God or Science

in story •  7 years ago 

In these moments I have to live a situation in my life that leads me to ask myself this question.
A family member, hospitalized with heart surgery has been successfully operated on.
Just like this story, thousands repeat themselves every second of the world, and I'm sure many people ask themselves again and again.



At this time, many people are praying and transmitting energy or requests to God in order to enlighten the intervention of professionals.
From my own experience, whenever I was able to speak with a medical professional, I was able to obtain a variety of answers, many of which may or may not be in agreement, but what is specific about the case is that there is no defined criterion, no matter how much we talk to a professional. of the same activity as another. Here is the point where we think that some believe and have faith, others not so much and some others convinced that science is the result of success in interventions.



It is likely that to improve the results and always talk about successes we need laboratories and a much more advanced medicine.
It is probable that the force of faith intervenes on everyone for whom we pray.
We can find many conflicting opinions and discuss eternally on the subject, the truth is that no one can say or reason accurately.
There are situations that technically can be explained 100%, and others where the same scientists can not give explanations of some results.



The incredible thing is that in our world, there are representatives who should have the answer to a number of doubts from those who are far from being informed.
Leaders who preach words, teach us but can not but ask for faith in beliefs.
On the other hand, scientists explaining results with facts and actions, but suddenly others have no explanation.
Thousands of people have the capacity to only believe, to only be convinced that they do not need to touch or see to believe. They are faithful followers of a dogma.



It is true that if someone does not belong or can not have some kind of approach with these groups of believers, we may have a wrong vision from the outside, but those who belong seem to have found a way to peace.
Communities around the world, divided by different representatives, assure that their beliefs with which they lead to any human intervention or miracle, comes from the hand of a God, of the same faith.

I am convinced that fanaticism does not lead anywhere and we can even discuss and not reach an agreement just because we do not listen to each other, and the final idea is the same. If the final idea is the same, I am sure that many times the divisions of faith of each community practically do not exist, only that they are represented by a different image.
Definitely, science, God and all communities come to a point in common ... Believe in something.

If the good be at our hands, the difference of opinions should not matter, just attribute success to the whole.
I do not know how many can believe and how many simply leave the acts delivered to humans in their entirety, but we can assure that in appearance if we all join science and faith, it is perfect.

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I hope everyone has an excellent day, beautiful community.

I will end by commenting that in my case, everything was a success.
Many people prayed and we had full confidence in the scientists who worked on the case.

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Great article...!