The Story of Hidden Details

in story •  3 years ago 

Where should I start your story? Can I start from childhood? What if I told you that you were born in a wealthy family, were brought up by governesses, that your parents were pleasure-loving people, that they neglected you in many respects except the material aspect! What if I said that your father was busy stealing the wives and lovers of his closest friends while your mother spent her days playing game.

You went to private schools, took lessons from private teachers and won university. While me and many of my friends preferred to take the city bus to school, as it was cheap, instead of the bus, you would come with a state-of-the-art car. You were pretty good at getting the attention of us girls. We would all like to be friends or even lovers with you, even if we don't say it openly.

That's why my friend was jealous of him. Because he managed to become your lover. He used to tell me what happened between you and him. At first, they were always good things they told, the experiences of a happy couple. He thought it would go on like this, so he was ignoring your little flaws.


One day she confessed crying: she was unhappy, afraid, did not know what to do. Your behavior towards him had changed unexpectedly. That polite young man was replaced by a rude, even sadistic man. You were often beating, criticizing and insulting the girl. And one day, we heard that he committed suicide. He hung himself. Or rather, it was written so in a quick report. However, it was never mentioned that there was at least an inch difference between the stool found at the place where he committed suicide and the soles of his feet after he hanged himself. This is not a suicide, but a murder!

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