How I Saved 5 Lives This Year So Far - And More To Come...

in story •  6 years ago 

Among other things, this sentence is on my 2018 list. What do I want to achieve this year? I want to save a life. When I started a new daily routine that includes a lot more self-reflection, I realize this has come true multiple times. I just forgot to notice it.


Why? Because in my mind, life-saving was different in the way it actually happened. This year I saved a little sparrow and 3 kittens. I found them far from their home alone, in a vulnerable position and took them in, and then found them a decent home.

When I found the third kitten less than 2 weeks ago, I realized that this was a life I saved. I just did not expect this when I wrote the list. That's why it's important not only to set my goals but also to realize when they have finally come true.


I began to look at everything else I thought didn't come true. It was a big surprise to notice that life made most of them happen - I was just too blind to see it. That is why it is important, to be honest with the intentions, be genuine in the heart, to serve a greater purpose not just for my own interests, because if all this is happening around me, I better damn make sure I use my powers for good.

Choco reminds me every day how to go against all logic and start helping. As soon as this wonderful puppy entered my life, I've been helping more and more people and animals. And I started noticing this too.


What technique did I use to notice all this? First, it started out with my goals. The more detailed they are, the easier it is to recognize when they come true. I am a list writer, so I wrote my goals down and read them every morning. Then take my example: Life-saving. I had to define what 'a life' meant for me. And I realized that it was not just human, but animals and plants too. At least in the narrowest sense of the word.


I have not written down to save a human life, but any life. So once I had a definition I could look for a broader manifestation. If I were to write: saving a human life, it still doesn't mean CPR, but maybe to be able to psychologically assist someone with her demons. It depends on my wording and my interpretation of how it is accomplished.

If I don't write down something to the smallest detail, it could also be created, I just have to pay attention, appreciate and be grateful for it.

My baby rescue from Mexico, Choco the adventure puppy:





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Sometimes we set the bar for making a difference in the world so high we do nothing at all. I would rather have a world filled with people dedicated to solving small problems (and actually doing it) than all these people sitting around doing nothing but complaining. Keep up the good work and make the world a better place!

thanks for the lovely comment, I could not have worded this myself. Every little counts and those lives saved matter more than the whole world when you are one of those lives. These animals for a chance to live a happy and healthy life and it is significant for them. Every little counts, every help is help.