I really like this concept: an imortal being having their memory wiped. But not wiped, for he remembers Clarence, fragments. Like Alzeimers where a person can remember their ancient past, but any person that has recently stumbled into their life is muddled, forgotten. It's not quite like that movie Memento where the guy has tattoos to remind him of who he is (what a rabbit hole!).
I write a bit myself, and I was surprised at how polished this story is. No typos, and I was wondering if you might like to swap stories sometimes before posting. For instance, one recomendation I would make for this piece is about memory. The protaganist claims that his mind is blank, but later we learn that it is not quite exaclty empty. Not a white canvas, but more of a defragged hard drive? He remembers instruments, skills... he remembers Clarence. So it's not blank, but everything is disjointed and hazy, vague permonitions as if he glimpses someone elses memories that Clarence helps tidy up. He might not be able to recall his killing rampage, but we learn that his species can recall enough to become bored. Not a human sort of boredness, but a boredness from being eternal. Bored due to the memory that was not completely erased, yes? My mind jumps to all sorts of things like the forgetting of past lives, vampires, the gods on Mt. Olympus watching mortals. Even the movie Highlander. There can be only one!--if you've seen that movie.
Whaddaya say? I do my writing on Google Docs, and edit for days after I write. Even after I think I've fixed all the comma splices, swapped adverbs for stronger adjectives, my pieces always have errors, either in context or grammar. I'd love to swap with you before posting here. I used to work at a writing center in a community college in Tacoma Washington, and I absolutely love good writing. This piece is great, the imagery, the narrative... I was there retrieving that key from the bottom of the bucket, stumbling in the dark, bumping into that chest, oh that mysterious chest. Awesome, keep it up! If you're interested in collaborating, I'm at [email protected]