The two beings without individuation had agreed inaudibly that the third must be left behind. Without her mental capacity to manipulate the craft on which they had arrived to the backwater planet, her decaying biofield of corporeal energies would only pollute the process of navigation. It was a difficult process indeed, necessitating a physical biochemical purity of it's participants, and emotional stoicism. The beings were not without sentimentality, but their mission was much too important for their kind. "We must return," they thought to themselves in unison.
The body of their fallen shipmate, polluted by Earth's terribly industrialized atmosphere, was honored by the two inhabitants of the weightless craft, then dropped into the vast ocean below. She was brave, risking her life to save her kind, partaking of the basic elements of life, air, water and vegetation, though there was nothing here to save them. In the blackest night of Earth's year, the two space creatures had returned to the skies from whence they came.
The morning of this day had brought about an excitement to rival the depth of blackness of the hours before. Silvia Bilch had found veritable extraterrestrial. The world was in awe, and in panic. Silvia would be remembered by humankind, and the event that gained her world famous notoriety would also dwarf her involvement in it. After all, an ordinary person making an extraordinary discovery is far from unheard of. These persons are consistently overlooked in the retelling of their stories, often to the point of having their names entirely left out.
The name that would be remembered was Galoria. Silvia hadn't even the privilege of naming the creature, the papers had taken that privilege. The announced to the world with documentary confidence that we were not alone. Humankind pondered the meaning of this moment, and the meaning it held for them. "The end," decried the religiously constricted. "The future," called back the technologically inclined. And all those in the middle continued their lives as expected, only conversing on the subject in the momentary pause of wonderment that preceded their secular apathy. The end of the month was still on the way.