This story is not a composite story, but it is a true story. This story tells the struggle of siblings in sufficient life for days.and they both work every day for their families they are born poor families but they are very strong to work and they are tireless.
they are also the son of a farmer and also they cultivate in the fields for their daily needs are also suitable to plant in their neighboring rice fields because they do not have their own rice fields then they have to grow crops in other people's rice fields they are very strong to work waupun those who are still aged under five
The trials they face are not only that, there is still one ordeal that is even harder. One day in front of the shop where the father worked there was a fight. Because of the good father's character he tried to intervene, but the good deeds were actually a catastrophe, the knife used by one stuck in the pit of the father so that the father dies instantly.
heard that the heart of the mother and her two
children were broken into pieces.
They all try to be resolute to what has happened to them, and they try to rise from the sadness and work hard to meet their daily needs and school fees. Because the mother worked too hard at last the mother fell ill. Because the sick mother finally the brother who worked drudge to meet daily needs, finance his sister's school and buy medicine for the mother. Big brother works every day sebgai tukal patch tires from morning until evening so he did not go to school.
Because of his activities the younger brother tried to talk to his brother to get him back to school, but what does the brother say? "Deck ,, let your sister work you in school, do not you want to be a successful person? If you want your dreams to be achieved you have to go to school to be someone who is ondai and can be a successful person."
"But kak, is not it if I go to school while my brother works is not fair? Would not it be better if I also work with my sister so that our income is more so we can bring mother medication !!!" his brother said to his brother
"No !!!! Let my sister work, besides you are a little mash what can you make? The important thing is you keep school diligently to be a smart kid" said the elder brother
Finally since then his brother became dropped out of school in order to support his family and finance his sister's school and finance his mother's treatment that never healed
Votme and resteem @murhadi9