Secret 9 ( Part 1 ) Elders of Zion.. 1900 AD

in story •  2 years ago 


First day
O Elders of Zion.. O elites of the earth.. O kings of gold.. It was really God’s duty to choose you as a people.. He chose you from among the corrupt, beastly peoples of the world (the goyim) to establish his great kingdom on earth.. And here we meet today in this assembly ..and tomorrow and the day after..and there will be other meetings in the coming years..we are here today to talk about our great and complete strategic plan that our ancestors started..and handed over by our ancestors to our ancestors..then our ancestors handed it to us..and it was really necessary for us to hand it over to whom He will come after us.. and if we deviate from it, we will destroy the work of long centuries.. So be very careful, O Children of Israel.
You know well the origins of the old plan.. you know all the great deeds that the fallen angel “Baphomet” did to our people.. and the great services he performed on the world’s historical map, the venerable fallen angel “Serpent.” There is no need to go into historical details that we all memorize. O Elders of Zion.. Our turn has come in this great story.. It is time for us to shake off all that is stuck on our shoulders and move on.. We move the whole world in the direction we want.
The greatest way in which you can destroy the principles of any generation, whether religious or social, is not by reversing or changing these principles, but by distorting them from their positions and putting forth interpretations of them that were not intended by their authors. Christianity becomes something completely different than what it was intended to be.. and even fights it.. and even uses its enemies to fight it.. and this is the very Jewish genius.
We may present in this plan some immoral things that we are commanded to do.. but always remember.. all these things become completely moral for a people like ours.. an oppressed people, attacked internally and externally.. and know that in this time that came to my sons Man .. Evil is the only way to reach the good.
Our power is greater than any other power... because it will remain hidden until the moment it reaches its place, and no great power or any cunning plan can accommodate it with it... Indeed, the hidden power is the greatest power... who can remove a hidden power from its throne. .. Yes, O children of Zion.. Although we are a scattered people.. However, this dispersion is the secret of our strength.. Because it allowed us to infiltrate the entities of all the peoples of the world and ascend in them to their most sensitive centers.. Thus, the fate of the most powerful peoples of the world became between two fingers of Our fingers direct them wherever we want.. The moment of guidance has come, O Children of Israel, and the stage of infiltration has ended.
We managed to ignite the fire of the French Revolution.. We are the ones who called for the first time and said, “Freedom..fraternity..equality.”.. Words the more people chant, the more they fail and the more their freedoms are restricted.. There is a stinking word that is always said..democracy..except Something called democracy or liberation and so on.. all of this is an illusion.. we are the only ones who know that it is an illusion.. and we are the only ones who know when to use this illusion as bait to attract people to our side.. we will explain later the truth of this illusion in full explanation.. but in principle ..Know that all people are blind, predatory mobs that need strength to restrain them..and this strength comes in tyrannical dictatorship alone..or democracy disguised as something called law..and everyone is subject to it.
Democracy means chaos.. How can you trust the judgments of a mob that rumbles about debates and arguments.. Although such discussions can be contrasted with other malicious arguments and discussions, they are disguised with a high mask of temptation.. The argument is useful because it transforms matters from seeking knowledge of the truth to seeking controversy itself. .. The stupid Western public always indulges in these discussions in a way that hinders every possibility of agreeing, even on the right discussions.. If they agree with the opinion of a majority, it is an opinion saturated with ignorance of political secrets.. This is what lays the seeds of chaos in the government when it says that it is democratic.. Therefore, it has We presented it to the governments of the goyim as the finest type of human thought.
And if the people of democracy and the republic thought a little, they would find that peoples now bear abuses from their ministers and presidents. If they happened in the past, they would have killed twenty kings for it.. But they do not read history and do not like it.
It is tyranny alone that establishes civilization.. Can a plan divided by the number of its parts according to the number of minds that it created establish a civilization? Of course, it is impossible..It is a fragile civilization that loses value..The public is by nature barbaric..As soon as you give them some freedom, they turn it into chaos..the strong always rule and the weak submit..that is why the father succeeds in raising his young son..and fails to raise his young son.. His eldest son.. Therefore, in our government, we must be very strict in curbing every rebellion.. As for empty words, lies, and all this nonsense, they must be the characteristics of the goyim government.
The truth that this time imposes on us is tyranny.. Tell me what kind of government can rule a society in which bribery and corruption are rampant until its leaves wither and fall off.. You may tell me that this tyrannical government is out of date and is no longer suitable for the modern era.. But I will prove to you The opposite is true.. when people looked at their kings as those who had a will from God.. they were quietly submitting to the tyranny of their kings.. but when we revealed to them the idea of ​​rights and equality and so on, they began to look at kings as they looked at ordinary sons of annihilation and fell They have the holy anointing..and in this way, they will not accept tyranny, not even half-tyranny.
Politics does not agree with morals in anything.. and the ruler who is committed to morals is not a skilled politician.. He is therefore not firmly on his throne.. the seeker of power must resort to hypocrisy, hypocrisy and cunning..etc.
As for sincerity, nobility, and honesty, they become vices in politics... and they contribute to destabilizing the throne more than the strongest enemies contribute.
And I would like to talk to you about an important matter.. How can you enslave a large country like Russia..First of all, widen the gap between the stupid government and the blind mob people..Increase the hatred of each party for the other..The more you increase the hatred of the people in the souls of their government. The idiot.. will abuse its brute force and break the rotten laws of democracy.. and the more you hate the government in the hearts of its people, the more they will begin to rebel against the rotten laws that his government put in place and then broke them.
And in any country in which the prestige of the law is regressed and the personality of the ruler becomes sterile in Petra.. Here you can take an offensive line and make a revolution or coup in which all the existing rules and systems are destroyed.. and hold on to the laws and throw them in the nearest garbage and reorganize all the bodies.. Thus, you will become a dictator over a government. She voluntarily gave up her power and bestowed it upon you.
And when the state after that falls into our hands.. and because we, the Jews, are the only owners of gold in the world.. we will give this state a stick related to it.. and this stick is money.. If you cling to it, you become our slaves.. and if you don't cling to it, it will sink forever.. Gold is the first engine of any country's wheel.. As long as we own it and monopolize it, we can paralyze any country at any time we want.
We Jews alone have the economy.. Economics is our kingdom.. We are surrounded by a whole army of economists.. Most of them are present with us today.. You are the most powerful weapon among our weapons, whether you are a bank head, industrial owner, or financial owner.
If a country becomes in our hands, we will entrust presidential or ministerial government positions in it to the people whose records have gone bad and who have always hidden black spots in their history.. If they disobey our order, they can expect trial or imprisonment.. Thus, they will defend our interests until the last breath they breathe. . and sometimes
The government must appear to be in opposition to us.. But in reality, its actions are loyal to us and our interests, wholeheartedly.
But we fear the most in these countries that the power of the rulers will ally with the power of the blind mob.. But we have taken all our precautions to ensure that this does not happen.. We have built a dam based on the fear that each of them feels from the other.. To ensure the survival of this dam, it must be We are connected with all sects..not directly, of course, but through our most loyal customers..and these are the ones who address the mob and direct them wherever we see fit.
To facilitate the implementation of all these schemes, we must have international agents who have millions of eyes and unlimited means.. These guide governments. As for the people, there is nothing easier than directing them..and directing them is in one word, which I will discuss later..the is the weapon that the goyim do not know how to use..and we will always play with it from behind the curtain..and it is the thing that directs people to the direction we want. .
It is necessary to set up in all societies libertarian bodies that have eloquent orators who charm the public with eloquent speech.. which just talks without real actions.. but it fascinates them and believes in despair in the hope of changing the situation.. at the same time we will increase salaries and increase prices. We tire business owners by raising salaries, and we tire workers by raising prices, so no one benefits from anything but more fatigue.
As for the governments, we will choose for them chief administrators and ministers who are inclined to slavery... to submit to the authority of our wise advisors who have been trained in politics since they were children.
We'll start with Russia and then.......wait for what's next.

Wait for the next secret ... The next one has more secrets that I will reveal to you .
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