Colonizing Mars - New Beginnings [Chapter 1 - Ready For Launch]

in story •  8 years ago  (edited)

 It is the year 2033, the mars colonization tests have successfully passed. The time for humans to start colonizing the red planet has come. Due to a lot of chaos and war around the globe this process needs to be quickened in order for the human race to exist somewhere else apart from the planet that is wiped out day by day. Nuclear warfare has started with a lot of biochemical weapons being launched by the North Korean and Russian forces. We are urging people to stay inside for as long as possible. Radiation levels are higher than ever before, more than half of the human race has been erased from the face of the planet. We have 50 brave men and women, that will embrace this new change and live on a different environment, on the red planet.  Each person has a special set of skills, from doctors to physicians astronauts each with the special mission to keep the human race going for as long as necessary. 

This project has taken trillions of dollars to perfect and deploy safely. For this to happen there are 4 rockets 2 of which will carry the astronauts , food and safety products. The other 2 rockets will carry the necessary hardware and equipment for the human race to safely live on the red planet. There have been new breakthroughs in technology that allows them to 3D print plants and hardware material that they may need. They come packed with mars tents that interconnect with each other for the perfect homes that the people of mars can wish for. Once this mission gets deployed there is no way to come back.  

Chapter 1 - Ready For Launch  

 Dispatch - "Loading sequence starts in 1 hour, please go to the boarding dock. Other personnel please leave the loading dock." 

 50 astronauts all fully geared walk slowly towards the designated rockets. Oliver who is team A captain has done multiple astronautic missions on multiple satellites across the planet. This is the toughest mission that he has been given, with the fate of all humans lying in his hands he needs to complete every task perfectly without any failure. Oliver looks up at the enormous rocket that was ever built covered with titanium plates on the outside for maximal resistance, engine bigger than a 2 story house built to perfection. Going inside an artificial intelligence program welcomes them on board with any questions that they have being answered by the AI. Big front triple silicon glassed  windows for maximal protection from radiation and other cosmic materials . Everything is done by the AI  and it can self-drive itself to the coordinates on the red planet.   

Everyone takes a sit in their designated chairs, strapping on their safety belts and wait for the launch. For them,these will be the last minutes that they will be on earth, with the human race lying all in their hands. They have to survive, beating the thought conditions that the big red dusty planet provides which is high amounts of radiation on the surface of mars which will put their lives in real danger, other forms of unknown life such as  bacteria that can spread diseases that we don't yet know off can be deadly.

In the training  they were advised not to stay outside longer than 2.5 Hours as they can be exposed to high amounts of radiation which could penetrate through the space suit sickening the person withing hours which could compromise the whole mission. There are water and food supply for over 5 years on the rockets,also as a backup, they have a filtration system which filters the toilet water to drinkable water. 3D printers which are able to print fully grown plants in under 12 hours creating breathable air for the colonization to happen.    

Dispatch - "We are preparing for lift off, please recheck your safety belts and thruster safety" 
 Team A - " Ready! All safeties checked"  
Team B - " Ready! All safeties checked"  
Dispatch - " Lift off in 10, 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ,1 Good Luck out there, the human race depends on you!" 

Thrusters are fired up sounding like 10000 horses stomping at the same time as hard as they can.  The fire at the bottom of the engine burning everything that it's below them slowly lifting the rocket to the bright blue sky meter by the meter at a slow steady speed.  

Dispatch -" Activating mega Thrusters power - Be safe out there! "  

The rockets speed up leaving a trail of thick smoke behind them lifting to the sky at the speed of sound. Inside the rockets, the people have been informed to stay calm and be prepared to exit the planet's gravitational pull. Everyone knows there is no turning back now, this is their destiny doing this for the greater good. The convoy of rockets will arrive at the coordinates set on mars in 5 Weeks which gives them enough time to prepare and have a little fun on the rocket while they still can. Food and other resources are limited therefore they have to take great care of how they consume them. Oliver stands up from his commander chair and looks deeply in the distance shaking his head to see if its real . He spots something that wasn't there in any of the simulation tests. Two asteroids collided leaving big rock and metal trails right in front of them.  

Quickly, he  gets his hands on the radio station provided to talk with dispatch and the other team.Alice which is Team B's commander turns her radio station louder so everyone can hear his message, due to her being in the back of the convoy she is not able to see the heavy rock and metal which has left tons of rocks and metals that they have to go through and avoid. Even the titanium plates on the rocket don't have the capability to go through millions year's old heavy rock and precious metals.

Oliver - " Dispatch, there is a trail of asteroid parts right in front of us. We need to go over or under it. What should we do ? "  
Dispatch - " I am switching you to manual commands try going over them. The windows and titanium plates can sustain small rocky pieces but not the big ones so  please take care out there. We will control the other 2 rockets manually."  
Alice - "Are you ready for this Oliver? "   
Oliver - "Are you kidding me?  I was born for this. "  

Chapter 2 - When Asteroids Collide 

The 2nd chapter will follow this coming week so stay tuned :) 

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Blast off!

Haha, always.