And when she rebelled against him, God cursed her and transformed her into an owl. For those gathered from the elite of the United States, it means rebellion against all restrictions, religions, creeds, and everything.. For them, Lilith is sacred.. God cursed her because he is an evil thing.. He hates people and does not want them to be good.
"Memories bring back beloved names to wonderful friends.. they knew and loved this forest.. dear comrades of old time..yes, let them join us in this ritual..and let there be no empty spaces between us..come to our story..come together, comrades of the forest..and cast With your spells on these human beings.. Touch their blind eyes on the world with your care.. Open their eyes to their illusions.. Follow the memories of yesterday. A boat moves in the lake and is anchored on the stone stage.. One of the people standing brings out from it something wrapped in a black robe.. Then the speaker says: “This evil sacrifice and all its works He muted our dreams... And as Babylon was annihilated... He must also be exterminated... He also made algae grow on the broken stones of Babylon.
The evil sacrifice here is the thing that destroyed the city of Babylon.. the first land in which mankind and the jinn and demons allied.. the thing that destroyed this alliance and fought magic.. and this thing is, of course, God.
“Oh, Bohemians and priests.. the desperate plea that you called with your heavy hearts have been answered.. by the strength of the comrades of old time.. this sacrifice will be exterminated.. and here we have brought his body to the funeral pyre.. Let the happy funeral sing.. our funeral pyre awaits the body of the sacrifice. You who crossed it to the port.. this sacrifice is a bitter enemy of beauty.. and there is no forgiveness or comfort in the grave.. fire fire will fulfill all your desires.
It seems that the Holy Owl "Lilith" has answered their calls and sent the demons of old-time companions to burn this offering.. Then you notice that they have lit a fire.. "Bring the fire.. idiots.. idiots.. idiots.. when will you learn.. that you can't slaughter me." Year after year you burn me in this forest.. and deliver your victorious cries to the stars.. and when you turn your faces out of this forest.. do you find me waiting as before? He says that they cannot kill him, because every year they burn him, he comes back. . "Say, cynical soul.. this is not all a dream.. we know you are waiting for us.. after this vacation in the woods is over.. and we will face you and fight you like the old custom." And some of us will conquer you..and some will succeed in destroying it..Now let us burn you again this night..With those fires that devour your soul..we will read the sign..Summer sets us free.
And they defy God.. and the sign of summer liberating us is very symbolic of their gathering in this forest every summer.. that they are liberated from God.. you will burn me again.. but not with these fires.. that you brought here.. from the lands that I black.. O fools and priests.. I will spit on your fire.” God is still challenging them.. “Oh, owl..princess of all human wisdom.. the owl of Bohemia.. We beg of you..that you give us your wisdom.”
“No fire.. no fire.. no fire.. no fire in this forest.. but let it be in the world.. where this evil sacrifice.. feeds on human hatred.. cast him out of this forest.. one flame must be lit The fire... one torch must kindle the fire... a pure and immortal flame... through the light of the great alliance... in a Bohemian altar."
They beseech the sacred owl, Lilith, to deliver them from the one who challenges them.. “Oh, the great owl of Bohemia.. We thank you for this plea.. Go, you hateful sacrifice.. Go.. and again we are banishing him.. Go, you sacrifice.. the fire will be carried.” Their desires.. Go, sacrifice, eternal fires of the alliance.. Once again summer sets us free.
Here the fire burned the evil sacrifice, which is God in their claim.. and they got rid of it for a period of two weeks, which is the period of their stay in that forest.. God is exalted above all of this.. Glory be to Him, the Creator of heaven, the creator of the earth, and the creator of fire.. the creator of the jinn, and the creator of mankind.. There is nothing like Him. I ask his forgiveness and repent to him a thousand times if my letters dare to write the hadiths of mean people.. and allow me to stop talking about this matter and let us continue what we started.. because there is not much left for me in this world.. and if you do not believe me, go and look for pictures of "George" Bush and his father, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon in that woods Some of them used to go to it before even becoming president.. and go and look for the “Skull and Bones” organization, which is the Illuminati branch in America.. and to interview “George Bush” on television when he was a presidential candidate and the announcer asks him: Are you a member of the Skull and Bones organization? He replied: This is a secret organization and I can't talk about it and the exact same answer was answered by his competitor "John Kerry" on the same program to the same question with the same cold, sticky laugh.
And watch the clip that was secretly filmed of what is happening inside the forums of the Skull and Bones Organization, which is specifically a ritual
Very interfering with a whisper.. Screams of the kind that Emily Rose used to shout.. The clip was made by a man named Ron Rosenbaum. It's a wonderful religion. A religion of those who worship the bastard Lucifer.. A religion that does not invite you to be austere and complacent and all these things that fill the graves. By those who believe in it..this is a religion that offers you cash..the future..women..fame if you want..obedience if you want..He presents you with everything like a magic wand.. And it is like any other religion.. In it, you must obey your Lord whom you worship.. You obey Him blindly.. If you obey Him, you will obtain eternal bliss, and not
The false promise of eternal bliss.. that promise that you cannot trust.. but the eternal bliss from the moment you get out of this place.. and if you disobey there will be hell.. a physical hell also very fast.. that is why a believer in God is called a believer because he is a believer Something he did not see or feel, but he believes in it.
Let's see what papers we have this time.. Thirteen cards..
The first paper is the paper of the leaders of Zion and on it is a picture of Jewish elders, as it appears from their hair and long sideburns, who wear suits and put strange brown robes on their shoulders..
The second paper is the TV channel paper. On it is a picture of a man watching more than ten screens, each of which shows something different.
The third paper is the media influence paper, with a picture of many men gathered in front of a large television screen, pointing to it, showing what looks like a news anchor.
The fourth paper is the paper on the effect of television on the viewers, in which the image of a television and a man and a woman watching it appear enchanted.
The fifth paper is a paper restricting the freedom of the media.. It has a picture of a man who appears to be a media person with his mouth gagged with a large red word Censored..
The sixth paper is the bank merger paper.. it has five fish of different sizes the big one eats the small one..and all of them are eaten by a big, ugly, savage fish.
The seventh card is the democracy card and has a picture of a black man and a Chinese girl worshiping the same God who is before them, a golden calf.
The eighth paper is the scandal paper and has a picture of two men at a desk doing something that looks suspicious with their faces worried the picture looks like it's from a camera they're filming with the word REC on it in the corner of the screen..
The ninth and tenth papers are two papers for the same thing, which is fair elections.. On one of them appears a picture of a happy girl wearing the American flag.. On the other appears a picture of the same girl wearing the same flag but in a different position..
The eleventh card is the paper for the hidden influence behind the judiciary.. It has a picture of a judge striking with his gavel and behind him a red curtain, in the middle of which the shadow of a man wearing a hat appears.
The twelfth paper is the sexual scandal paper, with a man and a woman on the bed, and there is someone who surprised them and took a picture of them, so it looks like in the picture they are terrified, raising their hands in the face of the camera.
The last paper is the evidence burning paper, with papers that seem important to be burned.
The next story, in fact, is not a story.. It is a lecture.. 300 of the richest men of Zion attended.. Those who reached the thirty-third degree in Freemasonry.. the senior men of the thirteenth Jewish tribe.. This was after the French Revolution and before the outbreak of the Russian Revolution.
The lecturer in it is called "Theodor Herzl"...and it is the lecture that was famous for recording it in a book that is considered the most dangerous book ever...a book called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion".. It is a very long lecture that was held over three consecutive days.. I summarized it for you.. so it was deleted from it. All the useless gossip.. I left you only the important words..because I know that you hate gossip.
Now, let us go together to the city of Basel in Switzerland.. to one of the great Masonic lodges there, where this lecture was held.. and let us sit among these elders and listen to Herzl talking to them. Speech is somewhat difficult.. you have to pay close attention to each syllable to understand it well.. and to find that the speech is very close to what is happening in your country.. even if you live in the farthest corners of the earth.

Wait for the next secret ... The next one has more secrets that I will reveal to you .
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