Is smoking really bad?? [STEEMIT POLL] --- Comment down below

in story •  8 years ago 

The World is moving fast, extremely fast actually we are so much indulged into working, earn living, show off flashy clothes accessories and the demand of being a superior soul is so audacious, that we don't really care about the consequences.

As I scroll down my smartphone's screen these days my timelines these days are filled with discussion these days regarding smoking. A lot of anti-smoking campaigns have run by the Government, also these days I see the active participation of NGO's towards the same cause.

But hey is it the first time?

Is it a maiden attempt?

Obviously No!!
I have seen many advertisements wherein a cancer patient describes his suffering or a father's conscience suddenly wakes up as he sees his daughter eyeing on him, also the ugly photo posters of lungs/throat cancer adorning the public walls all around the city.

As I continuously see people using hashtags to support these anti-smoking campaigns on the social networking websites. The one question relentlessly pops into my mind, Is it so hard for the people to quit smoking?

This is me asking myself is it so hard to give it up in spite of knowing its unmatched harmful effects?

The reasons are different and subjective but there is a common notion that every smoker would mention that - a cigarette is the easiest access to relief from an external source, that one can experience after each drag inhaled.

When I smoke in the morning it gives a fresh start (a happy high) to my otherwise monotonous day.
Have also heard people saying a cigarette helps in the early morning poop.
When I smoke after a cup of tea it is just out of the need of my taste buds that are not habitual of taking the sweet taste for much time!!
When I smoke after eating I feel satisfied, sometimes after dinner it is also my desert instead. A satisfaction I could not attain with a loud burp!!
Sometimes in the evening, I smoke after my evening tea, I feel my workplace tensions fading away.

I am grown in a family of people where every single person smokes and until a longer period of my life I used to curse them because of the smell I could not handle, to puffing on some packets a day making smoke rings and discussing and speaking my heart ou about moments that I treasure, also my fears and insecurities.

And just to tell you - I do regret it!!

smoking 1.JPG

I hate to admit but it is my favourite Bad Habit.
If I could frame it in words it is a feeling of getting seduced and poked to put other things at rest!! It feels like something a stick just pops out of the packet and begs me to give light to it.

**Hell Yeah I forgot to mention - A smoke with having a couple of drinks makes me super comfortable and instantly gives a high to the body as getting in a state of deprived of the power of physical sensation.

As I mentioned above about the favourite bad habit, I feel, I have befriended with it in spite of know the possibility of having lung cancer or other harmful effects that it can make to my body.

But all smokers know very well the harmful insights of it. Don't we??
Still why we choose to deal with the problems with the easiest accessible but harmful alternative available.
Because the truth is that life also takes a toll on living and it is difficult to keep the positive face up amongst the chaos in the regime.
Hence lighters, ashtrays, sticks and smoke filling up my room have become my aid in making it my habit. Thought always comes into my mind that this is not the best way to deal with the short-lived frustrations. But I chose it that way.
The way I like.

Smoking has given me a socially acceptable way of starting a conversation with anyone anywhere only if the other person is a smoker too. From requesting to light the stick-up to discussing the favourite brand. And sometimes as they say sharing is caring.
Oh Hey.. according to some surveys I read, the maximum percentage of brand preference is in cigarettes, close to 95%.

**The first cigarette of you life does it all as it is the longest smoke of your life, as it sparks the Nirvana and turning it into a habit eventually, it becomes the strongest pillar of your emotions and then you start relying on packets after packets to deal with problems!!

As I am now a self-proclaimed "smoke-a-holic", I enjoy each and every drag of it. I am given a nickname of Mr Smoker at my workplace, I am that one person, anybody can rely on for a cigarette anytime. I chose white harmful sticks whose smoke rings are as good as a person giving a hug out of care and telling 'everything will fall into place, don't worry'

My breathlessness warns me about this habit, my lips are getting darker day by day, my health is at stake but I will not be able to give up this habit the much I make or break fake promises!!
Will tell you guys about it some other time (maybe another story).

I remember getting caught in my early twenties to smoking in my room at my home while living with parents. As I sum this up,
it is 4 a.m. in India and I am reviewing the article with a cigarette in my hand.

Follow me @prabhatchugh

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I greatly miss all of the social opportunities and introspective moments that smoking provided. That being said, I am happy to have kicked the habit after almost 10 years.

Nevertheless, I am not one of those exsmokers who shames people for still smoking. If it works for you, smoke on brother! It's your life, there are plenty of other bad habits that society doesn't shame.

Firstly Congratulations mate!! that you have actually got rid of it, honestly it is not that easy for me.
Yes smoking is a habit.
Thank you for allowing me to to do it actually you are very right if it is a habit one should continue. In the end you mentioned some other habits that society doesn't shame, put some light on that mate!!

It's rude to shame someone who is fat and is eating unhealthy food.
It's unbecoming to shame someone who is still watching reality TV.
Telling a person to not drink diet soda, tap water, or alcohol is not endearing.

Unless, of course, you live in a place like Boulder. Then, these are totally acceptable behaviors.

Smoking is put into a much higher category of negative habits, because we've all been programmed to believe anyone who is smoking is literally killing themselves.

But a person who sits down most of their life and doesn't exercise is given a free pass.

Personally, I say do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.


I agree to the point and Fat shaming, It has been with me all my life and I don't regret being fat because I live with it every day, but not a person who randomly passes a comment on thee body I have.

Thank you for giving me the topic for my next article!!
will definitely tag you in the post now!!

My personal opinion about smoking...
I like to smoke as a social think, and in that way of doing so I reckon it is not super bad. It might be good for your emotional well being , and that is also important to consider.
I smoke every second week 5 sigarets on average

Every person has its own way of explaining what smoking means to them.
However, if it is a social thing for you, don't ever make it a habit!!
Cheers mate!!

It is Indeed really really Bad

yeah!! it is!!

open writing...
followed and upvoted..

Thank you so much!!
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I do agree on everything... But i hate the people who dont care about the people around them...
Some of my friends whould just smoke in front of me.. Knowing that it makes me nauseated
Till the time you are not affecting others and works for you.... Do as you please... But do remember the little guy who used to hate it when his family member used to smoke

Indeed areeb you are right, it is our responsibility not to make it uncomfortable for the non-smokers.

Smoking Kills :P

Indeed @man-d