We Are Not Alone (Original Novel, Part 1)

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

So what's this?

This is the first draft of the first little bit of a book I am working on, a complete science fantasy (Not fiction) book which I've barely even started on. I really hope you enjoy this, this is only part one, there will be plenty more coming!

George Washington once said, “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” But what about things not part of what we consider the foreign world? What about planets, or maybe even different galaxies? Everyone's heard of the infamous Area 51, some speculate aliens are captured there, and maybe even dissected there. But it's not true, no aliens are kidnapped and imprisoned in Area 51, no aliens are taken to Area 51 to be dissected. Area 51 is the headquarters of intergalactic immigration and the one place aliens coming to earth have to go to for trading or any other form of communication with us humans. Of course some aliens don't listen to our policies, have shown themselves and even sometimes taken humans or maybe left marks in the form of crop circles... they've done this for thousands of years, but it wasn't until 2013 they contacted us directly.
In 2013, that was 300 years ago... there was a message, some sort of impossible to understand message from space, a gurgling high pitched voice speaking in a language which could only be compared to our language known as French, though we could not decode it. That next month came the day that is now celebrated once a year, an alien actually landed in Area 51, it crushed a helicopter in the process – the government wasn't pleased with that – but after that unhappy accident the cloaked ship revealed itself, the first alien life forms, we all expected them to look different... Tall, gray, lanky, maybe even green or covered in tentacles, but they looked like us. The ship they came in was nothing special either, it was a ship designed after what aliens had seen on the earth and looked like a sports car rather than a flying saucer.
After the initial confusion with communication the aliens introduced themselves as “The Seers” and claimed that they have come from a planet by the star Tau Ceti, the 20th closest star to earth and one very similar to our sun. The planet's name was not translated by the translation devices they had to use, and we're still not entirely sure on it's real name. Though our scientists simply called it Tau Ceti E, a planet near the star, which we had discovered the year before, which was in the habitable range of the nearby sun like star. After the aliens came back to visit again through the years we slowly began to try and adapt the technology they have, though we were not successful until 2019. That's when we developed the first firearm run purely on plasma traded for with the aliens in exchange for a few of the animals on Earth.
The weapon created was a small heavily modified M1911 handgun, the magazines swapped out for similarly sized and shapes glass containers of liquid plasma which could be set to burn and kill or to stun the shooter's current target. It is now in the year 2313 that we come to the story of Johnathan Phillips loading one of the these very weapons in preparation for his, in his opinion, genius plan to earn himself some extra money so he could buy his way off world. He'd signed himself onto a transport shuttle as a crew member, though the shuttle was just going to the colonies on the moon, so he'd contacted a few friends he'd worked with in the past, space pirates, the new low of criminals who decided taking from others was easier than earning things themselves.
The plan was simple... he'd input the wrong coordinates on the ship so that they were off course after their jump, which involved swapping to a dimension and traveling through multiple different intergalactic portals of some sort, no one truly understood it. After that and other such complicated things, then the shuttle would find itself in an area outside of government control. Then they would come in and hold up the passengers, take whatever they could get from them before John would seemingly fend the thieves off. He would fire a few shots or whatever it took to sell it.
John slipped the gun into a holster on his left hip, the shuttle was set to take off in about ten minutes, and he was ready to do his best acting job. He hurried over to the shuttle, there were only forty-seven passengers on board, they'd ensured none of them were law enforcement to minimize the chance of resistance. If things went south John would have to try and gun down any passengers who fought back against the attack, he'd have his weapon set to stun so they could avoid any murder charges. They may have been space pirates, but they didn't kill civilians as they please unlike some people, those who did were the lowest of the low even among criminals.

The shuttle, a D-class Seer Transport Ship.

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